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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Sesi kısmanız tavsiye edilir.
  1. Tower of God 3 - 122 - The Proposal
  2. Traumerei: It must be you. // The new one that entered the tower, // The 'one from outside'. // I wanted to meet you.
  3. Ha Jinsung: Viole...!! // Someone has captured him..! // Damn it... // Viole-!!
  4. Pudidy: It must be our family head who took him. I can't let him pass! // Stop him!!
  5. Dobo: Okay!!!
  6. Ha Jinsung: Back off!!
  7. Pudidy: Gargh!! // Ugh..!
  8. Ha Jinsung: Viole!!
  9. ---------
  10. Traumerei: Finally, we meet. The one who opened the gate. // I have been receiving tidings regarding yourself for quite a while now. // I see in the end, you managed to survive this battle. // To think that you managed to pierce through the battlefields filled with high rankers. Yes- // You are truly worthy to stand in front of my presence.
  11. Baam: .....? And who are you..?
  12. Traumerei: I am the Head of the Lo Po Bia family. // My name is Traumerei.
  13. Baam: F.. Family head?! // You are the Head of the Lo Po Bia family...?! // You are really..?
  14. Traumerei: Correct. I am one of the 10 Great Family Heads.
  15. Leviathan: Traumerei!! // The crazy bastard who trapped me in the suspendium, // And forcefully fed me with filthy memories. // I want to kill him! // I want to rip him into pieces!! // Kill him!! // Kill him!! // Kill him- // Right now!!
  16. Baam: No. // I can feel it. // The moment I show any hostility towards him, // I will literally die in an instant.
  17. Traumerei: It is late, however I would like to welcome you into the Tower. The 'one from outside'. // I had something I wanted to tell you, // If you were able to survive in this battle.
  18. Doom: He's caught everyone's attention all of a sudden. // Let's go!! This is our chance!! Go activate the warp ship!!
  19. Yu Hansung: Ugh!! Yes!!
  20. Doom: I will enter through the entrance on the right side! You go through the other!!
  21. Yu Hansung: Understood!!
  22. Perseus: Do not act around rashly, just because our family head isn't paying attention to you, dog. // He already knows everything.
  23. Doom: That little..! // It's fine. Nobody noticed the blondie that ran to the other side. // There is still a chance. // Please be successful in moving the warp ship.
  24. Yu Hansung: There it is! // That must be the conrol room!!
  25. Meier: !! Didn't the door to the Warp ship open up and close just now?
  26. Candidy: What? Really? If someone intruded in then we have to chase!!
  27. Yama: Tch, did they notice he went in?
  28. Traumerei: Everyone- // -Shut it.
  29. Baam: That is..?
  30. [Lo Po Bia Traumerei]
  31. [Shinwonryu]
  32. [All Creatures]
  33. Traumerei: If you further interfere with our conversation, // I will make everything within this nest, // Disappear.
  34. Yama: What the hell is that ugly thing..? It doesn't look like a shinsoo..
  35. Narrator: The moment Traumerei revealed his shinwonryu, // Everyone in the nest, // Near or far, // Strong or weak, // It didn't matter. // Everyone // Could feel that power.
  36. Khun Jealous Agnis: What is this... Feeling..?
  37. Narrator: A feeling of pressure as if someone suddenly invited them into the depths of the abyss. // Their entire body felt like it was immersed in a foreign feeling that they had never experienced before, going out of breath. // And they had felt a threat to their lives.
  38. -----------
  39. Narrator: Except for this one person-
  40. Traumerei: An irregular... Baam, right? After it was revealed that you have entered the Tower, // Few other Family Heads who I was able to reach out discussed on what we should do with you. // Some said you had to be killed, // Some said you had to be protected, // And some said nobody must interfere with your climbing according to the rules of the Tower. // Yes, perhaps we may be experiencing wedge issue ever since your appearance. // Zahard didn't want us to split up, so he didn't take any actions except commanding his army. // Zahard, the King must be looking for a way to preserve the relationship between everyone. // However, among the 10 Great Family Heads, one of them made it clear that conflict was inevitable, // And your case had turned into a completely different domain. Now this became a situation where the 10 Great Family Heads could directly be involved. // In order to prevent the split between the Leaders, the King had ordered three times to eliminate you. Unfortunately, you are still alive. // If the King wills, I shall follow that will. Unless otherwise, I respect and take in consideration for opinions of other Family Leaders. // That is why I have agreed to the proposal to call you into this place. I was fine with you coming here and dying, according to the opinions of some, // And I was also fine with letting you live if you managed to survive in this place, according to the opinions of some. // If you were to survive in this battle, // Then that would mean you deserve to be tamed by me.
  41. Baam: Tamed.. you say?
  42. Traumerei: That's right. Tame if you are worthy, and kill if not. // That is the way I do things. // But unfortunately, the split that had started will not stop, // And a clash between families is now inevitable. And in the meantime, the ownership of you had become quite a meaningful matter. // It is only a natural thing for me to tame you if you prove to be worthy. // However, I cannot simply handle the 'one from the outside' like a mere animal. Of course, I took someone you care about hostage in the process, but- // I have decided to consider you as an equal, a human, // And extend my hand toward you. // You, how about you become a member of our family?
  43. Baam: ...Pardon?
  44. Tarumerei: I am suggesting that you form a relationship with our family in order to become a member. And there is nothing like marriage when it comes to forming a strategic family relationship.
  45. Baam: What are you..
  46. Traumerei: Thankfully, we do have quite a few amount of girls of excellent quality in our family. // I heard two of them were selected as Zahard's princess. That spot is an honorable position indeed, but it is more than worth to give that up if it was for a marriage with you. // Now then- // I would like to officially propose you an option here. // Marry the daughter of our family and become a member of the Lo Po Bia family.
  47. Baam: ... Pardon?
  48. Traumerei: Join our family, // And become 'mine'. // That is my proposal.
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