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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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[Spoiler] Genel Spoiler Konusu 1

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
- Kyoshiro and Hiyori already made a plan to take down Orochi and Kaido. İronically they planned to act while fire festival celebration.
- Law changed all plan with directions of Kyoshiro. He also contact with Drake and Kid. However Kid refuse to help (unclear).
- Franky take all ships to unknown place of north of Wano. Also Thousand Sunny is still alive, because Orochi's men destroy Kanjuro's drawing.
- Our team gathering other side of island. One certain messenger (big shock) come to tell the new plan to Nine Scabbards.

Şimdilik bu kadar.
- Kyoshiro and Hiyori already made a plan to take down Orochi and Kaido. İronically they planned to act while fire festival celebration.
- Law changed all plan with directions of Kyoshiro. He also contact with Drake and Kid. However Kid refuse to help (unclear).
- Franky take all ships to unknown place of north of Wano. Also Thousand Sunny is still alive, because Orochi's men destroy Kanjuro's drawing.
- Our team gathering other side of island. One certain messenger (big shock) come to tell the new plan to Nine Scabbards.

Şimdilik bu kadar.
O mesajcı kim ola?
- Kyoshiro and Hiyori already made a plan to take down Orochi and Kaido. İronically they planned to act while fire festival celebration.
- Law changed all plan with directions of Kyoshiro. He also contact with Drake and Kid. However Kid refuse to help (unclear).
- Franky take all ships to unknown place of north of Wano. Also Thousand Sunny is still alive, because Orochi's men destroy Kanjuro's drawing.
- Our team gathering other side of island. One certain messenger (big shock) come to tell the new plan to Nine Scabbards.

Şimdilik bu kadar.
Olması gereken, umarım böyle çıkar
- Kyoshiro and Hiyori already made a plan to take down Orochi and Kaido. İronically they planned to act while fire festival celebration.
- Law changed all plan with directions of Kyoshiro. He also contact with Drake and Kid. However Kid refuse to help (unclear).
- Franky take all ships to unknown place of north of Wano. Also Thousand Sunny is still alive, because Orochi's men destroy Kanjuro's drawing.
- Our team gathering other side of island. One certain messenger (big shock) come to tell the new plan to Nine Scabbards.

Şimdilik bu kadar.
Vay, iyiymiş. Drake ve Kid'in de işin içinde olması güzel. Kanjuro power up almış herhalde, nasıl çizdiyse Sunny'yi :D
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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