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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Cletus'un full metin çevirisi gelmeyecek, şu an bildiklerimiz:
-Jinsung son anında ters akış kontrolüyle Kallavan ve Maschenny'i oldukları yere hapsetmek istemiş.
- Kallavan Jinsung'un öldüğünü söylüyor ama cesedi görünmüyor.
-Evankhell'in sahneleri var bölümde.
- Baam ölsem bile dövüşeceğim diyor ve 2. diken ve boynuzları aktifleştiriyor.
-Yuri Baam'a yardım etmek için geliyor.
Yoruma gelirsek, Baam'ın nasıl davranacağını zaten hepimiz biliyorduk. Yuri'in Chunhee'ye üstün geldiği için Baam'a yardım etmeye çalışabileceğini de konuşmuştuk geçen hafta. Eğer başka bir şey yoksa beni tatmin etmeyen bölüm, Umarım flashback sahnesi uzundur, keşke Maschenny, Elliot, Karaka'nın daha fazla sahneleri olsa.
Ölüm katında bırakmıştım tam yeniden başlayacak zaman diyorsun yani.
Seri de da iki tane dinsel atif var.hz .isanin lazarusu diriltmesi gibi baamin diriltilmesi (bana tum zombi filimleri bu mucizeye atiftir diye saniyorum.)ve hz.yusuf gibi bir kuyuya atilmasi cok acayibime gitmisti ilk basta ama her eser dinsel ogelerden beslenebilir.
Son düzenleme:
Kan istiyorum, vahşet istiyorum
Çarşı karışsın istiyorum. Birileri rage mod açsın. Berserker olsun istiyorum.

Bunca mevzudan sonrA bunlar hiç bişey olmamış gibi kaçar giderse söverim
Kallvan : Tho i got a report, This place is more of a mess than i expected. So...It's all bc of those two.

Evankhell : This is embrassing. I got another dangerous one

Elpathion : Commanderrr!
Dorian : Commader!

Everyone around : Mygoat he's here!

Kallavan : In this vast battlefield, I'm not sure if my arrival to you is bc of a coincidence- or your bad luck!

( Kalla is erupting his energy through his arm )

Endrossi : Baam!

Kallavan : !!
And you are...?
Are you the princess of zahard by any chance?

Endrossi : I am!

Kallavan : So there was a princess even among regulars. I don't get this meaning of your...deviation but i'm willing to capture you alive if possible

Endrossi : Then cum on and get moi!

Kallavan - Bomber

Endrossi : Kya!

Endrossi : Baam! Noooooo!

( Again, Kallvan takes away Endrossi like nothing. )

Kallavan : Pls step aside for a second, princess
( And binds Endrossi with his badass shinsoo attribute )

Endrossi : Dammit Let me go!

Kallavan : You're shorter than i expected. Ofc you seem to be strong for a mere regular. I have no idea if you're that worthy for Mr. Jinsung Ha, even risking his life to protect you.

Baam : ...Master? How do you know about my master...?!

Kallavan : I was fighting him.... till just a moment ago. He faced me and my troops alone to protect you.

Baam : !! You mean he got to this place?

Kallavan : Yes. It was a magnificent fight. It was such a pain when i... ripped off his arms. Those two arms are like a history of martial arts. Maybe he was enough to compete with this 'essential of fight'. He didn't deserve to die...

Karaka & YHS freak out

Baam : !!

------- 5 minitues ago before Kallavan arrived------

Fodder2 : Stopuu himmu!

Jinsung : ( Reverse flow control-!! )

( Freezes Kalla and Maschenny )

Maschenny : ( Can't even move )

Kallavan : ( Remote reverse control against two top-level highrankers...! Is he really a man who's just before the moment of his death? Can't be repectable more than this...)

Kallavan : Division Co..mmander..!! Take me to the teleportation zone in the ship with your lighthouse!!

Fodder that i forgot his name : What? Then you're going to get swept away by an explosion, too!!

Kallavan : At least i can teleport alone, if you ever make it! Hurry!


Kallavan : So that i could teleport to this place after getting into the ship which was already being destroyed. It would've been impossible without this luck and tough body of mine. Can't believe he gave a trouble to me and my troops till the end. He was very impressive.

Baam : Then...my..my master is...?

Kallavan : DeaD, probably.

Baam : He's DeaD?

Kallavan : Yeah. He was seeking one last breath just before i got here.

Endrossi : Baam! Forget about it! Our escape is the first priority!

Baam : Don't LIE to me! He can't be DeaD!

Kallavan : He was...too precious man to be dead

( Baam's shabby attack with BM but Kalla blocks it with a single hand )

Kallavan : I have no clue where you got this weapon but i guess it's too heavy for you to handle. I don't get why Mr.Jinsung has sacrificed his life for you.

Baam : (!!!!)

- BM style- flare wave control
Kallavan : It should be exactly the same explosion... but your one is not like Mr. Jinsung's.

Baam : Shut up!

Baam : Just tell me where he is!


( Baam punches so hard but can't even hurt Kallavan. )


Kallavan : Haven't i told you he's already DED...? Even if he's alive you cannot save him. Because-

You're too WEAK.

( Badass face )

Yuri moment

Chunhee: Wait Princess stop!

Yuri : ???

Chunhee : Right now, my cyclone is covering everything around us. If you and i keep this in secret, no one would ever talk about your betrayal!! Pls, don't make the stupid choice

Chunhee : Even if you're someone who always does whatever you want, You're still a princess of our family!! I actually...!!

Yuri : It's not a stupid choice.

Chunhee : Princess!!

Yuri : I'm sure of it. What i'm trying to do right now, is not stupid. What i'm going to do...will lead us to the better future. I always have wondered why i was selected to be a pincess of Zahard. Maybe i prefered my freedom more than this position as you have told me. But i know why the tower gave me this power and status. After a certain amount of time, when this world changes, i promise that i will be the princess who deserves to earn your respect. For now, Plz LET ME DO WHAT I WANT!!

( Yuri comes out )

Chunhee : Princess!!

Endrossi : Run Baam!! !?

( Yuri's bubbles )

( Yuri broke the restraint of Baam and Endrossi . )

Yuri : Baam! Are you alright?

Kallavan : ...Princess Yuri..

Yuri : Commander Kallavan. I guess this is our first encounter. You're not willing to kneel before your pincess. Don't you think you're violating the law?

Kallavan : ...Unless You're a traitor.

Endrossi : Baam Right now! Let's fuck out of here!

Baam : NO

Endrossi : What the...!?

Baam : I can't just leave behind the man who might be an enemy who has murdered my master.

----------------------------- Flashback

Jinsung : Are you leaving now?

Baam : Yes. I appreciate for your teaching so far.

Jinsung : If you want, i don't mind if you don't come back...So... be happy. That's the only reason i have taught you.


Baam : Even if i die here, i'll fight!

( Shitty ignition of the thorn like always )

Yuri: Baam?

Kallavan : .... (With badass face )
Son düzenleme:
Jinsung ölmemiş gibi bir izlenim yarattı bende.Dizi , film , anime , manhwa hepsini bir kefeye koymak tabi doğru değil ama bu tip karakterler nerede olursa olsun eğer gerçekten ölecekse genellikle bunu açık seçik gösterirler.Bu şekilde "ölmek üzereydi" ," muhtemelen" dediklerinde çoğu zaman karakter bir şekilde hayatta kalmayı başarmış oluyor.

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