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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)

[Toriko 324 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Guys: K...
Title: Gourmet 324 Smiling Departure!!
Author: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi
Toriko: They disappeared!!
Who was that guy...?
He looked familiar!
Zeb: Yeah, it was from the Fest...
It was that Joa bastard transformed!!
Guys: Transformed?! So it was a Gourmet Cell demon?!
Was Kaka-san killed/!
Kuri: Nah.
Don' worry.
Guys: !

Page 2:
KUri: "Food Spirits"...
can't die twice.
Guys: Ah.
The greatest pot artisen in the world, Kuribou!!
Chin: So, you made it?
Kuri: Good tuh see yuh again, Chin-san.
Chin: I've been awaiting you, Kuribou.
Kuri: I wuz so frustrated I couldn' fight here two years ago as a member of thuh 0th Biotope....
Now I'm gonna
help you all as a guide.

Page 3:
Chin: It would seem your acting as our spy in 'NEO' [quote white]
has allowed you to gather quite a bit of information...
Kuri: Well,
I pretty much figured out whut 'NEO's' goal is.
First've all, the time limit
1 month----
Tha's thuh time tuh completion 'a thuh "Gourmet Solar Eclipse". [quote white]
Chin: 1 month, is it...? That's quite soon...
So we must gather all of Acacia's Full Course by then...?
Komatsu: U-
Kuri: !
Chef Komatsu, right?
Koma: Ku...
Could I have your autograph?
Tori: Hey, you're asking that now, Komatsu?! ["Now" italics]
Kuri: Sure.
Tori: You're gonna do it, Kuribou?!!
Kaka-san said...
that at the next Solar Eclipse, the world is going to be destroyed...
Is that true?

Page 4:
Kuri: It's very credible...
In thuh last few months, thuh earth's stirred more vigorously thun ever before...
Thuh truth is, Neo...
is already completin' a ship tuh escape thuh Earth.
Guys: A ship...?!
A ship they can use to live in outer space?!
Neo has that kind of financial muscle...?
Kuri: Acacia is sung of as a hero that ended thuh 'Gourmet Wars', [quote whit]
But actually, thuh only ones he gave "God" to were thuh powerful and wealthy people 'a various countries. [quote white]
Usin' the "divine taste", he charmed thuh rich to add them under his umbrella... [quote white]
tuh get tons 'a money from their descendents.

Page 5:
Coco: So this was planned from all the way back then...?
Even the organization of 'NEO'
was part of Acacia's plan...?
Sun: So then Acacia...
is still alive now?
That's a shock...
Toriko: So does the destruction of the Earth
directly connected to the monster that's inside Acacia?
Kuri: That, I dunno.
TOriko: So is the world going to be destroyed because the monster eats it...?
Or is the simple completion of the world being cooked the cause of its destruction...?
From the way Kaka-san was talking, it sounded like the latter...
But if it's the former...
then there's a possibility of preventing that destruction...
we just need keep that monster from being revived...!!

Page 6:
Kuri: There'ss apparently a few conditions tuh fully revivin' the monster...
One 'a them is Acacia's Fish Dish, Fish Treasure 'Another'. ["Fish treasure another' white.]
It's clear that that ingredient holds a vital key tuh reviving the monster...!!
Chin: Anyhow, we must hurry...
We must collect Acacia's Full Course before them at all costs...
Yu: It's impossible.
Capturing the entire Full Course in less than a month...?
There isn't one millimeter enough time...
Chin: ......
Koma: ......
Zeb: It's only if we get 'em one at a time...
that won't be enough time...

Page 7:
Guys: Zebra!!
What do you mean?!
Zeb: Look at all the people we've got...
We'll just split up the rest 'a the Full Course
and get 'em at the same time...
Toriko: The same time...? You...
Komatsu: I was actually...
just thinking the same thing...
Toriko: Komatsu?!
Koma: Kuribou-san... Souls never die a second time, right?
Kuri: Hm?
Koma: The ability we gained from 'Pair' is the opening of a door to the "Back channel"... [quote white]
So then the next ingredient, 'Another', is in the "world of the Food Spirits", right? [quote white]
Mappy told us in 'Area 8'... There's a doors in Gourmet World that only souls can enter...

Page 8:
Guy: 'The Food Spirit Gate'-----... [quote white]
That's the name of that door...
Guys: !!
The people of the civilization...!!
Guy: We're dead people already...
so as Food Spirits we're free to come and go through that door, but...
it's true that for living people to pass through it, they need 'Pair'. [quote white]
However, whether you can come back from the "World of Souls" or not... [Quoe white]
requires luck...
and rare cooking skill...
Komatsu: .........
I'll capture 'Another'!!
Toriko-san and the rest of you, please go collect another item on the Full Course!!

Page 9:
Toriko: Komatsu...
Sun: Hold on, hold on...
Sure, Komatsu has Food Luck and cooking skill,
but it's too dangerous...!!
That monster that attacked Kaka just now is in that "Food Spirit World", right?
Guy: Yes... It's crawling with "Gourmet Cell monsters". [quote white]
And among them are ones that are plotting to revive themselves even without "hosts". [quote white]
Sun: Yeah, no way. It's too dangerous for Matsu to go on his own.
Komatsu: ......I also...
died once...
and I was saved...
because all of you risked your lives...
This time it's my turn...
to risk mine!!
Please, let me go!!
Let me be of use to all of you!!

Page 10:
Toriko: Komatsu...
Komatsu: WAaAAA
Galala: Karororo...
Koma: Toriko-saaan!!
Toriko: It's okay.
Stand back, Komatsu.
TrollKong: GOaAA
Komatsu: GYAAA! Here they come, Toriko-saaan!!
Toriko: Hang on tight, Komatsu!!
You sure have grown...
Guy: If I could interject...
I believe Komatsu-san's judgement is correct...
Actually, Komatsu-san is the only one that is eligible to go to the "Soul World". [quote white]

Page 11:
Toriko: So we wouldn't be of any help...?!
Guy: That is to say, strength serves no purpose there.
In the Soul World, it's not strength but skill at cooking "Spirit Food" that is vital. [quote white]
Komatsu: See!
Sun: See what?! The heck is Spirit Food?!
Toriko: Okay, you go, Komatsu.
Sun: Toriko!!
Coco: Hold on a minute...!
Even if we try to find the other Full Course items,
without knowing the "Capture Method" and the correct "Cooking Method" for those items, it's hopeless.
Guy: Kaka had told us this... In the next continent, 'Area 6',
a civilization still remains even now...
Guys: !
GUy: And there, one of the 'Taste Hermits', "Jiji", can be found.
The chef that was once called the "Gold Chef". [quote white]
He should know
how to cool all of the items remaining on Acacia's Full Course...!!

Page 12:
Guy: Kaka also said that it was he who
recorded the cooking methods of the Full Course in a certain notebook...
Komatsu: !
Coco: I see. The "Golden Chef", huh...? [quote white]
Sun: Hehehe. So that perv Chcichi was the "Silver Chef", huh?
Handwritten: Perv Chichi
Toriko: Anyhow, now that Kaka-san's been kidnapped... our only way of finding the cooking methods is to ask that Jiji guy.
Okay, if that's decided, let's get going!!
Sun: And at the same time, we need to deliver 'Pair'
and this continent's wealth of ingredients to Human World.
Goe: We'll take charge of delivering them.
Toriko: Ooh, Guemon, Malee!!
Monkeys: UIKKIIIH!!
Toriko: Even the monkeys of this continent!! You guys'll go, too?!!
With masters of Enbu along with 0th staff members going, we can rest easy!!
But what about a Camping Monster to transport it all...?!

Page 13:
Guys: Ukih! (Right here)
Toriko: No, not that!! The Kintounko smells awful, it'll ruin all the food!!
Though it does make for a good Camping Monster.
Shark: SHAAAH!!
Toriko: UOOH! Denshark!!
Your body already grew back, huh?!!
In Bubble: I guess because of autonomy mode
Toriko: And your cars kinda look like they're all new models.
In Bubble: Is that because of Pair?
Guys: Okay, we'll deliver them in this!
We also have the 'Crabbus' we came here in. [quote white]
It should be able to carry quite a lot of ingredients.
Toriko: Guemon! We'll carry the actual Pair.
We're gonna need it for 'Area 6'. And there's a guy I absolutely have to give it to.
Gue: HM?
Somebody you have to give it to?
Anyhow, let's scoop up as much of the soup as we can.
Kuri: Uhkay... Arriving now is...
the next Camping Monster that we'll ride in.
Guys: !!

Page 14:
GUys: OOH?!
What is that...?
A balloon?!!
Description: *Turtloon (Kikyuu)
(Reptile Beast)
Capture Level 820
Asterisk: Oosaka's 犬伏出-san's work!
Kuri: This is a Camping Monster that can freely move between land, air, and sea, thuh Turtloon. ["Turtloon" white]
As a safe zone, he's the best of whuht ya've seen so far.
Guys: So the rest of you
are coming as support, then?

Page 15:
Guys: Of course!
That's what we came here for!!
Toriko: I guess having as many chefs as possible would be a good idea!
Don't slow us down, okay, Aimaru?!!
Ai: Nonsense... In this journey
our powers will be essential...!
Guys: All right! Then let's load up our luggage onto the "Turtloon"!!
With so many more people we'll need more ingredients!!
Toriko: UWAH!! It'll be fine! You've got tons of food to take back with you!!
Calm down, Denshark!!
When you got a model upgrade did you become even more ferocious?!
Guy: ........
What caused our civilization to collapse...
was the murals carved into the ruins...
Toriko: Hm?

Page 16:
Guy: In order to glean important information from that mural
the Blue Nitro entered our kingdom.
Thinking Kaka had betrayed them, the monkeys of the kingdom started a rebellion...
and in short order
our civilization reached its end.
We were mistaken......
The mural in those ruins were not something that called misfortune...
It was something...
to bring humans......
and monkeys...
and Nitro all smiles...
And now again, like long ago...
everyone was able to have a meal together
together with the monkeys of the continent...
Thank you...
Thank you all so much.
Toriko: I'm glad we got to see the smiling faces of you guys that were here before...
We promise we'll save Kaka-san.
And then we can all have a party together again!

Page 17:
Guys: Okay,
let's depart!!
Toriko: Iai-Aye!!
Thanks for everything!
And to you monkeys of the continent...
we really owe ya!!
Thank you all so much!!

Page 18:
Toriko: You have my gratitude...
Continent of 'Area 7'...
Monkey King Bambina.

Page 19:
Toriko: Okay, our target is 'Area 6'!! [quote white]
Fish Treasure 'Another'!!!
And beyond that!!!
Let's goooo!!!
Guys: HUh?
It's so slow.
This Tutloon is slooow!!
Menu: Gourmet World Menu 3
Side: Climbing, dancing, fighting... After growing a bit, they head on to their next trial---!!
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 324
/ End

4.Bölge'nin kralı Anne Yılan'mış Derous gibi duruyordu haritada :( vaktinde 6.Bölge'nin kralı ile kapışmışlar, Anne Yılan'ın o zamandan kalma ayak izleri(!) kasırgalara sebep oluyormuş hala...Altın Şef Jiji ile Starjun ve Brunch da olay yerine intikal etmiş bulunuyorlar.
[Toriko 325 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Someone: The Black
Insert: And they're off, riding through the skies on their Turtloon~~!!
Title: Gourmet 325 Furious Direct Hit!!
Kuri: Yup.
It's thuh region 'a the ocean in thuh center of 'Area 6'.
So this region on the 'Real Globe'...? [quote white]
Author: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi

Page 2:
Kuri: It's thuh dark waters that swallow everything, thuh "Black Triangle". [quote white]
It's said that once a meteorite the size 'a thuh moon dropped intuh that black sea and just disappeared.
Nobody knows whut happened...
It's probably in one 'a the 10 darkest regions in all 'a "Gourmet World".
Toriko: A meteorite the size of the moon, without a sound...?!
Coco: There are a few regions of like the "Bermuda Triangle" in Human World where boats and planes go missing, but... [quote white]
none of them are nearly as enigmatic...
Kuri: And said to be calmly swimmin' through that black sea
is Fish Treasure 'Another'!!

Page 3:
Kuri: In thuh wake of 'Another'
there's an incredibly beautiful "Stardust River" [quote white]
that flows through that pitch-black world.
Toriko: But of course, we don't know where in that region 'Another' is passing through, right?
Kuri: Yup.
Though depending on the season, there are many "Stardust Rivers" visible.
But most of them belong to Another's 'children'.
Tori: Children?!
Kuri: Thuh habitat of the parent 'Another'
and the one place it shows itself every 100 years is thuh center of thuh "Black Triangle'/
Tha's where we'll capture 'Another'!!

Page 4:
Coco: I see... So it's a question of how we capture that region of the sea...?
Sun: First off, what route, land sea or air, do we take to get to that region?
Ah, I guess there ain't any land. So sea or air...
Kuri: We probably can't by air.
Ai: Hm? Really?
May I interject?
Could I have one drop of 'Pair'?
Just a drop is fine.
Toriko: What're you gonna do, Aimaru?
Ai: This is a 'Real Globe' developed by the IGO.
It reproduce terrain in detail based on images captured by satellite.
But it's not just terrain. It's also equipped with gravitational devices.
Live: This globe looks to be at about a 1 to 150 million scale.
Ai: Of course, there are many places in "Gourmet World" that satellites can't capture, but...
first let me try...
placing a drop of Pair in the center, here.

Page 5:
Ai: Right now, where we are currently located...
"Gourmet Slime Mold"----
Guys: ----What's that?!
It's bacteria!!
Slime mold!!
Coco: They're amoeba-like protozoa...
I've heard of them.
I believe they are able to efficiently find the optimal route from food source to food source in complicated mazes.
Ai: "Gourmet Slime Mold" is an organism that only reacts to delicious gourmet ingredients. [quote white]
The tastier its prey is, the more optimal a path it will take.
And any route shown on this map
will be highly compatible with one in the real world.

Page 6:
Ai: So the optimal route to 'Another' is...
this, is it-----?!
Sun: Seriously?!
Toriko: That's really awesome if you're right, Aimaru!!
Sun: We could use this to find routes to other items in the Full Course if we know a lot about where it is, right?
Ai: Yes! If we know where to look.
Live: The ability to control bacteria, eh? What an odd ability~~~
I'll bet that comes in handy for preserving ingredients.
A very appropriate ability for the group that advocates a simple diet, the Gourmet Knights.
Ai: There are some bacteria that affect the brain of other organisms.
Certain species of fungus that have the ability to invade the heads of ants, take over their minds, and control them...
But there actually exist "dark techniques" that use them to cook. [quote white]

Page 7:
Yuda: ------!!
A "dark technique" that utilizes bacteria...?! [quote white]
Ai: I learned about them just before the fest
because Pukin-san brought him along to see me. ["him" in italics.]
Toriko: ......Him?
Chiyo: Th...
That "Dark Technique"...
It can't be......
The one who used it was...
Ai: ----That's right.
Someone: Th... There are tornadooooes!!!
Guys: !

Page 8-9:
Guys: WH...
TOriko: Th...
They're huge!!
Sun: And, uh, are these tornadoes going sideways?!!
Koma: No, they're just moving at insane trajectories!!
Kuri: "Mother Tornadoes"!!
The footprints left behind by 'Area 4's' Mother Snake of the "Eight Kings" when it passed through here long ago...
are the paths of these tornadoes!!
Someone: A Mother Snake?!
It made things like this just by passing through?!
There are rumors that at that these tornadoes arose from a fight between it and the member of thuh "Eight Kings" from here, 'Area 6', but...
anyhow, thuh strength of these tornadoes on this path haven't weakened since ancient times!!
It's a region of Gourmet World's skies you can't enter!!
Guys: So that's why you said we couldn't go by air...?
If we get sucked into one of those, we'll die.
Drop altitude, Turtloon!!
We'll go by sea!!

Page 10-11:
Toriko: -----!!
What the heeeeell?!! The sea heeeere!!!
Th... The land masses are moving at high speed!!!
Guys: Those're thuh famous "Conveyor Belt Islands" of 'Area 6'!!
Islands that're pushed around and around by powerful sea currents!!
Thuh famed "Cray Merry-Go-Land"!! [quote white]
Let's carefully land on one of these islands!!
Guys: Can we even do that?!
If we don't, we'll die!!
We really don't want the Turtloon to fall into the water before entering "Diving Mode"!! [quote bold]
Toriko: Oh!!
The conveyor belt island stopped!!
Now!! Let's land!!

Page 12:
Guys: !!
Komatsu: DOaAAA
It's a monsteeeer!!
Kuri: It's a "Namibouzu"!!
Asterisk: *Hyougo Prefecture's 上野滉平-san's work!
T/N: Based on the legendary sea spirit "Umibouzu" but with the word for "wave" instead of "sea".
Description: *Namibouzu
(Sea Current Beast)
Capture Level 1600

Page 13:
Guys: Aw man!
It's gonna swallow uuuus!!
Nami: !
Guys: !?
What's going on?!
They're getting shocked by electricity?!!

Page 14:
Toriko: UWAaA
The waves are on firrre!!
Toriko: Lightening and...
Th... These techniques...

Page 15:
Toriko: Could it be...?
Guys: Looks like tha Namibouzu's weakness----...
is the top 'a its head.
But 'a course, sea water's
a good conductor fer electricity.
Toriko: B...

Page 16:
Toriko: .........!!
Why are you here...?
Star: I'll explain later...
Right now...
there are more coming.
Guys: !!

Page 17:
Guys: !!

Page 18:
Guy: Hoooi! You guuuys!
Over 'eeeere!
Guys: !!
Asterisk: *Yamagata Prefecture's 阿部祐太郎-san's work!
Jiji: Hohhohho.
Box: *Gunman Sunfish
(Fish Beast)
Capture Level 1800

Page 19:
Guys: .........
Who's that?!
Komatsu: Could it be that...
Jiji: I came ta meetcha!
Hurry down onto this island!
Box: 'Gold Chef'
Side: Area 6 is truly stormy!! And the last of the Three Chefs comes to mee them...!!
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 325
/ End

4.Bölge'nin kralı Anne Yılan'mış Derous gibi duruyordu haritada :( vaktinde 6.Bölge'nin kralı ile kapışmışlar, Anne Yılan'ın o zamandan kalma ayak izleri(!) kasırgalara sebep oluyormuş hala...Altın Şef Jiji ile Starjun ve Brunch da olay yerine intikal etmiş bulunuyorlar.
6. bölgede ki kralın ayak izi olmasın ? Yılanda ayak olmaz :/

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