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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)

o değilde bu jirounun ziyafet menüsünde 4220lvl lik canavarda varmış.
Leveli belli değil o Ashurasaurus'un. Jirou'nun menüsündeki yavrudur muhtemelen. :D

jirou reisin saldırılarından biri "kurt kralın dişleri,yükselen kurt"
ben diyorum bu adamlar krallara denk veya güçlü çıkabilir diye ama reiper kabul etmiyor.
Yanlış anlamadıysam Pair 500 yıl önce dayak yemiş Bambina'dan ve şu anki Bambina'nın eskisinden çok daha güçlü olduğunu ve MN'lerin başedemeyeceği bir seviyede olduğunu söylüyor. :D

@Shirogi(Prince of All Saiyans)

Son iki bölümü de çevirebilirsen çok makbule geçer be hacı. :D


Leveli belli değil o Ashurasaurus'un. Jirou'nun menüsündeki yavrudur muhtemelen. :D

Yanlış anlamadıysam Pair 500 yıl önce dayak yemiş Bambina'dan ve şu anki Bambina'nın eskisinden çok daha güçlü olduğunu ve MN'lerin başedemeyeceği bir seviyede olduğunu söylüyor. :D

@Shirogi(Prince of All Saiyans)

Son iki bölümü de çevirebilirsen çok makbule geçer be hacı. :D
Toriko hepsini geçecek.


Acacia'nın Şeytanı ortaya çıkacak, bu Allah'ın emri gibi bir şey artık. Buna karşı bizimkiler ne yapacak o önemli, bana pek Toriko öne çıkacak gibi gelmiyor, her daim bir takım çalışması var seride. Acacia'nın Şeytanı ben tek siz hepiniz diyebilir:D

Mavi Nitro. :(
Yok be hacı. Hani İchiryu'yu gördük. Bu kişileri felan aşacak bence bu adamlar. Ben İchiryu'nun Krallardan daha güçlü olduğunu düşünüyorum. Midora ise şu an en güçlüsüdür.
[Toriko 326 Translation by Kewl0210]
Insert: Eat and eat,
to the edge of the world!! ["eat", "edge" and "World" and "!!" green]
Bottom Left: Past the 7-Year Mark!
Toriko Opening Color Pages!!

Page 1-2:
Top Right Insert: Shimabuu's newest Gag One-Shot is running in this very issue!! And to celebrate making it past the 7th anniversary mark for Toriko, opening color pages!!
Top Red Text: Past the 7th-Year Mark!!
Blue text: Today has perfect weather
for eating too much, as well.
Bottom Right: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi
Bottom LEft: The Toriko manga starts at page 29!! Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi's special gag one-shot "The Gods of Laughter ~Final Chapter~" starts on page 225!!

Page 3:
Title: Gourmet 326 Surprising Combinations!!
Side: Waves!! Islands!! Wells!!!... Wells?!

Page 4:
Description: *Magneticlam (Jikai)
(Mollusk Beast)
Capture Level 1000
Asterisk: *Mie Prefecture's Penname Uretsu-san's work
Description: A Camping Monster that creates a special magnetic field around itself, making the area around it a Safe Zone.

Page 5:
Jiji: This guy's my villa!
The sea around us may be crazy, but we'll be safe in here!
So you can kick back 'n relax!
Komatsu: ....Um... Er...
Kick back...?
Jiji: Hey, I'll bet yer hungry, right? Go on, eat up.
Komatsu: Y... You really are the Gold Chef...
Jiji-san, right?

Page 6:
Star: This soup...
is has *"Puzzle Plankton" in it, doesn't it? [quote white]
Asterisk: Okinawa Prefecture Penname Moccha Pakeccha-san's work!!
Star: Puzzle-piece-shaped plankton with a 0,1 millimeter diameter.
By connecting them together like a puzzle, their taste can be altered infinitely. But There are hundreds of trillions of them in each swarm.
You need considerable cooking skill to complete their puzzle in a way that would bring out such a level of taste.
I would find it hard to believe he is not the "Gold Chef". [quote white]

Page 7:
Toriko: Are you on Midora's orders?
......I really can't think of any other reason...
Star: then don't ask...
The boss's goal is purely the Full Course...
I'm just trying to help achieve that goal...
Anyhow, Toriko...
I heard you obtained the Soup, 'Pair', did you?

Page 8:
Star: The Boss told me...
'Pair' has the ability to change your sex, but...
he said it unraveled a certain mystery...
Toriko: ..........
Star: This seems to be a story personal to him, but...
Midora: I know...
with certainty now...
what opponent to aim my tongue spear at...
Star: That's what he said.
Toriko: .........

Page 9:
Damala: Brunch... Are the chefs that were kidnapped by the Bishokukai
really all right?
Bru: Yeah, they're fine.
I made sure 'a that.
Once we gather all 'a Acacia's Full Course
I got Midora ta agree ta release 'em all.
'Course, who knows if 'e really will.
Komatsu: It'll be okay. I'm sure Midora-san will keep his promise!
Bru: Komatsuuuuu!!!
I'm glad ta see ya lived through that! I was real worried!!
Komatsu: Yes! Thanks to Toriko-san and the others, I was revived!
And next time it's my turn to give it my all!!
Jiji: Hoi!

Page 10:
Komatsu: It was you that wrote that
"notebook", wasn't it?
Jiji: Hoh!
Well I'll be darned...
I see, I seeee!
Never would I have dreamed
you'd be the one to find the notebook!
Toriko: Komatsu...
Is that notebook you're talking about...
Komatsu: Yes.

Page 11:
Komatsu: It's the notebook I found
in Gourmet Pyramid...!
Jiji: I recorded my most important recipes in code in that book.
Only a chef brimming with talent could decipher those.
That notebook was stolen once a hundred years ago, but...
I can't believe Komatsu-kun was the one to get it in the end. Hohhohho. Good job, quite good.
Komatsu: Now, that notebook is...
Jiji: Naw,
no need fer it.
Komatsu: Huh?
Jiji: Komatsu-kun, you've already moved beyond
the old recipes I left in there...
Even the Blue Nitro are waiting
for further good taste of the Full Course from you. ["further good taste" in italics.]

Page 12:
Sun: The Blue Nitro, waiting?
Jiji: Yep.
Coco: So you know it is, then, Jiji-san?
You know where the rest
of Acacia's Full Course is and how to cook it?
Jiji: Mm. For the most part.
Toriko: I'd really like you to tell us.
We've got a chance to eat the Gold Chef's cooking...
and I'd like to take my time to enjoy it, but we have no time.
Brunch: Ya already friggin' ate all of it!!
Toriko: There's only one month until the "Gourmet Eclipse"... [quote white]
We want to collect the rest of the Full Course at the same time.
Jiji: .........My dear...
I see...
Well then...
Yes, okay.
But I will decide who is sent where.
Toriko: Huh?
Jiji: Let's see.
Toriko: That's where your eyes are?!
In Bubble: And those are eyebrows?!!
Toriko: I thought that was a mustache!

Page 13:
Jiji: The capture difficulty varies from item to item in the Full Course.
I'll select those that have the qualities most suited to each one.
There's never been a high chance of being able to capture them before, you see.
Komatsu: ...What do you think he's looking at?
Jiji: What's yer name?
Tairan: Tairan.
Jiji: And you?
Toriko: He's probably inspecting their Gourmet Cells.
Do you remember Morijii from the bar of meetings 'Heavy Lodge' in Gourmet Town?
Komatsu: Ah, yes.
Toriko: Morijii has a great eye for seeing Bishokuyas' skill and talent... It's that kinda thing.
Jiji: Okay, got it!!
My first conclusion
is we should have the majority of you stay here in 'Area 6'!!
That's how difficult tackling this place is gonna be!!

Page 14:
Jiji: The "Eight King of the Sea" that lives here in the dark triangle of the sea the "Black Triangle" [quotes white]
is the whale that absorbs all light and matter, *"Whale King Moon"!! It also goes by the name Black Hole Whale. [quote white. "Black Hole Whale" white.]
The power of the Whale King, sung as the greatest of the Eight Kings, should let you know how very high the level of this area is.
And we'll send a few elites to each of the other areas.
Asterisk: *Gifu Prefecture's Penname Moaimo-san's work!!

Page 15:
Jiji: First, the next continent, 'Area 5'!! The greatest treasury of Gourmet World, "Food Region Forest"!!
There is where you'll find Acacia's Full Course's "Meat Dish", 'News'. And capturing it will be [News white, Meat Dish bold.]
Zebra and
Bru: Zat so?

Page 16:
Jiji: And 'Area 4'!! The beautiful floating park, "Gourmet Garden"!! [quote bold]
Capturing Acacia's Full Course's "Dessert", 'Earth', will be [Earth white, Dessert big]
Sunny and
Live: ?

Page 17:
Jiji: Next after that is 'Area 3'!! The suspension bridge in the sky spanning between cloud continents, "Developmental Fever Bridge"!! [quote white]
Capturing Acacia's "Drink", 'Atom' will be [Atom white, Drink big.]
Coco and...

Page 18:
Jiji: And 'Area 2'!! The origin of life, the "Continent of Beginnings"!! [quotes white]
Capturing the "Main Dish" of Acacia's Full Course, 'God' will be... [God white, Main Dish big]
Toriko and...

Page 19:
Jiji: Those are the members I'd like on each team!!
Sun: Objection!!
Jiji: Is everyone is able to capture their item on the Full Course, we will seek 'Area 1'!! [quote white]
There we will obtain Acacia's "Hors D'oeuvre", 'Center'!!
Nono: The phantasmal revival ingredient, Center!! ['Center' white]
Jiji: But first, with each group seeking their item on the Full Course,
let's get goin'!!!
Guys: Yeah!!!
Sun: I have an objectiooon!!
Bru: I've got an objection, too!!
Coco: G... Glad to be working with you...
Tairan: ......
Toriko: Okay...
Star: ......
Side: They say yesterday's enemies are today's whatever it is... Aw man this is gonna be rough...
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 326
/ End
Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi's Gag One-Shot "The Gods of Laughter ~Final Chapter~" starts on page 225!!
Kombolar ve malzemelerin yerlerini Jiji açıklamış. Buna göre;
5. Kıtada Zebra + Buranchi ikilisi Et Yemeği Havadisi,
4 .Kıtada Sunny + Livebearer ikilisi Tatlı Yeryüzünü,
3. Kıtada Coco + Tairan ikilisi İçecek Atomu,
2. Kıtada Toriko + Starjun ikilisi Ana Yemek Tanrı'yı, yakalayacaklar.

1. Kıtada ise Center bulunuyormuş. :D

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