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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Yeni powerup geliyor gibi. Ve inşallah şu lanet dikenden güçlü olur. Biz baam ı kendi gücünden dolayı seviyorduk. Diken saçmalığını geldiğinden beri hiç sevmemiştim.
Yeni powerup geliyor gibi. Ve inşallah şu lanet dikenden güçlü olur. Biz baam ı kendi gücünden dolayı seviyorduk. Diken saçmalığını geldiğinden beri hiç sevmemiştim.
Çoğu seviyecinin birçok itemi var. Bu Diken'i de böyle düşünmek lazım. Baam'ın da ileride silahı,zırhı vs. olacaktır.

Bu arada 231 konuşmalar...
Khun : Now I can understand why Baam was waiting Rachel all the day in the past.

He must have felt like it was end of the world without Rachel.

By the way, I never thought i would come to this conclusion. I'm totally stunned.

Evan : Hmmm... Of course, It's quite special for a mere regular to climb tower with the irregular.

I do understand.

Khun : Maybe it's easy for you to understand in that way.

Evan : But think about it. Baam will monstrously be stronger everyday.

Do you think you guys can follow him? Minnows can never be with the shark forever.

Khun : Then I'll try as far as i can. I think we have to do more practice.

Evan : Hmm... Finally you've brought your senses.


Chamber of GOG

The shinsoo is being sucked into bang making cyclone.

Baam : ( Amzaing...! It seems like the shinsoo is being sucked into specific point...!

And the absorption and the explosion are happening at the same time...! )

GOG : Did you see that, boy? This is the basic stage of 'the source of shinsoo.'

By ruling all the shinsoo around user, he can finally compress it to one point and explode it.

Of course, It is impossible for normal regulars to control shinsoo like this.

Even I can use this technique only in the train.

So If you succeed to learn this skill, you'll be on totally different level compared to the others.

Even with the single tiny bang of shinsoo, you'll be able to destroy the whole world.

Baam : ...But I don't get it. This one is totally different kind from what I've learned...

GOG : Hmmm, Is that so?

Baam : I could acquire reinforcement techniques that you've taught me. but not this one...

I cannot understand it basically. Could you please strike me with the skill?

GOG : I've told you several times. I can't. It is too dangerous your directly getting hit.

Baam : I can withstand...! That is the fastest way...!

GOG : No. You can get seriously hurt...! Even If I control my power, I won't able to guarantee your safety

Being strong is a important thing, but it is useless if it ends up breaking yourself.

Baam : I'll be fine...! Please...! I have any amount of precious beings around me...more than my life.

GOG : ( As expected... This boy is...)


The prison, inside of the hell train.

Miseng : Wangnan...! What happened to you?? Why did that woman..!

Wangnan : ... I decided to climb the tower with those guys.

Miseng : Huh?! What do you mean...? Why are you saying that?

Those pepole have murdered Prince and Arkrapter...! And you're trying to be with them, not fighting?

Wangnan : This is all to revive Horyang.... She said she'll free you and save him if i do that.

Well, I think she wants me as her hostage. haha...

Miseng, Leave this place with Cassano and forget everything what heppened in here.

Just live as a person who has nothing to do with me.


3days later.

All the guys are training. (Baam Endrossi Khun)


2 month later.

The black mountain, the station of 42th floor.

Sachi : ...Now we're on the 42th floor.

Boro : And this floor was also the place hard to reach.

Most of ticketers give up this spot because the station was located in the high place

But there must be guys who's still waiting the train.

If they get on the train, they can save time to make a detour to the floor of death.

I'm sorry but I think we have to eliminate all of them.

Miseng : Mr. Shachi... Mr.Boro...!

Boro : You.. you're Miseng.... and Cassano...!

Why are you standing by the enemy...! What happened to you...?

Miseng : Please...! Let us pass...!

Boro, Sachi : ...?!

Miseng : He said ...he would revive Horyang...!

Boro, Sachi : What?!

Boro : What the hell are you talking about...? Why would he..?

Miseng : I, I can't tell you but...! It's all for the life of my comrade..!

Please believe me and open the door...!

( Cassano went out)

Sachi : What is going on..? Why did he change his mind?

Miseng : I can't tell you.... but it would be better to understand that we've succeeded to save Horyang and...


Two month ago, The prison.

Miseng : No

Wangnan : ...What?!

Miseng : I said No...! I'll never split up with you...! If you leave to the floor of death, I'll follow..!

Wangnan : You're crazy...! If you follow those guys...!

Miseng : ...Then I'll probably die? It's okay...!! I've always thought about getting killed since i entered the tower...!

Same for Prince and Arkrapter...! They also knew it...! So don't overprotect me as if i'm a child...!

I have no idea why you're trying to be with the enemy but I'll still follow..! I don't fear the death..!

Well, Actually It's better dying..! If i have to run away after having seen death of Prince and Arkrapter...!

Wangnan : Are you serious...? // Miseng : Yup.

Wangnan : But i have no power to protect you, If danger comes.

Miseng : It's alright..! I can protect myself..! I've never trusted you from the start anyway...!

Wangnan : Oops.... Then... can i ask you a favor? Just follow Cassano on condition that you let him out of train.

Give him my words. And When you meet comrades, just tell them to search 'Yellow prince' with Emily if they ever miss me.


Now, present.

Miseng : So that's what he told me... Well then i'm leaving this place..!!

Sachi : Hey...! ...'Yellow Prince'??

Boro : Sachi... Those guys...

Sachi : ...Must have something between them. We'd better not talk about Ehwa.

I feel like her having grown up.

( Cassano comes out of train. )

Crowd : A man is coming here...! Is he ticketer? Then we can take ticket from him...!

Let's just cooperate for now...!


2 month ago

Hoaqin : The weapon with emotion is nothing more than a cumbersome accessory.

What weapon needs is the sharpness. If you truly want to be the weapon, abandon your own emotion.



Cassano : ( Does that mean...that I have to do whatever they says...? Even if the request is hard to understand? )


A moment ago

Miseng : Mr. Cassano, You're not going to revive Horyang, right?

Cassano : ...?

Miseng : You're just pretending to be all because of Rachel. You're planning to betray us as soon as you leave this place.

Wangnan told me to say this : You'll never get what you want with following FUG.

But If you revive Horyang and come back - He's definetely going to make your wish come true instead.


Hoaqin : What the hell are you doing , Rachel!! You've accepted what he requested and himself ,too !!

Are you out of your mind!! He's nothing more than a mere hostage!! And why did you let those useless...!

Rachel : Useless? You're so cruel. I've finally succeded to sweeten them.

Hoaqin : Whaaa??!

Rachel : It was you who wanted to make them on your side, actually.

Hoaqin : That was all to decieve them, you fool!

Rachel : But we cannot gurantee our safety, controlling all of the hostage till being on the floor of death.

There's no reason to refuse if they cooperate.

Hoaqin : You...!!

Wangnan : well well, You seem to be full of complaints, Hoaqin. I'm gladly trying to be your teammate.

Hoaqin : Blondy?!

Wangnan : Don't worry i'll never backstab you. I'll also help you to find the piece of thorn.

I'm going to pay for you guys reviving Horyang. So don't worry about my betrayal.

Hoaqin : ( What the hell is he thinking..? )

Wangnan : Don't you guys think we have no time to discuss about this..?

The floor of death is just around the corner. Let's just talk about what we have to do in the near future.

What do i have to do, exactly?

( I cannot help it for now, but... I'll definitely finish you off on the floor of death ...Rachel !! )


Chamber of GOG

( Baam got seriously hurt.)

Baam : Finally... I did it...!
Yeni powerup geliyor gibi. Ve inşallah şu lanet dikenden güçlü olur. Biz baam ı kendi gücünden dolayı seviyorduk. Diken saçmalığını geldiğinden beri hiç sevmemiştim.
Baam'ın şu an öğrendiği '' Shinsoo'nun kaynağı/ orijini'' denen şey daha sonra öğreneceği tekniklerin temeli olacak. GoG'ye göre Baam normal bir kurallı gibi shinsoo kullanıyormuş ama kuralsızların shinsooyu tamamen kendi hakimiyetine alma gibi bir yeteneği varmış. Gog ise sadece trende bu şekilde shinsoo manipule edebiliyormuş.
Baam'ın şu an öğrendiği '' Shinsoo'nun kaynağı/ orijini'' denen şey daha sonra öğreneceği tekniklerin temeli olacak. GoG'ye göre Baam normal bir kurallı gibi shinsoo kullanıyormuş ama kuralsızların shinsooyu tamamen kendi hakimiyetine alma gibi bir yeteneği varmış. Gog ise sadece trende bu şekilde shinsoo manipule edebiliyormuş.
Even with the single tiny bang of shinsoo, you'll be able to destroy the whole world
Dünya derken neyi kastediyor,ben pek anlamadım.
Even with the single tiny bang of shinsoo, you'll be able to destroy the whole world
Dünya derken neyi kastediyor,ben pek anlamadım.
Valla ben de emin değilim hacı, Rachel da ''bu dünyayı yok edicem'' falan diyordu. Sanırım kuleden bahsederken world denmesi çok da abes kaçmaz. Birine senin hayatını mahvedicem anlamında '' i will destroy your world'' der gibi.
Sıu Bulmaca'nın da isterse tüm hikayeyi bitirebileceğini söylemişti burada kastettiği şey bu da olabilir.
Valla ben de emin değilim hacı, Rachel da ''bu dünyayı yok edicem'' falan diyordu. Sanırım kuleden bahsederken world denmesi çok da abes kaçmaz. Birine senin hayatını mahvedicem anlamında '' i will destroy your world'' der gibi.
Sıu Bulmaca'nın da isterse tüm hikayeyi bitirebileceğini söylemişti burada kastettiği şey bu da olabilir.
Butün katı yok edecek kadar güçlenmesi saçma geldi bana. Muhtemelen daha ileriye yönelik bir açıklama gibi geliyor.
Butün katı yok edecek kadar güçlenmesi saçma geldi bana. Muhtemelen daha ileriye yönelik bir açıklama gibi geliyor.
Çeviren kişiyle alakalı sanırım. Kastedilen şey shinsooya tamamen hakim olan biri bu şekilde kuleyi bile yok edebilir falandır, yani Phanta gibi biri. Baam'ın zorla yaptığı küçük bir bangden fazla bişi beklememek lazım :D
Serinin başında diyor ki her şeyin bir sınırı vardır. Fiziksel gücün ve diğer faktörlerin. Ama yalnız bir şey sınırsızdır. Ve bu senin tanrı yapar deyip Shinsoyu açıklıyor. Yanisi Shinso bu serinin her şeyi. Bunu görmüş oluyoruz.
Çoğu seviyecinin birçok itemi var. Bu Diken'i de böyle düşünmek lazım. Baam'ın da ileride silahı,zırhı vs. olacaktır.

Bu arada 231 konuşmalar...
Khun : Now I can understand why Baam was waiting Rachel all the day in the past.

He must have felt like it was end of the world without Rachel.

By the way, I never thought i would come to this conclusion. I'm totally stunned.

Evan : Hmmm... Of course, It's quite special for a mere regular to climb tower with the irregular.

I do understand.

Khun : Maybe it's easy for you to understand in that way.

Evan : But think about it. Baam will monstrously be stronger everyday.

Do you think you guys can follow him? Minnows can never be with the shark forever.

Khun : Then I'll try as far as i can. I think we have to do more practice.

Evan : Hmm... Finally you've brought your senses.


Chamber of GOG

The shinsoo is being sucked into bang making cyclone.

Baam : ( Amzaing...! It seems like the shinsoo is being sucked into specific point...!

And the absorption and the explosion are happening at the same time...! )

GOG : Did you see that, boy? This is the basic stage of 'the source of shinsoo.'

By ruling all the shinsoo around user, he can finally compress it to one point and explode it.

Of course, It is impossible for normal regulars to control shinsoo like this.

Even I can use this technique only in the train.

So If you succeed to learn this skill, you'll be on totally different level compared to the others.

Even with the single tiny bang of shinsoo, you'll be able to destroy the whole world.

Baam : ...But I don't get it. This one is totally different kind from what I've learned...

GOG : Hmmm, Is that so?

Baam : I could acquire reinforcement techniques that you've taught me. but not this one...

I cannot understand it basically. Could you please strike me with the skill?

GOG : I've told you several times. I can't. It is too dangerous your directly getting hit.

Baam : I can withstand...! That is the fastest way...!

GOG : No. You can get seriously hurt...! Even If I control my power, I won't able to guarantee your safety

Being strong is a important thing, but it is useless if it ends up breaking yourself.

Baam : I'll be fine...! Please...! I have any amount of precious beings around me...more than my life.

GOG : ( As expected... This boy is...)


The prison, inside of the hell train.

Miseng : Wangnan...! What happened to you?? Why did that woman..!

Wangnan : ... I decided to climb the tower with those guys.

Miseng : Huh?! What do you mean...? Why are you saying that?

Those pepole have murdered Prince and Arkrapter...! And you're trying to be with them, not fighting?

Wangnan : This is all to revive Horyang.... She said she'll free you and save him if i do that.

Well, I think she wants me as her hostage. haha...

Miseng, Leave this place with Cassano and forget everything what heppened in here.

Just live as a person who has nothing to do with me.


3days later.

All the guys are training. (Baam Endrossi Khun)


2 month later.

The black mountain, the station of 42th floor.

Sachi : ...Now we're on the 42th floor.

Boro : And this floor was also the place hard to reach.

Most of ticketers give up this spot because the station was located in the high place

But there must be guys who's still waiting the train.

If they get on the train, they can save time to make a detour to the floor of death.

I'm sorry but I think we have to eliminate all of them.

Miseng : Mr. Shachi... Mr.Boro...!

Boro : You.. you're Miseng.... and Cassano...!

Why are you standing by the enemy...! What happened to you...?

Miseng : Please...! Let us pass...!

Boro, Sachi : ...?!

Miseng : He said ...he would revive Horyang...!

Boro, Sachi : What?!

Boro : What the hell are you talking about...? Why would he..?

Miseng : I, I can't tell you but...! It's all for the life of my comrade..!

Please believe me and open the door...!

( Cassano went out)

Sachi : What is going on..? Why did he change his mind?

Miseng : I can't tell you.... but it would be better to understand that we've succeeded to save Horyang and...


Two month ago, The prison.

Miseng : No

Wangnan : ...What?!

Miseng : I said No...! I'll never split up with you...! If you leave to the floor of death, I'll follow..!

Wangnan : You're crazy...! If you follow those guys...!

Miseng : ...Then I'll probably die? It's okay...!! I've always thought about getting killed since i entered the tower...!

Same for Prince and Arkrapter...! They also knew it...! So don't overprotect me as if i'm a child...!

I have no idea why you're trying to be with the enemy but I'll still follow..! I don't fear the death..!

Well, Actually It's better dying..! If i have to run away after having seen death of Prince and Arkrapter...!

Wangnan : Are you serious...? // Miseng : Yup.

Wangnan : But i have no power to protect you, If danger comes.

Miseng : It's alright..! I can protect myself..! I've never trusted you from the start anyway...!

Wangnan : Oops.... Then... can i ask you a favor? Just follow Cassano on condition that you let him out of train.

Give him my words. And When you meet comrades, just tell them to search 'Yellow prince' with Emily if they ever miss me.


Now, present.

Miseng : So that's what he told me... Well then i'm leaving this place..!!

Sachi : Hey...! ...'Yellow Prince'??

Boro : Sachi... Those guys...

Sachi : ...Must have something between them. We'd better not talk about Ehwa.

I feel like her having grown up.

( Cassano comes out of train. )

Crowd : A man is coming here...! Is he ticketer? Then we can take ticket from him...!

Let's just cooperate for now...!


2 month ago

Hoaqin : The weapon with emotion is nothing more than a cumbersome accessory.

What weapon needs is the sharpness. If you truly want to be the weapon, abandon your own emotion.



Cassano : ( Does that mean...that I have to do whatever they says...? Even if the request is hard to understand? )


A moment ago

Miseng : Mr. Cassano, You're not going to revive Horyang, right?

Cassano : ...?

Miseng : You're just pretending to be all because of Rachel. You're planning to betray us as soon as you leave this place.

Wangnan told me to say this : You'll never get what you want with following FUG.

But If you revive Horyang and come back - He's definetely going to make your wish come true instead.


Hoaqin : What the hell are you doing , Rachel!! You've accepted what he requested and himself ,too !!

Are you out of your mind!! He's nothing more than a mere hostage!! And why did you let those useless...!

Rachel : Useless? You're so cruel. I've finally succeded to sweeten them.

Hoaqin : Whaaa??!

Rachel : It was you who wanted to make them on your side, actually.

Hoaqin : That was all to decieve them, you fool!

Rachel : But we cannot gurantee our safety, controlling all of the hostage till being on the floor of death.

There's no reason to refuse if they cooperate.

Hoaqin : You...!!

Wangnan : well well, You seem to be full of complaints, Hoaqin. I'm gladly trying to be your teammate.

Hoaqin : Blondy?!

Wangnan : Don't worry i'll never backstab you. I'll also help you to find the piece of thorn.

I'm going to pay for you guys reviving Horyang. So don't worry about my betrayal.

Hoaqin : ( What the hell is he thinking..? )

Wangnan : Don't you guys think we have no time to discuss about this..?

The floor of death is just around the corner. Let's just talk about what we have to do in the near future.

What do i have to do, exactly?

( I cannot help it for now, but... I'll definitely finish you off on the floor of death ...Rachel !! )


Chamber of GOG

( Baam got seriously hurt.)

Baam : Finally... I did it...!

Paylaşım için teşekkürler, baam'ın kopyalama yeteneği tekniğin üzerinde uygulanmasına bağlıymış seriyi 10 dan fazla okumama rağmen kaçırdığım noktalar var, baam artık gerçekten kuralsız oldu yalnız bu rachel kuralsızım dedi fug bu kızla ne yapacak, güçlü değil bunun yanısıra kafası çalışmıyor, ölüm katında bu kız ya power up alacak baamın düşmanı olacak yada hikayeyle ilişiği kesilecek.. Açıkçası çok uzadı rachel mevzuu..

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