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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Önemli SBS'ler (20 Sonrası)

SBS108 | Is Morgans a flightless bird from the Mink Race?

ODA : Right. There are no bird species among the Mink race. The Mink race is composed of animal-humanoids with fluffy hairs. With that being said, Morgans ate the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Albatross who is always in his human-bird form. I wonder what he really looks like in his human form ?
SBS108 | Is Morgans a flightless bird from the Mink Race?

ODA : Right. There are no bird species among the Mink race. The Mink race is composed of animal-humanoids with fluffy hairs. With that being said, Morgans ate the Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: Albatross who is always in his human-bird form. I wonder what he really looks like in his human form ?
Bu bilgi baya önemli. @Master of Puppets Luffy'nin meyvesi soruşturuluyordu mesela. Her zaman insan-kuş formundaymış. Luffy'de herzaman lastik formda olmasının sebebi?
@William cutting
@II. Invictus
@carpe d. em
@Tiksav Lee
@Lucky Luke
@Çörekçioğlu Luffy

Beyler toplanın... Aloo. Önemli bilgi.
Bu bilgi baya önemli. @Master of Puppets Luffy'nin meyvesi soruşturuluyordu mesela. Her zaman insan-kuş formundaymış. Luffy'de herzaman lastik formda olmasının sebebi?
@William cutting
@II. Invictus
@carpe d. em
@Tiksav Lee
@Lucky Luke
@Çörekçioğlu Luffy

Beyler toplanın... Aloo. Önemli bilgi.
İstemsiz öyle duruyor demiyor ki ama, Luffy normal formuna dönemiyor (lastik olmadığı)

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