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Maki sen nasıl bir insansın ya her yerde güven veriyor :utangac:

Sukuna yı yenemezlerdi zaten ama yakalama kısmı olabilir diye düşündüm okurken ama o kızın çıkıp, geleceği o anda düşünmedim, doğal olarak. Yakalama kısmıda fos çıktı. Maki daha buzdan çıkmamış.İtodoriye üzüldüm açıkçası Sukuna ayrı bir şerefsiz ama Aralarında tuhaf bir etkileşim vardı. Top artık Megumide ama ilerleyen sayılarda daha çok kan çıkacak gibi geliyor. Gojo çıkana kadar insan kalmayacak.
Op'un berbatlığının yanında altın gibi parlıyorsun. Harika bölüm.

Title: Bath
- Uraume has dressed up ritual robes back at Zenin clan assisting the bath alongside Kenjaku. Uraume asks why isn't Kenjaku finishing the Culling Games & he replies he wants to merge Tengen but first he's interested in the "bath"
- The 'bath' was originally a ritual to incantate vessels that had been treasured as family heirlooms. The vessels are soaked for 10 months and 10 days in a solution of Cursed Energy obtained by crushing and straining carefully selected creatures with an inhuman poison
-Kenjaku asks why are they going through all this, to which Uraume replies it's to get closer to the "Demon". All this ritual is to supress Megumi Fushiguro's soul deeper into the depths
- Sukuna completes the ritual
- Kenjaku is being totally dramatic. Sukuna asks what's so funny? Thus Kenny replies "I thought you'd leave us alone, because you've always had a one-sided love affair with Yorozu". Sukuna says he doesn't gives a damn about Yorozu but Sukuna says he wants to destroy Tsumiki Fushiguro to completely sink the Megumi Fushiguro inside him
- Scene cuts to Sendai colony where Uro & Ryu notices an incoming creepy aura from afar. Uro is totally scared realising who it is and says, "Here he comes, THE KING OF CURSES!!"
- Sukuna instantly arrives infront of Ryu & asks if he won't retreat. But before Ryu could even act, Sukuna slashes him but he laughs at Ryu saying "What are you? I was going to cut you in three pieces, but I can't do it."


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