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One Piece Fanbook/Databook "Vivre Card"

İki küçük bilgi:

We also got the names of these girls sitting next to Teach, the blonde girl is called Tori and the purple haired girl is Maki, together they'll be torimaki(取り巻き), followers of people with wealth/power

According to the official vivre card website, this guy's name is Pudos, which...is simply the combination of the sound Kawamatsu made spitting the fish bone and the sound of him getting hit by it

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İki küçük bilgi:

We also got the names of these girls sitting next to Teach, the blonde girl is called Tori and the purple haired girl is Maki, together they'll be torimaki(取り巻き), followers of people with wealth/power

According to the official vivre card website, this guy's name is Pudos, which...is simply the combination of the sound Kawamatsu made spitting the fish bone and the sound of him getting hit by it

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