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[Spoiler] Hunter x Hunter

"Hunter X Hunter" by Yoshihiro Togashi will no longer be published in a weekly format after the next chapter

The editorial is determined to keep supporting Togashi until the completion of "Hunter x Hunter". In what format the series will continue will be revealed at a later date
"Hunter X Hunter" by Yoshihiro Togashi will no longer be published in a weekly format after the next chapter

The editorial is determined to keep supporting Togashi until the completion of "Hunter x Hunter". In what format the series will continue will be revealed at a later date
Bu sefer direkt bir süreliğine manga yayınlanmayacak dememişler en azından. 2 ayda bir olsa bile yine iyidir.
"Hunter X Hunter" by Yoshihiro Togashi will no longer be published in a weekly format after the next chapter

The editorial is determined to keep supporting Togashi until the completion of "Hunter x Hunter". In what format the series will continue will be revealed at a later date

Aha hayırlı olsun seri aylık formata geçecek.

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