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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

???: Lord Yama! We've got trouble!
Yama: What is it?
???: Uh... sir, you see, below the cage...the 4th Corps flagship is approaching us!!
Yama: What!? How did that big thing make it here so quickly... did it have some kind of a a stealth feature?! Go stop it! Don't let it approach the Cage under any circumstances!

[52F VS Kallavan 04]

Baam: I can feel it. The power of the sorcery Mr. White's using. The power of countless souls are coming out of his body and forming his blade. I clearly understand now how he uses the spell. He's showing it to me, as if he's provoking me.
Karaka: Viole!! Don't worry about their fight right now. Now is our chance. Let's go undo the spell cast on the walls!
Baam: Yes, Mr. Karaka!
Yuker: Are they coming..!

Hwaryun: Wait Baam!!
Baam: Ms Hwaryun?
Hwaryun: The situation's changed at the Cage. They can't launch the Needle right now. The enemy flagship is approaching the cage.
Baam: What?!

Doom: Damn, since when did their flagship get so close to the Cage...?!

Khun: Did their ship have a stealth feature?! We got duped.

Dowon: What's going on here... When did the flagship get there!! Why are they approaching so closely? This is trouble, if two ships of that size go into melee, countless people will die, we have to save them!!
Cha: Wh...which side?
Dowon: YES!
"The Fourth Corps Flagship will self destruct. Get away as far as possible - Luchi"
Dowon: Luchi..? How is Luchi here...?

Yama: I'll blow it up all away!!
???: You can't Lord Yama!!
Yama: What? Why?!
???: A capital ship that size has gigantic Shinsoo-powered Engines. If it explodes here, it will kill all of our soldiers near the Cage as well!! If that is the case, we will take heavy damage too, unable to fire the needle. Our best option is to abandon ship, evacuate everyone, and detach the Needle launcher.
Yama: Keuk... got it.

[4th Corps Flag Ship interior Engine Room]

Luchi: Keep your promise this time.
Lyboric: You sure are doubtful, considering that we are of the same family.

Adio: (Isn't it BECAUSE you're the same family he should doubt you?)
Luchi: Shut up! You know what you did!
Lyboric: You saw with your own eyes. All of your allies that were imprisoned are being put on a drone transport and sent outside of the walls. Now it's your turn to keep your promise.
Luchi: ... Okay.

Soldier 1: W... what's going on, how is the ship over there? At this rate, they're both going to blow up together!
Soldier 2: Sir, perhaps someone's infiltrated the ship?

Ari Bright Sharon: What's going on, should I get back in the ship?
Kallavan: Under the authority of the Fourth Army Corps Commander, nobody will stop the ship!
ABS: Commander Kallavan?
Kallavan: The ship will explode with the Cage!! If we try to stop it, only more of our men will be lost!! All soldier are to remain calm and keep fighting away from the Cage!!

[Null Essence: Atomic Screw]

White: He's withstood His Majesty's Cullanen until now. He's a marvelously tenacious man. Ironically, the biggest damage he's taken right now now is the crack on his right arm left by the Slayer Candidate. This is an insult to the honor of his majesty!!
White: It's been fun fighting you, but his majesty hungers now, so he will end this and take your soul.

[White Style Swordplay: Lifeshortener - Azure Jade Single Pierce - Blade of the Glorious Reaper (靑玉一剡輝光死者劍)]

Kallavan: Is my right arm already at its limit? If I keep trying to tank the damage, I will hurt my whole body. If that's the case, I must abandon my right arm.
White: Impressive, this is. By exploding your right arm, you blocked the attack of his majesty?
White: Did he just use the energy of the explosion to create for himself a new arm?
Kallavan: All better now. Let's keep going.
White: You're sickeningly tough.

Baam: What do I do? At this rate, the Cage is going to be in trouble.
White: I'll show you how to set this power ablaze. You'll need it.
Baam: If I used the power of the souls within me like Mr. White said, maybe I'll be able to do something? That power, and that ability of the second thorn I used on the hidden floor accidentally, the ability to teleport. Maybe if I combined the two, maybe I'll be able to do something. But is that the right thing to do? Burning away all these souls to save the people I want to save? No, what am I thinking? Countless people died here believing in me already. There is no point in pretending I'm the good guy all by myself. If they resent me, so be it. There's no excuses for me anyway. This is my responsibility. This is my duty to everyone I've brought here!!! I need to use every power I can!

Gardiyanın paraziti ile dikeni birleştirdi demek. Paraziti 43. kattaki salak kadar bile kullanamıyor olması sıkıntı gerçi. Diken ile beraber kullanırsa shinsoo direnci Baam karşısında anlamını tam yitirir. Yani Kallavan'ın mertlik özünün etkisi kalmaz. Gerçi o karışıma mertlik özü de eklenir yakında. Güç zehirlenmesi geçirmesi gereken isim Zahard değil de Baam olmalıydı. :)
2. Thornu ve ruhların gücünü aktifleştiriyor. Sanırım bilinçsizce kullanmasından kastı veri dünyasında zahard’dan kaçarken kullanması. Işınlanmayı kullanacak ama cage’i mi ışınlar başka bişey mi yapar bilemedim.
hain sandığımız koon ailesi üyesi de hain değilmiş. Arkadaşlarını kurtarmak için girmiş bu işe. Dowon da bunların tarafında dahil olacak artık. Kurtarılacak kişi sayısı arttı
Baam işi kaptı sonunda sanki.Hala çok toy ama bizimki.Az bir zaman atlamasi lazim bence.Baksana güçlü adamların hiçbiri ateşleme falan uğraşmıyor direk kullaniyor.

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