General Tou yada Ousen biri bu savaşda ölücek gibi görünüyor. Yoksa gençlerin önü açılmayacak.
Ouhon neden babasına katılmamış merak ettim şimdi. Dark ın özeti hep böyle yüzeysel oluyor.
Neyseki çeviride güncele az kaldı. Artık haftalık takip edebilicez.
Ousen babasının ordusunda çalışmıyor ki. Ayrı bir birliği var onun. Ayrıca babasıyla arası limoni gibi görünüyor. Shin ve Ousen o bölgeye destek vermeleri için emir aldılar, kafalarına göre kaleye desteğe gidemezler.
Tam çevirisi çıkında daha iyi anlarız ne olup bittiğini. Küçük birliklere ayrılıp Ousen'in bulduğu 3 noktayı hedef alarak saldırı yapacaklarmış.
Wei'ye desteğe gelen 3 komutan vardı. Ousen 3 zayıf nokta var savunmada demişti. İçimden bir ses 3'ü de tuzak diyor.
Ouhon'da Shin gibi bağımsız bir birlik biliyorumda . Özette Yardıma çagırdığı Ama Ouhon'un kabul etmeyip genaral Tou nun yardım çağrısına evet dediğinden bahsediyor. Babasına kimse güvenmiyorki. Biraz aile bağı sorunu var ama sebebin bu oldugunu sanmıyorum.
Nerde yazıyor o?
Benim paylaştığımda Ousen'den yardım istemeyi planlandığını ama Ouhon'un bunu reddettiği yazıyor. Bu arada isimleri karıştırmışın sanırım öncekinde, düzeltiyorum.
Google translateden çevirdim öyle bir izlenime kapıldım ama yanlışmış sanırım.
Şimdi anladım demek Oradakiler General Ousenden yardım ismeye niyetliler ama OuHon buna karşı çıkıyor.
İsimler gerçekdende karıştırılmayacak gibi değil.
Ou Sen Ou Hon un babası değilmiydi yanlışmı hatırlıyorum yoksa bir karakterlere göz atayım.
Dağların Kraliçesi baya havalı bir giriş yapmış savaşa..
Çeviri için teşekkürler. Mangatürkde çeviri hakkında ses gelmedi yine sanırım yeni gelende bıraktımı ne
Ten: Strike at and crush three points at the very same time?
Shin/Ten: .........
Ryukoku: .........
Rokuomi: .........
???: ... Then...
Shin: Which three armies will that be?
Ouhon: That'll be...
Page 2:
Text: Kingdom chapter 381: Old-fashioned person.
Pahe 3:
Tou: Lit the signal beacon for Kanou in the south.
Soldier: !
Tou(?): We begin.
???: Yes sir! Infantry, forward!!
Page 4:
Text-window: The Wei Army's HQ.
Messenger: The enemy's moving. Their main force seems to be focused in a frontal assault from Tou's 20000 strong army! The Gichu-army is engaged!
Messenger(?): Furthermore, another army to the south is moving as well! The Shinka-army is currently engaging them!
Sound: Skreeetch.
Gouhoumei: ............
Reiou: After the enemy scattered and spread out it's army everywhere
Reiou: There's a main attack from Tou out of the blue.
Reiou: What do you say?
Reiou: Gouhoumei.
???: ...........
Page 5:
Gouhoumei: Nothing yet.
Reiou: Hehe.
Reiou: Indeed.
Sound: Clatter
Reiou: Then, what do you say about the man called Tou?
Gouhoumei: Tou is...
Gouhoumei: A general whose thinking is difficult to read.
Gouhoumei: He has a sharp head on his shoulders.
Gouhoumei: He's brave as well.
Gouhoumei: But...
Gouhoumei: Neither of those are what makes him troublesome to handle.
Page 6:
Reiou: Then, what is it?
Gouhoumei: His "Experience".
Gouhoumei: He has "Experience" from serving at that Ouki's side as his second-in-command through countless of battles. Thus he has no flaw/weakness.
Tou: Kokokoko
Gouhoumei: Among Qin's current generals, there are some who could be said to be remarkable men.
Gouhoumei: Like for example Moubu, Kanki and Ousen. But all of them have their weak points and faults.
Gouhoumei: But the one general among them who stands head and shoulders above the rest is Tou.
Page 7:
Gouhoumei: If we are to think of facing Qin in war from now on, Tou is the general we need to deal with as early as possible.
Reiou: Gouhoumei.
Reiou: You are indeed my strongest disciple.
Sound: Clatter
Sound: Step.
Reiou: That talent of yours surpasses mine.
Gouhoumei: ........... You jest.
Gouhoumei: ?
Gouhoumei: You're heading out, sensei?
Reiou: Yeah.
Reiou: I am an old-fashioned person.
Gouhoumei: ?
Page 8:
Reiou: I don't think wars are about taking territory.
Reiou: But see them as being about generals killing each other.
Reiou: And my opinion of Tou is exactly the same as yours.
Gouhoumei: .............
Reiou: I did not come here to defend.
Reiou: I came here to kill Tou.
Text-window: The Great General of the Wei army, Reiou
Page 9:
Text-window: Ouhon:
Text-window: Gouhoumei
Text-window: Shin
Text-window: Reiou
Text-window: Rokuomi
Text-window: Ryukoku
Text-window: Kanou
Text-window: Tou
Text-window: That'll be...
Page 10:
Rokuomi: Tou, me and Ryukoku
Shin: What
Ten: That's appropriate.
Shin: What
Ouhon: No.
Shin: What
Ouhon(?): The three armies who'll do the main attack is
Ouhon: The Rokuomi army.
Ouhon: The Gyoku Hou Unit.
Ouhon: And the Hi Shin Unit.
Page 11:
Ouhon: Tou will be making a main attack to draw the enemy's attention. The enemy will have no choice but to respond and focus on Tou's army and that way, Tou's army will do a "supporting attack".
Ouhon:; The three armies with the greatest "Destructive strenght" will be doing the main attack.
Rokuomi: But right now, Kanou who isn't here has greater destructive strenght than any of you.
Ouhon: Kanou isn't versatile enough.
Ouhon: What I mean is, the Hi Shin unit may be a distillation of folly, but
Shin: Wha
Ouhon: With it's recent new arrivals, that's taken care of.
Ten: ..............
Ten: What's that.
Page 12:
Shin: Kakaka.
Shin: But this means that you're finally acknowledging our true strenght, doesn't it.
Ouhon: Don't get cocky. If the Gakuka unit were here, then you'd just get to sit back and watch.
Shin: Wha...
Ouhon: And should you accept the duty of partiparticling in this main attack, then failure won't be tolerated.
Ouhon: And should that happen, I'll personally make a hole in your windpipe.
Shin/Ten: ......
Shin(?): Shaddap! If you're the one to mess this up, I'll personally separate that head of yours from you!!
Lt Banyou(?): What did you say, you bastard. If you turn against Hon-sama...
Ryukoku: ...... But, if we scatter out our armies like this for the three main attacks
Ryukoku: Staying in contect will be difficult.
Page 13:
Ten: ........... That's for sure.
Ouhon: There's no need to stay in contact.
Ten: Eh!?
Ouhon: If we make any such move, then the enemy might grasp our plan.
Ten: There will be no contact
Ten: Between the three armies at all!?
Ouhon: Yeah. The three armies will be fightning _independently_.
Ouhon: We'll decide on only one thing.
Page 14:
Ouhon(?): At the noon third day, at the moment when the sun's above you in the sky
Ouhon(?): These three armies will crush the enemy armies and their reserves in front of them. And break into Wei's main encampment.
Ouhon: This is the plan to take Choyou.
Ouhon: Get it. Getting it wrong by even one second
Shin: .......
Ouhon: Won't be tolerated!
Rokuomi: .......
Text-window: The Rokuomi army
Rokuomi: ........... That brat.
Shin: How arrogant...
Text-window: The Hi Shin Unit.
Ouhon: ..........
Text-window: The Gyoku Hou Unit
Ouhon(?): Let's go
???: Yes sir!
Text-window: Thre three armies which had scattered had agreed to fight their own battles independently, but
Page 15:
Shin: Ruaah!
Wei Soldier: Buah
Text-window: Incredibly enough, the three armies threw themselves into the fray at the exactly same moment.
shin ile kyoukai birleşseler anca alırlar o adamı.
bu da ingilizce özet:
Link to 383:
Sorry for the slightly late summary as im kinda busy with assignments and stuff...Luckily today's chapter dont seem to be packed with much content so the summary will be shorter than usual
Title: The Call
-Kai Meng/Gaimou makes his grand entrance and start cutting down Sousui's men. Sousui's manage to block the hit with the extra strong handle of his weapon and his extra stiff (side character-)armor. Hies fate is unknown but i doubt he will die just like that.
-Gaimou's lieutenant reminds him that his rash decision to join the battle will affect the fortress-like defense planned by GHM
-With that, Gaimou shouted into the vast battlefield, challenging Shin to a duel(some commented in the Chinese forums that he is as stupid as Shin)
-Though his lieutenant was sure that any commander of some intelligence will not take up his challenge(either suspecting that challenge as a trap or not being confident in winning the duel with him), Shin appeared before him.
-Gaimou boasts that he fought Ouki and Renpa in a one to one duel but his lieutenant mentions that in fact he had not fought Renpa as Renpa was smart enough to avoid a duel with him which will no doubt result in Renpa's death.
-The chapter ended with Shin and Gaimou exchanging blows but Gaimou's lieutenant seems to be surprised at something...
I still think Gaimou wont die in the duel even though Shin will win the duel or at least force a draw due to some external intervention.
bu herif houken i öldürdüyse nasıl bu kadar ezik olabilir diye düşünüyordur(shin in houken i öldürdüğünü zannediyor)
yardımcısı da renpa nın onunla düello edip kendini öldürtmeyecek kadar zeki olduğunu söylüyor yukarıda
Text: The battlefield doesn't distinguish between men and women.
Text: Kingdom chapter 382: The Fire Dragons of Wei.
Page 2:
Tou: The emblem of the fire dragons...
Tou: And the character for "Rei"...
Tou: ........
Tou: Reiou of the "Fire Dragons of Wei"...
Tou: He supposedly died a long time ago, so what does this......
???: What's up, Tou-sama. That's the general of that army.
???: Let's charge in.
???: !? Wait a minute... That banner is...
???: ?
Page 3:
Tou (thinks): If that's the real Reiou of the Fire Dragons, then...
???: Tou-sama?
Tou (thinks): A powerful blow should be coming at us from the side
???: Tou-sama, there's an enemy attack coming in from the left!!
???: What!?
Ranbihaku: FOOOO!
Text-window: Ranbihaku, general of Wei.
Page 4:
???: ... What's up that enemy.
Tou: Have the army withdraw at once.
???: !
???: Ye-Yes sir!
???: !?
???: Retreat!
???: All men, turn around!
Tou: ........
Tou (thinks): No doubt about it, one of the three armies are being led by Reiou...
Tou (thinks): If that's the case, the remaining two armies...
Tou: Hm?
Tou: !
???: Tou-sama
???: !?
???: Wha...
Page 5:
???: No way!
???: When did he-
Ranbihaku: FOOO
Tou (thinks): Ranbihaku!
Ranbihaku: Chiii
Sound: Crack
???: Tou-sama!
Sound: Pish
Tou: We're going.
Page 6:
Reiou: .......
Reiou: You ignore Ranbihaku, huh.
Reiou: Seems like losing Ouki wasn't healthy for your sharpness, eh. Tou.
???: The enemy's coming after us!
Wei army: Kill'em!
Tou: Nevermind them.
Tou: That's a strong opponent that in the past gave both our lord and Kyou trouble.
???: Eh?
Ranbihaku: Fouuuu
Tou: If we fight that one, we'll for sure get caught up in Reiou's plan here.
Tou (thinks): But, "The Fire Dragons of Wei".
Tou (thinks): I thought that Gokei _was the last one of them_, but....
Tou (thinks):Could there be others of them still alive...?
Tou (thinks): .........
Tou (thinks): If those guys are with the other two armies as well...
Page 7:
Tou(?) (thinks): Then this battle will be a troublesome one
Tou(?) (thinks): For you three...
Text-window: Wei's HQ.
Messenger: Report! The Reiou army has quickly forced the Tou army to retreat.
???: !!
???: I-Is that true?
???: ... In-Incredible
???: ... But how surprising, I didn't think any of the Fire Dragons were still alive. According to the rumors...
Gouhoumei: ........
Gouhoumei: They were imprisoned.
???: Eh
Gouhoumei: .......... In our previous king-
Page 8:
Gouhoume(?): King Anri's time, there were seven people who took up arms in Wei's service.
Gouhoumei(?): "The Seven masters, the Fire Dragons of Wei"
Gouhoumei(?): The heroes who fought great raging battles with Qin's Six Generals and the Three Great Heavens of Zhao across China.
Page 9:
Gouhoumei: ....... But.
Gouhoumei: I do not know why, but except for my father Gokei who stayed neutral, the remaining six split into two sides and fought each other.
???: Eh!?
Gouhoumei: Since way back, those people were strong.
Gouhoumei: And the previous king did not have the strenght to prevent it.
Gouhoumei: And so, to begin with, three of the fire dragons died.
Gouhoumei: One of them died from wounds in battle inflicted by Renpa of Zhao's three Great Heavens. And the other two died from illness.
Gouhoumei: But that's not what happened.
???: ?
Gouhoumei: They were actually killed by those three.
Page 10:
???: Wha...
???: No-No way
???: The Fire Dragons turned upon each other!?
Gouhoumei: Of course, the previous king was angry and wanted to behead them.
Gouhoumei: But my father, Gokei, somehow managed to stop that from happening.
Gouhoumei: And so, they spread out that those three had died from illness.
Gouhoumei: And those three have been spending fourteen years in an underground prison.
???: ...............
???: Fourteen years...
??? (thinks): ...? That Reiou-sama's looks...
???: Then, right now those people have...
Gouhoumei: Yeah. I got the king to let them out.
Gouhoumei: There's no antagonism between the current king and those three after all.
Gouhoumei: The Fire Dragons never got as famous as the the Six Generals since all of them except for my father disappeared all of a sudden.
Page 11:
Gouhoumei(?): The cold, merciless and cruel strategist that even my father Gokei feared.... My teacher, "Reiou".
Gouhoumei(?): The one who is said to have reaped the heads of hundreds of generals - The Strong general, "Gaimou".
Gouhoumei(?): The strongest spear-wielder in the whole state of Wei - "Shihaku".
Gouhoumei: They've got quite the temperament considering they'd even turn on their comrades, but their power is the real thing.
???: .........
???: .........
Gouhoumei: Plus, they've been imprisoned for fourteen years.
???: .........
Gouhoumei: And to "slake" that of theirs
Gouhoumei: There's only the Qin army in front of us available for that.
Page 12:
Text-window: The reserve force. Gaimou's HQ.
Messenger: General! A report.
Sound: Thud
???: Ah
???: Ah
???: Ah
Gaimou: Gruuf
Gaimou: Gruuf
Gaimou: Gruuf
Gaimou: Nuuuh
Girl: Auuh
Girl: Ah
Girl: Ah
Girl: Ah
Girl: Ah
Girl: Aaaah
Dumb-faced officer: General.....
Dumb-faced officer There's a report......
Messenger: .....
Gaimou: Waiit
Gaimou: Wait
Gaimou: Waiit
Text-window: Gaimou of the Fire Dragons of Wei.
Page 13:
Geimou(?): I'm in the middle of making up for the fourteen lost years with these cuuuuuties.
???: Auuuuh
Dumb-faced officer: General......
Dumb-faced officer: The army breaking through outside of there seems
Dumb-faced officer: To be the Hi Shin Unit (seems like we need to go as reinforments).
Gaimou: Guh
Gaimou: Wha
Gaimou: What Hi Shin Unit?
???: Oh
???: Oh
Dumb-faced officer: The commander of the Hi Shin Unit is the one who faced Houken in an one-on-one duel.
Gaimou: Houken? What Houken?
???: Oh
???: Oh
Dumb-faced officer(?): The Houken who slew Kyou and Ouki of the Six Generals. And the Houken who slew Duke Hyou who slew Gokei-san.
(sound: Twitch)
Page 14:
Gaimou: I see.
Girl: ?
Gaimou: How nostalgic.
Gaimou: Kyou...
Gaimou: Ouki...
Gaimou: Don't know any Duke Hyou though.
Gaimou: I see...
???: Ah
???: Ah
???: Ah
Messenger: ......
Dumb-faced officer: Request for reinforments turned down.
Messenger: EEEH!?
???: Ah
???: Ah
???: Ah
Page 15:
Wei soldiers: Gyaaah!
Wei soldier: This brat
Wei soldier: Buaah!
Shin: Let's go, you bastards.
Soldiers: Ooh!
Page 16:
Ten: ........
Ten: ........
Ten (thinks): Good.
Ten (thinks): It is going well.
Ten (thinks): Coordinating an attack at the very same day and time is difficult, but even before that
Ten(?) (thinks): To on just the third day break all the way into the enemy's HQ is a difficult task
Text-window: Wei's HQ (30000)
Text-window: Reserves (10000)
Text-window: Reserves (10000)
Text-window: Wei's first line of defence (10000)
Text-window: The Hi Shin Unit (5000)
Ten(?) (thinks): We're five thousand here facing ten thousand enemies in front of us. And further behind the first line of defence there's two reserve units consisting of 10000 each. And they could also get reinforced from the 30000 strong HQ.
Text (Ten):And when fightning those, one must consider that the enemy's first line here hasn't had any pressure put on it since the first day...... (T/N: Not entirely sure about this one).
Ten: Send out Kyoukai and her unit!
???: Roger that!
Page 17:
Wei soldier: Auh
Dumb-faced officer: Heh...... Strong.
Dumb-faced officer: Strong. Strong.
Sosui: !?
Dumb-faced officer: The cavalry is strong.
Dumb-faced officer: Same goes for the infantry.
Dumb-faced officer: They're moving well as well.
Dumb-faced officer: The thousand-man commander back there... What's that.
Sosui: ?
Dumb-faced officer: These guys are indeed
Dumb-faced officer: Strong.
Page 18:
Dumb-faced officer(?): Gaimou-sama.
Sosui: !
Text: The destructive general of Wei stands before the Hi Shin Unit!!
Gaimou: ... So? Which one is it?
Gaimou: That commander Shin of the Hi Shin Unit who slew Ouki and Kyou?
Dumb-faced officer: No, the one who slew those two was Houken.
Soldier: ...... Lieutenant Sosui.
Sosui: ........
edit:şimdi bir daha okuyunca yanlış okuduğumu farkettim .aslında bu bölümün ön özetinde öyle birşeyden bahsediyordu da aklım orada kalmış.
Okudum son çıkanları, Kai'yi Shin'e gelin yapıp bir şekilde yamamak lazım. Bunların çocuğu da bildiğin direk Ouki çapında doğar. Zaten tarihte bu Shin'in torunlarının bilmem nesi tahta falan da çıkıyor baya yıllar sonra
Ben ortaya ''ablamın hayalini gerçekleştiricem,evlencem ve çocuk yapıcam'' gibi birşey dedi diye tahmin ettim. Direk Shin'in adını verdiyse uu beybi. Shin'de öküzlüğü bıraksın o dingillikle daha iyisini nerede bulacak Karı-Koca general keserler işte.
O değilde Nerdeyse güncele ulaşıcaklar Ne güzel haftada 5 6 sayı okuyoduk Birde raw 7 sayı okuyoduk.
Şimdi güncele ulaştıklarında haftada 1 sayı okuyacagız
Lt En: Shin-dono! As expected, there's many enemies!
Lt En: But once their formation falls apart, we can smash through them in a single blow!
Lt En: Shin-dono?
Shin: ..........
Shin: ... What the?
Soldier: !?
Soldier: What's wrong, thousand-man commander.
Kyoukai: .........
Kyoukai (thinks): Where Sosui is, huh...
Soldier: ?
Page 4:
Gaimou: Haa!
Soldier: Gah!
Gaimou: Ahaha, this feeling.
Gaimou: Fightning is really great!
Jyunsou: I dislike it.
Page 5:
Jyunsou: Anyway, we need to go back quickly or Gouhoumei will get angry.
Gaimou: Muh?
Jyunsou: Ah, you guys protect the general. At once.
Soldier: Yes sir!
Jyunsou: The defensive formation of Choyou depends on the reserve troops - us, that's it - stationed between the frontline and the HQ to stay firm.
Text-window: HQ
Text-window: The reserve troops
Text-window: The frontline
Text-window: The Hi Shin Unit
Jyunsou: If we move out selfishly like this it is liable to fall apart.
Jyunsou: Plus, you said we were just going to take a look, so why are you rampaging like this for? And with just a hundred cavalry too.
Gaimou: Aaargh, shut up!
Gaimou: You should just shut your trap instead of acting like you're my mom all the time!
Jyunsou: And now all the soldiers we brought with us are engaged to boot.
Jyunsou: We won't get unscratched out of this.
Gaimou: .......... Hmph.
Page 6:
Gaimou: Suuu (Deep breath)
Jyunsou: Ah.
Soldier: ?
Soldier: ?
???: !
???: !?
???: Uwaah
Echo: To Shin
Soldier: !?
Echo: To Shin
Soldier: !?
Echo: To Shin
Soldier: !?
Soldier: ?
Echo: To Shin
Soldier: ?
Page 7:
Echo: The great general in charge!!
Soldier: What the?
Soldier: ?
Echo: The great general in charge!!
Echo: The great general in charge!!
???: W-What?
Ten: ........
Echo: The great general in charge!!
???: ......... Did he say great general!?
Ten: !? Fire Dragons of Wei........
Page 8:
Echo: Let me see your face!!
Soldier: ........
Echo: Let me see your face!!
Soldier: .........
Echo: Let me see your face!!
Bihei: One-on-one fight!?
???: Bihei-san.
Echo: Let me see your face!!
Ten: ..........
Page 9:
Jyunsou: You're wasting your breath.
Gaimou: Whaat
Jyunsou: Not everyone's a simple-minded person like you, Gaimou-sama.
Jyunsou: Generally, calling out for a one-on-one fight in the middle of an attack is just warning them that you're messing around. It's a battle after all.
Jyunsou: What's more, to give away the location of the great general himself is a bad move.
Jyunsou: Now the whole army will soon focus on attacking us. You guys, set up a defensive formation around the general and prepare to get the hell out of here.
Soldier: Yes sir!
Jyunsou: Hm?
Page 10:
Horse's hoof: Thud
Page 11:
Shin: So you're the big dumbass who called out for me, huh?
Jyunsou: He came.
Gaimou: (Grin/smile)
Page 12:
Soldier: Open a path!
Soldier: Could just have stayed silent. Are they really going to fight one-on-one!?
???: Uwaah
???: ! Female strategist!
Soldier: ... Good. This is is our favor.
Soldier: Yeah.
Soldier: Our commander is stronger now than when he fought Houken!
Ten: ......
???: This battle is as good as ours isn't it, Karyo Ten.
Ten (thinks): What's this supposed to mean? As far as I know, the Fire Dragons of Wei should already be dead.
Ten (thinks): ........
Ten (thinks): But, if that man is really the real Gaimou of the Fire Dragons of Wei...
Speech Bubble (Ten): Shin, that man is.....
Gaimou: ........ Hmf.
Gaimou: There's a young but experienced and skilled one, is it. (T/N: Not sure about this one)
Page 13:
Gaimou: Who does not flinch before this Gaimou.
Denei (thinks): Wh... Who is he. He's twice as huge as Ryuusen...
Gaimou: But when it comes to experience, I have plenty of that too.
Gaimou: I'm a man who has in the past fought evenly with both Renpa and Ouki in one-on-one fights after all.
???: !
Denei: Wha
Denyuu: Whaat!!
Shin: ......
Page 14:
Jyunsou: ......
Jyunsou: That's a lie.
Gaimou: Jyunsou!
Denei: Eh
Shin: Hmf.
Gaimou: Oho.
Gaimou: What are you smiling for? You don't believe it?
Shin: No. I can tell just fine just from standing here that you're not just anybody, old geezer.
Shin: That you have fought Renpa and General Ouki isn't that surprising. You just give the general impression of being bad news.
Shin: But, that a big shot like that
Shin: Sticks out his own neck in a battle like this where you have the advantage. Now, that's truly laughable!
Glaive sound: *Thud*
Shin(?): Old man, unlike Renpa and the others, you're skilled, but you're also quite the idiot.
Jyunsou: Correct.
Gaimou: Jyunsou!
Gaimou(?) ... Hmph.
Gaimou(?): But.
Page 15:
Gaimou: For you to come answering the challenge means that you're just as big an idiot as me.
Jyunsou: That's right.
???: Lieutenant
???: Lieutenant
Shin: .........
Shin: We'll see who is
Shin: The real big idiot here!!
Denei: He went in!
Denyuu; Shin!!
Jyunsou: That, we already know.
Jyunsou: That lie just now..... It's true that Gaimou-sama never fought Renpa and the others in an one-on-one fight.
Jyunsou: But that's
Page 16:
Jyunsou: Because Renpa and the others were wise enough to avoid fightning Gaimou-sama in an one-on-one fight.
Jyunsou: Because that
Jyunsou: If Renpa and the others
Jyunsou: Had fought Gaimou-sama in an one-on-one fight, it'd have meant certain "death".
Gelecek bölüm Shin adamı atıyla beraber sağa sola savuracak herhalde. Sonra Wei ordusunda 2 tane sivri zekalı çıkar Shin'i araya alalım falan yaparlar onları da kyokai keser rahatlarız.