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[Spoiler] Hunter x Hunter

Cin Ali bile çizse benim için sıkıntı değil, şu manga ilerlesin, belki ilerde animesi devam eder diye ümit ediyorum. :oops:
Adamın olayı örümceler değil ki. :( Akrabalarının dağılmış gözlerini toplamaya çalışıyor, artık ne yapacaksa onca gözü. :artiz: Örümceklerden intikam alıp her birini öldürse bile emeline ulaşamayacak, ondan pek önemsemiyor. Nen kaldırma olayını bile ne kadar sakin karşılamıştı hatırlasan.

lol. Nasıl okuyorsun sen. :( Son sayfada prensin beşiğinin yanında siyah bir figür belirdi ya onu hissettikten sonra başını çevirdi.
Ha :D hiç dikkat etmem öyle şeylere :D
Cin Ali bile çizse benim için sıkıntı değil, şu manga ilerlesin, belki ilerde animesi devam eder diye ümit ediyorum. :oops:
Adamın olayı örümceler değil ki. :( Akrabalarının dağılmış gözlerini toplamaya çalışıyor, artık ne yapacaksa onca gözü. :artiz: Örümceklerden intikam alıp her birini öldürse bile emeline ulaşamayacak, ondan pek önemsemiyor. Nen kaldırma olayını bile ne kadar sakin karşılamıştı hatırlasan.

lol. Nasıl okuyorsun sen. :( Son sayfada prensin beşiğinin yanında siyah bir figür belirdi ya onu hissettikten sonra başını çevirdi.
Gözlerden koleksiyon mu yapacak, aklıma sharingan geliyor ama.:D Kurapika benim kalemim değil, hem çocuk hem de sinsi, seride zorlama bir rolü var. Beyond, Pariston ve Ging gibi ağır topların yanında çerez kalıyor. Kara kıtaya Gon ile Killua'yı sokması lazım.
Gözlerden koleksiyon mu yapacak, aklıma sharingan geliyor ama.:D Kurapika benim kalemim değil, hem çocuk hem de sinsi, seride zorlama bir rolü var. Beyond, Pariston ve Ging gibi ağır topların yanında çerez kalıyor. Kara kıtaya Gon ile Killua'yı sokması lazım.
Ne bileyim yav bu seride düzgün tek bir adam yok ki. Hepsi kırık. :D Bunun da vardır illa bir kuyruk acısı. Yoksa ne diye cesetlerden arta kalan gözleri toplasın.

Gon'u sokup ne yapacak, çocuk nen neydi, ne demekti? Diyerek ders çalışıyor. :D Gerçi Kill'in girmesini ben de istiyorum da bakalım nasıl bir senaryo işlenecek.
359 Spoiler, kısa özeti Ap'den sandman'den.

- Kacho turns out to be a wicked person. She intends to kill other Princes with the help of Fugetsu.

- Kurapika finds some bodyguards are dead due to being sucked blood. Their bodies are full of holes.

- He is going to ask some questions to hunters. If they tell a lie, Kurapika's chain will react and Kurapika will shoot a gun to them.

Uzun versiyon, Ap'den YonkouProductions
So the ship left port. A female staff member explains that in 2 months they'll reach the dark continent. They'll travel 3 weeks in waters where humans fish/navigate, then enter uncharted waters, which are very dangerous because of storms and such. In a room, Gel /Cluck/ Pyon/ Ginta of the Zodiac (dunno the usual spelling) and the female doctor that appeared in the election arc are talking.

While the Kakin royals and normal travellers will get off at the dark continent, they will board Morau's ship and go to a gate where a gatekeeper is waiting. They'll build a checkpoint on a small island on the way, where Nov will manage people and goods' traffic. Tokyarine will handle the traffic from the continent to that island. Tokyarine (short thick woman with bob hair) asks for more people to help because her ability's not as good as Nov. Gel says they're searching but it's not easy.

First floor, Biondo's cell. Kanzai, Sancho and Sayuu are watching over him. They discuss that putting 3 people to guard one guy is too much.That glasses guy (?) is studying new world documents in his room

Two of his colleagues make fun of him for reading that again, as he should have memorized it already. But he urges them to read the chapter about the maze city where they're heading. It's not official, but apparently the International Travel Permission Bureau's head is one of the "sole survivors".

And glasses guy is living proof of Biondo's results, so he's not in danger of dying.3rd floor, infirmary, Cheadle and Leorio are in a hurry. They're arranging medicines and stuff for the staff. 4th floor, Royal army conference room. Mizai and military people are in a briefing3rd floor, central court. Bodobai trial in progress.1st floor, boys' toilet. Kurapika has a corpse from which all blood was removed in front of him.

Black clothes (?) says it's Woody, he found him like this when he went looking for him. The stall wasn't locked, he died between 12:15 and 12:30. No traces of the killer, which must be someone in the area. Kurapika objects and takes off the corpse's clothes, which is riddled with tiny holes. Kurapika thinks the killer used Nen, and asks black clothes to speak up if there are nen users among them, but he seems to no even know what nen is.

Kurapika orders for the corpse to be given to the royal army. He asks the hunters behind him why they didn't speak about their nen ability, but they answer back that their duty is just protecting the queen and prince, and this murder is just trouble within the army, and they don't want to get involved. Kurapika is surprised that they weren't informed of the succession conflict.

The hunters applied for this job but didnt meet the queen, so they don't know anything apparently.1st floor ceremony venue - Black clothes announces the queen will now leave the room. Benjamin thinks that the departure ceremony was a 14-battle royale, and swears that as first prince he isn't going to let anyone else get the throne. Kacho and Fuugetsu try to to leave together, saying thay have stuff to talk about.

Kacho whispers that they'll only collaborate to kill all the other princes. Once only the 2 of them remain, she (?) will ask the king (dad) to not let Fugetsu die, and to keep their friendly act in front of the cameras.

Senritsu heard it all and is kind of shocked. Back to Kurapika. 4 guards are dead, blood sucked out. Kurapika materializes his chain and has a gun. He points it at the hunters and says; "I'm going to tell you everything I know now, and ask some questions. If anyone lies, the chain spins, if the chain spins, I shoot!"

Next week, the game (killing) starts with the ship's departure horn!
359 Spoiler, kısa özeti Ap'den sandman'den.

- Kacho turns out to be a wicked person. She intends to kill other Princes with the help of Fugetsu.

- Kurapika finds some bodyguards are dead due to being sucked blood. Their bodies are full of holes.

- He is going to ask some questions to hunters. If they tell a lie, Kurapika's chain will react and Kurapika will shoot a gun to them.

Uzun versiyon, Ap'den YonkouProductions
So the ship left port. A female staff member explains that in 2 months they'll reach the dark continent. They'll travel 3 weeks in waters where humans fish/navigate, then enter uncharted waters, which are very dangerous because of storms and such. In a room, Gel /Cluck/ Pyon/ Ginta of the Zodiac (dunno the usual spelling) and the female doctor that appeared in the election arc are talking.

While the Kakin royals and normal travellers will get off at the dark continent, they will board Morau's ship and go to a gate where a gatekeeper is waiting. They'll build a checkpoint on a small island on the way, where Nov will manage people and goods' traffic. Tokyarine will handle the traffic from the continent to that island. Tokyarine (short thick woman with bob hair) asks for more people to help because her ability's not as good as Nov. Gel says they're searching but it's not easy.

First floor, Biondo's cell. Kanzai, Sancho and Sayuu are watching over him. They discuss that putting 3 people to guard one guy is too much.That glasses guy (?) is studying new world documents in his room

Two of his colleagues make fun of him for reading that again, as he should have memorized it already. But he urges them to read the chapter about the maze city where they're heading. It's not official, but apparently the International Travel Permission Bureau's head is one of the "sole survivors".

And glasses guy is living proof of Biondo's results, so he's not in danger of dying.3rd floor, infirmary, Cheadle and Leorio are in a hurry. They're arranging medicines and stuff for the staff. 4th floor, Royal army conference room. Mizai and military people are in a briefing3rd floor, central court. Bodobai trial in progress.1st floor, boys' toilet. Kurapika has a corpse from which all blood was removed in front of him.

Black clothes (?) says it's Woody, he found him like this when he went looking for him. The stall wasn't locked, he died between 12:15 and 12:30. No traces of the killer, which must be someone in the area. Kurapika objects and takes off the corpse's clothes, which is riddled with tiny holes. Kurapika thinks the killer used Nen, and asks black clothes to speak up if there are nen users among them, but he seems to no even know what nen is.

Kurapika orders for the corpse to be given to the royal army. He asks the hunters behind him why they didn't speak about their nen ability, but they answer back that their duty is just protecting the queen and prince, and this murder is just trouble within the army, and they don't want to get involved. Kurapika is surprised that they weren't informed of the succession conflict.

The hunters applied for this job but didnt meet the queen, so they don't know anything apparently.1st floor ceremony venue - Black clothes announces the queen will now leave the room. Benjamin thinks that the departure ceremony was a 14-battle royale, and swears that as first prince he isn't going to let anyone else get the throne. Kacho and Fuugetsu try to to leave together, saying thay have stuff to talk about.

Kacho whispers that they'll only collaborate to kill all the other princes. Once only the 2 of them remain, she (?) will ask the king (dad) to not let Fugetsu die, and to keep their friendly act in front of the cameras.

Senritsu heard it all and is kind of shocked. Back to Kurapika. 4 guards are dead, blood sucked out. Kurapika materializes his chain and has a gun. He points it at the hunters and says; "I'm going to tell you everything I know now, and ask some questions. If anyone lies, the chain spins, if the chain spins, I shoot!"

Next week, the game (killing) starts with the ship's departure horn!
HunterxHunter niye bir gün önceden geliyor?

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