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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Görünüşe göre Luslec bekliyormuş V'yi. Ama Baam'ın güçlenmesi için böyle bir şey lazımdı. Şimdi ne varsa alsın veda etsin babasına.
Keşke S3'teki ilk arada dursaydık diyorum... Şu ana kadar arc hakkında genel yorumum seride en fazla Lore drop olan arc olduğu bu acıdan oldukça tatmin ediciydi ama olay örgüsü, dövüşler, karaktetler ve diyalogları falan en iyi haliyle vasattı. Şu seriyi anca wangnan'a dönüş toparlar az da olsa.
Chapter started with Traumerei and Gustang moving their chess pieces.

Khun and Endorsi were just sitting around, watching the whole gameplay.

Traumerei said this is the first time where he played a chess where the only outcome he could think of is not winning. Gustang shut him off jokingly.

The two discussed about their past stories and whereabouts. Traumerei's just running his loneliness metaphors.

Gustang asked Traum if he really doesn't have any person who share his heart with. Traumerei replied about his direct children ( Lobadon and Kirin ). When his first child was born, it made him feel a sense of fulfillment that he even gave them the thing he treasured the most. But he knew that children will leave their parents one day. Sooner on, Lobadon stood by his side while Kirin left. Traumerei always thought that both would leave him.

But then he met Wangwang who's a loyal dog to him, it made him a little bit happy. So Traumerei gave Wangwang the things he treasured the most like Nen-nen who possess an ancient and even have children from another wife. Traumerei's son was against his decision at first, Traumerei at that time thought that Wangwang will be fit to lead his family one day.

But then Traum got impatient that his little puppy he cherished would leave him away so he ruined Wangwang's family. Gustang asked if Traumerei still feel that impatience. Traum said that he still feels it when he found out about Yama. So he thought of trying to hold that dog again.

Maybe all these times, he wanted to become a god. Someone that doesn't feel any affection or impatience and has the ability to embrace all humans.

A " God ", someone that does not help but always feels envy.

Traumerei saw people having feelings for such an illusion and yet somehow he really looked like the devil.

Gustang shut off most of Traumerei's ramblings by saying that he's not an absolute evil or the devil. To overcome loneliness, he's just an idiot.

Gustang checkmated Traumerei with the ladder mate.

Traumerei admitted defeat and the match has ended.

Po Bidau Gustang won the match.

And as the winner, Gustang will continue the position as one of the Ten Great Family Heads. He has now the authority to take over the Lo Po Bia.

Urek was just watching in the arena. The arena shone brightly.

The king piece ( whale ) has transformed into a giant whale administrator. The administrator has declared that Traumerei will be stripped off of his authority as a Family Head and the protection ( contracts ) that they gave him.

The Administrator took it all.

Meanwhile, Traumerei said something to Gustang about Jahad.

The speech bubble is pure blank, indicating that it has been blurred.

Traumerei who lost everything suddenly expressed a different set of emotions he was once devoid of. They now rushed over :

  1. Joy
  2. Sorrow
  3. And lastly, the strongest emotions,
Longing and Regret.

Tears fell in his eyes and his vision flashed a figure of Amizu.

Traumerei said his last words... " Gustang... I'm lonely "

Then Traumerei decapitated himself with the Disconnection film, killing him instantly.

It's narrated that Traumerei couldn't bear the humiliation so he killed himself. This how the records in the history will report it.

Gustang gave a tap on Traum and said that he's not lonely.

He shouldn't be lonely " there ".

Because in " that place ", lies the luxury of emotions.

T/N: Obviously the afterlife

In final moments of the afterlife, Traum and Amizu made some Flower Allegory.

Amizu asked Traumerei about the flower that sprouted in their field.

Traumerei hated it, because it grew somewhere without permission and taken over their territory.

Amizu said that they should coexist with it. After all, just like her, she's a flower that sprouted suddenly in Traumerei's heart.

Traumerei realized that analogy. Amizu was a flower that grew into his heart. But despite that, he still liked it.

The two walk over holding each other.

Traumerei prayed that Amizu will create a meadow in his heart where she ( flower ) will bloom from it. Amizu hoped that Traumerei would take care of a flower like her until then.


" This creature, who entered the land of my emotions that was drying up due to a contract with the tower, and made flowers bloom. "

" Please create a wide meadow in my heart and become a small flower. "

" I hope the day will never come when I pick that flower with my own hands. " T/N: Like killing her or something.

" And so I prayed earnestly, and I prayed again and again. "


" The Arena [ End ] "

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