Live translation:
Baam's mad af, two thorns up.
Yuri tell ndy to take Baam and flee. Baam refuses but Yuri tells him it's futile cuz it's fucking Kallavan They all poof away using green jelly; kalla is confused.
Yuri attacks Kalla using GApril
Confirmed traitor! Baam still wants to fight, does the thorn - piercing his body thing REALLY pretty shot of tears falling upward from Baam's eyes
Yuri and Kalla fighting Baam enters the fray Kalla says "Out of my way, princess. Glad you're not a coward [Baam] .
Show my why Mr. Ha Jinsung risked his life for you." First thorn Ascendant Technique: Stardust.
It's ineffective against Kalla, is dissapointed.
Hwa Ryun says Station is warping soon. Station has a self-distruct bomb.
Before Baam tries to use 2nd thorn, Karaka saves him. "How bothersome." "Is it true that my shifu is dead?" "Your master?" "Yes, Ha Jin Sung" "I too am his student."
Is an unconfirmed kill, Kalla admits, but he was close to death and surrounded by others for.
Karaka tells Baam to flee. "Master's not dead. [...] Even if he died, he put his future in your hands. He lives on in you. (And he chose you, not me.)
Run. If you die, that's when master truly dies."
Karaka Aaaaand Evankhell says hi to Kalla. Evankhell sees that Baam's attack actually expanded the wound from HJS slightly.
"Big mistake today, Kallavan (for he will come back stronger than ever when he comes back for revenge"- Evankhell "Now time for us to kill you with full power" Evankhell and Karaka We see HJS not quite dead, Maschenny about to throw the last shot.
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