Şu şekilde anlatıyorlar karakteri;
As a baby, Alyssa resembled her deceased sister
Daenerys, but this resemblance faded as Alyssa aged. She became long-faced and skinny. She had dirty blonde tangled hair, without a trace of silver. She had mismatched eyes,
one violet, the other green. She had big ears and a lopsided smile. At the age of six she broke her nose, which healed crooked.
In her character, Alyssa took after her brother
Baelon. As a child, she did not act like a girl. She would dress in boy's clothes whenever possible, and preferred to ride, climb, and duel with wooden swords over more lady-like activities, and shunned the company of girls. She had a warrior's heart, according to
Archmaester Gyldayn. As a child, she refused to eat porridge.
Alyssa was strong, quick, and spirited. She loved to boast that she was "as bawdy a wench as any barmaid in
King's Landing".