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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)

Doğru düzgün ingilizce metin yok. Ama anladığım kadarıyla Kaka mavi nitroymuş sanırım. Birde Kaka'nın yanındaki Komatsu zehirden klonmuş.
Çekirdek dişlerine tükürdüğümün tipsizi illa bir adilik yapacak. Coco zaten anlamıştı olayı Komatsu'yu korumak için zehirden klon yapmış demekki mavi nitro olmasına rağmen bunu anlayamaması ayrı bir mallık ama neyse Banbina oyunu böldü diye öldürür bu bölüm
İngilizce metin:
There's our twist.

[Toriko 313 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Guys: Between the four of us we have a total of
240 trillion united cells!!!
Insert: They combine their strengths with their cells levels---!!
SFX: NIH (Grin)
Guys: !!
Title: 'Toriko'

Page 2:
Right: Kaka was about to lay hands on Komatsu while he was in critical condition!! ...But?!
Title: Gourmet 313 That Person!!
Author: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi

Page 3:
Kaka: !!

Page 4:
Narration: Just before the four of them launched their combined attack on the Monkey King,
Sunny wrapped the entire ring in his hair.
"Hair Dome".
He didn't have the slightest intention of cutting off their path of retreat at this point,
it was the fight itself he was masking.
So it could not be seen from the outside...
So the he could be certain that the fight...
would not meet the eyes of that person... ["that person" in italics.]

Page 5:
Bam: UIIH!
Guys: !!

Page 6:
Bam: !
Bam: !

Page 7:
Toriko: There!
Bam: !
Zeb: OAa
Zeb: GU

Page 8:
Toriko: ............
No doubt about it.
Sun: Yeah.
Coco: It's clear as day now...!!

Page 9:
Coco: The "true nature of Enbu"!! [quote bold]
Narration: Not only twice, but three times...
the Monkey King performed the same "games". [quote big/bold]
First jyanken, then acchi muite hoi,
then hiza kakkun to arm wrestling...
It could have been a coincidence, or----
The four of them setup a plan.
Three days earlier----
when the 4 of them were starting their Enbu training...

Page 10:
Toriko: Huu...
'Enbu' is damn hard...
Sun: Anyway, Coco.
I'm amazed you were able to replace your legs with poison in 0.1 seconds like that.
And even replace Zebra with a poison doll earlier...
You really are a fortune teller.
Coco: .......
Everyone, lend me your ears for a minute......
No, your eyes. Look here, would you?
Zebra, please turn everyone's voices into "Otodama".
T/N: Otodama = Voice Bullet
Narration: That is when Coco began to use talk
using poison-----
In other words, this was information that he did not want someone
to overhear---
Coco: After that 0.1 second long event we experienced yesterday,
I remembered something...

Page 11:
Coco: A few days ago when Kaka was guiding us around the ruins of that civilization
there was a 'mural' that happened to catch my eye.
Toriko: Mural...?
Sun: Yeah. I do remember there being ones with cooking recipes on them.
They were all over the place, though......
Coco: The one that I happened to see before we left was...
a drawing I could not believe was a method for cooking----
Strong electromagnetic waves----

Page 12-13:
Coco: Wh...
What is this...?
There's a vast number of murals.

Page 14:
Coco: Drawn on them were creatures that looked like two monkeys...
Almost like 'kata' in a martial art...
or perhaps it was just pictures of two monkeys playing around...
T/N: Here a 'kata' is a standard form of a movement, posture, etc.
Coco: I didn't really think anything of it at the time, but...
thinking back on it now...
The first drawings matched with what the Monkey King did
in those 0.1 seconds----!!

Page 15:
Coco: The reason I was able to react so instantaneously back then...
is likely because my memories of those drawings affected my fortune telling...
Were those 0.1 seconds really the Monkey King's "games"...?
Was that really 'acchi muite hoi' and 'hiza kakkun' and 'arm wrestling'...?
Sunny: .........
So you're saying...
Coco: This is just a theory, but...
if what the Monkey King was doing which we thought were meant to be "games",
were in fact 'Enbu'...

Page 16:
Coco: then could they be a "dance" with a set 'kata' to them?
In other words, what if his goal is to perform a "Monkey Dance",
and that is why 'Enbu' exists...?
Toriko: Those murals... that dance is the Monkey King's goal?!
In other words... that's how to obtain Pair?!!

Page 17:
Coco: I'm not sure...
But I think it is worth testing.
The last of those murals
was a picture of many people filled with joy...
having a meal...
Sun: About... how many of those murals were there in total, do ya think?
Coco: Around 1000... Though several were broken so I couldn't see all of them...
I did memorize all of the ones I did see.
Sun: Good going, Coco!!
Coco: But with the Monkey King having performed around 10 moves in just 0.1 seconds...
that means even if we do all 1,000 of them, the dance would be over in only 10 seconds...
Regardless, we will not be able to perform such a stunt unless we master 'Enbu'.
We must learn 'Enbu' no matter what it takes...
And if that really is the true method for obtaining 'Pair'...
Then that means we...

Page 18:
Coco: absolutely not let that person...
know about it...!!
Toriko: We messed up the 7th mural...
Coco: There, we need to do a full rotation and then land!!
Zeb: Hmph. Yeah, I know...

Page 19:
Zeb: Hm?
His balls are getting bigger.
Guys: Ooh!!
No, wait...
Guys: Isn't the Monkey King's entire body getting bigger?!
His power that was being suppressed before is expanding!!
We've gotta hurry!!
Insert: A clue has been found!!
Toriko: We can do it if we have 10 seconds!!
C'mon, Monkey King!!
Let's perform a wild "Monkey Dance" that'll make Pair ring!! [quote white]
Title: Toriko
...Gourmet 313
/ End
Kaka zaten Gurme pramidin'de belliydi ne olduğu ben hiç güvenmedim ki :D
Atma Recep, din kardeşiz. :D Kaka Gurme Piramidi'nde hiç gösterilmedi, sadece kaçtığı söylenmişti ama Coco'nun bakışlarından mevzu çok belliydi. Hatta Komatsu'ya zehir klonu yapacağı da çok barizdi. Ama Chichi sandan sonra ulan belki iyidir bu da diyordum, niyetini belli etti maalesef. :D
Maymun kralın oynadığı oyunlar(bilek güreşi, taş- kağıt-makas vs.) Pair'in olgunlaşması ve elde edilmesi için gerekli olan Maymun Dansı'nin bir parçasıymış sanırım. Bu dansı yapabilmek için Enbu bilmek gerekliymiş.

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