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[Spoiler] Kengan Asura

Lolong: (To Kazuo) A Worm might be on your side too. Okubo and Wakatsuki said that Hayami Masaki is the most suspicious of all Kengan fighters.
Son düzenleme:
-Members of the Purgatory team are starting to get suspicious of each other, and are realizing something is up behind the scenes. Terashi thinks Nicolas is shady, and Fei thinks Lolong is shady. Everyone is starting to have doubts.

-Team Purgatory and Kengan have an impromptu meeting on stage, where Jurota asks for an explanation on what's going on, and what the centipede tattoos mean.

-Yamashita receives permission from Nogi and explains to Purgatory who the Worm are. Yamashita suggests that they cancel the tournament, thinking something dangerous might happen, but Lolong refuses, saying he wants to finish this whole thing through.

-Yamashita tries to convince Lolong to change his mind, but Lolong doesn't budge, saying "Their might be Worm members on your team too, y'know?" Okubo and Wakatsuki are thinking the same thing, and are suspicious of Masaki.

-Agito collapses from exhaustion, and because Yamashita is standing in front of him, Jurota and Lolong think that Yamashita kicked him or something. Jurota hypes up Yamashita and says that he's "no ordinary man after all" (LOL).

-It's now going to be Raian vs. Alan Wu. Wu Xing despises Alan, and says that he's one of the most dangerous members of the "Edward Wu faction." Alan has killed multiple Wu members, even more than Edward (!!!!).

-Alan Wu's epithet is the "Murder King," or something like that.

Fei: "Wait. If anyone's hiding anything, isn't it you, Lolong?"

Lolong: ".....what?"

Fei: "I mean, you were oddly calm when Naidan was going berserk during his match. Are you two working together or something?"

Lolong: ".......Do you understand what you're saying, Fei? Just stop right there."
Son düzenleme:
Title :The King of Murder

Terashi, what do you think of all this?

Terashi: The same as you. Something suspicious is happening. That wasnt the Lu Tian that I know. He was as reckless as Naidan, had the same tattoos… Something strange is happening with this tournament.

Nicolas: Aren’t you a boring one Terashi? Although you have some fashion sense, you’re way too serious. Let people do what ever they want. It doesn’t affect the matches does it?

Terashi: Nicolas, you seem to be hiding something too.

Nicolas: Really? Are you suspecting me? Not that I’m offended or anything.

Fei: Hold up. If anyone is hiding something, isn’t it you Lolong?

Lolong: What?

Fei: I mean, when Naidan went nuts, you were as cool as a ice. Are you sure you aren’t working with him on something?

Lolong: Do you know what you are even saying? Its better you stop now.

Narrator: In the Purgatory side, the atmosphere turned restless and when their teamwork began to waver….

Rihito: How many times do I gotta tell ya! That geezer Kuroki aint no ninja!

Falcon: Be quite, I say. Without a doubt, my teacher Kuroki Gensai is the Ninja Master.

Rihito: Tf you talking about? You aren’t a student of him. Speaking of which, didn’t you use poison during our fight!? Aren’t you ashamed of your cowardice?!

Falcon: My poison fist is something I have tempered over many years. It is not against any Purgatory Rule to use it.

Rihito: Wha.. What the hell? I had no idea about that!

Medel: Those nīno’s aren’t well behaved in front of beautiful ladies are they?

Kaede: Aww, don’t flatter me.

Medel: Forgive those brats rude behaviour senōrīta.

Medel: I should temporarily stop using Capoeira. It’s still not integrated properly with my style. And as I am now, the power of my punches are lackluster. Maybe should I reduce my speed, the resulting punching power will increase. I’ll start by working my way up to featherweight class.

Medel: Hey Doc? You free for a minute?

Hanafusa: Oh, an dissection?

Kokomi: Of course not

Medel: Could you turn up the volume a notch?

Idemitsu: Hmm… What happened? What happened?

Metsudo: Hahahaha. Theres never a dull moment in this tournament is there?

Nogi: The fighters what are they doing.. Good gracious.

Arisa: Whats going on? What on earth is happening?

Katahara: What is this!? The fighters of both sides have gathered in the ring.

Alisa: Please step back! I do not tolerate this behaviour! What is the meaning go this? Nicolas please explain what you are doing?

Nicolas: Well. Im not too sure either but I guess we wanna achieve something.

Jurota: I am Arashiyama Jurota. Members of the Kengan Association, there is something that I would like to ask you. You have all noticed this as well right? Something is off within this tournament.

Jurota: From our team, we had two members who bore the centipede’s tattoo. Do you have any knowledge about it?

Nitoku: I too am interested in this matter.

Hayami: Thats a tattoo with bad taste isn’t it.

Kazzy: I will explain about this matter. Although I wasn’t told much in the first place from Chairman Nogi

Jurota: The worm huh..I guess I have heard about it. It must be a secret society formed in ancient China.

Nicolas: Disgusting! I hate insects.

Terashi: I though they were just rumours in the underworld, but to find out that they actually exist?

Fei: I too know only of the name. But does that mean Naidan and Lu were just fakes?

Kazzy: No, I wouldn’t go that far yet. We also don’t know the entire picture as well. Hence, I propose a temporary halt to the tournament with all whats going on

Lolong: I’m afraid I will have to refuse. That is the end of the matter.

Kazzy: Oi.. Wait up!

Lolong: What has infiltrated the tournament is of no concern. I’ll let you decide who goes next.

Kazzy: Wait a minute Lolong! I doubt the worm is limited to only those two. There may be more than 2 people among us. Continuing the tournament at this rate…

Lolong: Are you saying that there is another worm in our side? How carefree. Aren’t you forgetting something? If there is another worm, who’s to say they cant have infiltrated you guys?

Kazzy: What.. No way.

Wakatsuki: Okubo?

Okubo: Yeah. Its as “All Back”- kun says. Who’s to say that our side’s clean as well? The most suspicious one is..

Hayami Masaki. The fighter sent by Toyo Electrical.

Ohma: What he said just now…It was a bit weird. Am i misunderstanding something?

Kazzy: Whats up Ohma?

Ohma: Nothin’

Fang: Captain Yamashita, what did Purgatory want with us?

Kazzy: It seems they wanted to ask us about the Worm.

Fang: Urgh..

Koga: Are you alright Kanoh?

Fang: Its no matter. I, just got a little tired.

Kazzy: Don’t push yourself too much! You just finished your match after all.

Misasa: Boss. Ill lend you my shoulder.

Jurota: It seems that the contestants are all serving that man.

Jurota: Yamashita Kazuo. He is no ordinary fellow after all.

Lolong: Indeed

Raian: As soon as I saw you, it was decided. Today, I’m gonna kill ya.

Alan: Kuhaaa! Isn’t this funny guy,

Erioh: Xin, do you know of that man?

Xin: Yeah, Unfortunately I do. Even within Edward Wu’s faction, he’s one of the most dangerous. He’s killed even more wu clan men than Edward.

Alan: Lets have some fun, greenhorn. Don’t drown yourself in your blood.

Epiteth: The King of Murder Alan Wu.

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