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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Beyaz durmadan eski ben şöyle yenerdim,böyle teklerdim diyordu. Şimdi eski gücünde galiba. Şimdi doğrumu söylüyormuş anlayacağız.
Kallavanı alamıyacak bence boş güç gösterisi yapıcak sonrada ordan uzaklaşıcak. Viole ordan kaçıp mührü bozucak sonrada yama vs kedi görücez gibi.
Cehennem treninden beri eski halimi görecektiniz goygoyu yapıyor.Kallavan'ı indiremese de Zahard ordusuna sağlam bir darbe vuracağına inanıyorum.
baam blokladı.
Paul: The wind's like whips!
Doom: Dodge!
Doom: Damn, that's one crazy motherfucker!
Pocket: Lord Doom!
Doom: Ken Hong?
Ken Hong: The rookies have a plan!! Please take a moment to listen! [Tower of God 52F VS Kallavan 02]
Lepavuv: Damn, where'd she go? I though she was dead... There's no body... is she really still alive? Better use the connected Lighthouses. Evankhell: What the fuck is going on... I could have sworn I read the direction accurately, but she isn't here...
Ancient One: So now your life is important to you? That is unlike your normal self. Evankhell: I like fighting, but I don't like meaningless sudden deaths like this. Going outside immediately is dangerous. If someone could shoot bullets that powerful without any restrictions, that would be a balance breaker. There's no way for that to be the case. They probably got that ability in exchange of a restriction from the Floor Administrator. Floor Administrators generally put a limit on abilities too powerful, because they threaten the balance of the Tower. Of course, every once in a while you see monsters that break those limits, the one that shot me probably is the opposite case where she got such power with a restricting condition. They get a powerful single shot, but in exchange for a strong rebound. Or something like that. They are probably the type to go up the ranks by sniping high-ranking targets in the chaos of battle.
Evankhell: Hey did you find it yet? They moved the lighthouses.
Hockney: I'm looking for all possible routes, but I'm not seeing an angle you can snipe from. I think the best course of action would be to wait for Leesoo as Khun said...
Evankhell: What? Wait for him in times like this? His face looks less of a genius and more of a hard worker at best-
Leesoo: Found it!!
Hockney: Leesoo! Did you really find it?
Evankhell: Really?

Leesoo: It's a theory, but a solid one. Hockney, I looked at the trajectory you sent me and found no place where the sniper could have been. But then I kept examining the area with my Observer, and I noticed that some of the rubble were moving against the flow of Shinsoo in the area.
Hockney: That means..
Leesoo: The sniper is moving the rubble to hide themselves. Whether it be using Shinsoo or something else, it's a high-level technique. I used the Observers to calculate how the rubble would drift in the Shinsoo. I did it for all the possible routes, and found the one place where you could snipe from! I have my observer up, wanna connect it to the Lighthouse?
Hockney: Got it. (He calculated all that in such a short time? Both Khun and this guy...) Give me a moment. Hockney: !! There really is! A Sniper's dummy!
Leesoo: Good!
Evankhell: Nice job, genius! You really did work hard to get here!
Leesoo: Yeah, well,, hehe... wait why am I crying? Evankhell: Well then, I'm gonna go kill-
Hockney: Wait, Lady Evankhell! Khun said he had a request for a plan- Evankhell: A plan? [5 Minutes Later - Now] Khun: How is everythign Evankhell? Evankhell: Found it. A teleportation device in a wrecked ship that still works.
Khun: Good! Get me connected, I'll give you my Lighthouse Code. The ones on the ships are all purpose, so connection is easy.
Evankhell: Are you telling me this plan will really work?
Khun: I mean, you will probably have to visit heaven or hell and come back, but this is the fastest method possible. Just trust me.
Evankhell: You have a way of saying the scariest things so nonchalantly, you know?
Khun: Leesoo, you at the spot?
Leesoo: snifle Well, I'm here. Doesn't look like there are any observers around. I think there's no guards specifically because they didn't want to draw any attention.
Khun: Good. All according to the plan. (why are you crying?)
Leesoo: (Shut up) Do you think we can really do it?

Khun: It'll be fine. Let's trust in the reaction speed of the Observer.
Leesoo: Yeah, the distance is a bit iffy. Well, be careful Khun!
Khun: Roger. Let's go!
Doom: Eck! They are really here?
Khun: You heard it from Hong, right? Please help us out! Fly full speed!
Ken Hong: Arf Arf!
Doom: Can't be helped! Cover them Paul!
Paul: Got it!
Ken Hong: Noo!!!
Khun: Hong?! Ken Hong: Keep going! Beyond the wall! Avenge my father!
Khun: damn... Now! Ready?
Leesoo: Ready!
Evankhell: Then here I go!!!
Lepavuv: I see her! She really was alive! And this time she's moving linearly. She really has no chill. Does she think my contract limit is at one shot? She's charging without even flames around her. Is this like "shoot me if you dare? Or maybe she can't use her fire any more? She seems to have had a change in form. I'm not sure if she's trying to confuse me or if she's really that confident, but sorry to say, my shots are faster than the human eye. A sniper needs no doubts!
Leesoo: Fire!
Lepavuv: She dodged it! How?!
Khun: Even Evankhell can't dodge the bullet of a High Ranker Sniper. But if an Observer gives a signal when the shot goes off, she can! There is the travel time to dodge it. And just below where Evankhell came out of, where the bullet is headed is the teleportation device linked to my Lighthouse. The bullet will be transmitted to my Lighthouse through the teleportation device, and will pierce Dokoko's core. When there's such powerful piece on the battlefield, using them is quite fun.
Khun: There! How are you feeling now White?
Baam: Eh? What the?
Kallavan: A shield. He's keep getting something new. Well, time to put it to the test.
Baam: It's whatever now! Baam: Blocked it! Somehow I blocked it this time, but I don't know how to use it and my power's running rock bottom. I think one or two hits is all I can take.
Kallavan: In my way! Karaka: keuuk!
Baam: Mr. Karaka!
Cha: Don't worry, I got him!
Baam: Mr. Cha! Cha: (this should be fine, right?)
Cha: Woah! Who the fuck are you?!
???: I am Sir Kallavan's servant. All who dare face him must face me first.
Cha: I'm getting bad vibes from you...
Cha: Lord Viole!
Baam: it broke! It won't hold, and the attacks are getting stronger!

Kallavan: Last shot. Baam: Another incoming! Too late-
Baam: Is that... White?
White: Looks like the first sacrifice to be recorded on His Majesty's Triumph of return will be you, Kallavan

su fanart nereden? acayip guzel
White’ın o kadar çabası banasını geçmekti. Babası da şuan aktif kişiler arasında rank 3’te yer alıyor. Zahard ve urek’ten sonra geliyor.

white’ı hapseden kişinin 36 rank’lı arie hagipherione olma ihtimali de yüksek. Arie ailesinden olan başka güçlü prenses bilmiyoruz.

bu adam rank 100’dedir en az. Kallavan’ı yeneceğini sanmam ama ha jinsung kadar performans gösterir bence.
yuri fanlarına özel
Bacak boyu biraz kısa olmuş fakat güzel. Adamın instagramı var mı?

White’ın o kadar çabası banasını geçmekti. Babası da şuan aktif kişiler arasında rank 3’te yer alıyor. Zahard ve urek’ten sonra geliyor.

white’ı hapseden kişinin 36 rank’lı arie hagipherione olma ihtimali de yüksek. Arie ailesinden olan başka güçlü prenses bilmiyoruz.

bu adam rank 100’dedir en az. Kallavan’ı yeneceğini sanmam ama ha jinsung kadar performans gösterir bence.
Katılıyorum. Kallvan'ı yenemeyebilir fakat epey zorlayacaktır.

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