Summary by Lens:
- Lilial wants to use Sea Snake to kill Baam.
- Endorsi doesn't know Baam's current strength, so she wants to help him in the fight, but after he invokes the Orb she understands that Baam is actually telling everyone to leave because it would only hinder him.
- Basically, Baam wants to use ren to test his strength, because in the fight against White, he says he went into berserker mode and his barriers were broken and something inside him woke up, so he thinks that if it were now, the result would be different.
- He continued doing image training, finding more subtle ways to release the strength within him
- Using mimesis with Leviathan is much more difficult for him than BT and RT because it's like it has its own will and is very violent, so Baam discovered that using water dragons (YHS technique) with the orb using the power of levi, he can use Shinsoo increasing his strength constantly. From my understanding, it's similar to the technique he used to get past Kallavan's barriers on the first wall, but much more powerful.