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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

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Narrator: Before the battle of the Nest

N: Lo Po Bia Mothership

Lo Po Bia Traumerai: It's been a while, Zahard. /// It's Gustang, isn't it?

Zahard: Yes.

LPBT: I heard the gist of it. // I heard he said there will be a divide.

Z: That's a declaration of war. /// I heard from reports he's collecting the core of his troops at his mothership. /// It seems that Gustang thinks the Irregular that entered the Tower will be someone special like us. /// Traumerei, what do you think?

LPBT: ... I don't know. // But the moment I learned of the existance of that boy, my nightmares started again. /// I want to test him. /// But if you don't like that, Zahard...

Z: No. // Test him. /// But Traumerei, // I would prefer it if this doesn't end up becoming a conflict bewtween the Zahard and the Po Bidau faumily. Then again, this incident is too big to move the Khun Family, Arie Family, or the Ha Family over for...

LPBT: Got it. /// My family will face the Po Bidau family. // That's what you wanted, rigt? /// But I do have one condition.

Z: Condition?

LPBT: I want to see the Irregular for myself. /// I want to test the Irregular // and if I can verify he really does have potential to become a being like us, ///

Z: If you verify?

LPBT: I will take that Irregular- /// and use him for war against Gustang. /// I will wed him with the most fitting member of my family, // Make him my successor, /// And I will use him as a Thorn that isn't pointed against you but against him. /// That is my way.

Z: Sure. Do as you please. /// But tell me more about your nightmares. // Do you still not remember?

LPBT: I can't. // I know it's a nightmare, but when I wake up, I can't remember the details. /// It's definitely a memory completely I fed to Leviathan, /// I wonder why they're resurfacing and making things difficult for me. /// I just don't know... /// What kind of a memory is it // that I'm suffering like this from it?

Season 3 - Declaration of War

N: The Prison where Khun and the others are in.

Khun AA: ... You're out here again.

Hwaryeon: You're here again? // Did someone come to see you or something? /// Did you actually have any contact on the Po Bidau side?

KAA: I saw Rachel.

HR: ... Ah... // Why is she here?

KAA: I don't know. // It seems she found herself a pretty reliable sponsor here. /// She offtered to get me out of here. /// What about the others?

HR: Of course stuck in their rooms. // In this prison, the people in each cell can come out in rotations three hours a day // just 30 minutes, alone, in to the living room.

KAA: ... I don't know what sorcery you're using, but you seem to be out here whenever you want.

HR: Well, I am a guide. /// So why is Rachel offering to free you?

Khun: I don't know. She's not telling me anything, just offering to let me go. // I don't know what she's thinking... /// I'll have to get out to find out.

HR: Isn't that a good thing? // Once you get out, isn't it easy for you to deal with her?

KAA: ... No. For some reason, // I got a bad feeling about this.

N: The Next Day

KAA: He's glaring at me so hard // His glare might break through those glasses.

Po Bidau Bellerir: Hey kitty! /// Congrats on being a free man now! /// Now, shall we get going?

KAA: I really was freed. // Looks like this nutjob's got some connections.

Rachel: Where should we go during the down time?

PBB: Hmm... Well, we should get him dressed up. // Get him some perfume. /// He needs to look the part.

Rachel: Alright then. Let's go to the shop first.

KAA: Hmm? /// "No War?" /// (Grafitti artists drawing on the wall) /// Is the war Ascencio was talking real? // Looks like the news is all over the mothership.... /// Of coruse they would be afraid, if they're hearing about the breakout of a war of a size they never experienced. /// Even for a family head, this would be pretty difficult to deal with...

N: The Suit Shop

Rachel: Woah...! /// What do you think?

PBB: Perfect! /// The clean look really suits him.

KAA: What are
hm. zahard gustang'la uğraşmak istemiyor. zaten isteseydi bütün aileyi (gustang dahil) katletmişti saniyesinde. ama neden işi traumerei e bıraktı? garip
Tower of God redditinin discorduna parça parça resimler düşüyor. Bölüm özetleri de verilmiş. Telefonda olduğum için üşeniyorum şu an.

Uzun zamandır görmediğimiz biri.

hm. zahard gustang'la uğraşmak istemiyor. zaten isteseydi bütün aileyi (gustang dahil) katletmişti saniyesinde. ama neden işi traumerei e bıraktı? garip
Öyle saniyede katledemez hem de Gustang dahil olarak.
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Zahard savaşa dahil olursa muhtemelen diğer ailelerin de dahil olabileceğini düşünüyor. Özellikle Ha ve Koon ailesinin dahil olmasını istemediği için bunu iki aile arasındaki çekişme gibi gösterecek. Zahard kral olmasına rağmen öyle on aileden birini diğerleri ile danışmadan gidip yok edemiyor muhtemelen. Kendi aralarında bağlayıcı kurallar mevcut.
Zaten liderlerin hepsi kule içinde ölümsüz. Ve zahard birlikleri diğer ailelerin birleşimi. Kral zahard olabilir ama öyle tüm aileleri karşısına almak gibi bir gücü yoktur.

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