Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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[Spoiler] Feng Shen Ji

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Journey imiş galiba adı. Adam Google translate ile şöyle bir çeviri yapmış:

Journey Comics: This is the year part of the ancient gods ...... "all day", "Naga", "Yasha", "Asura" ...... and other eight, they have their own territory, and often go to war with each other . Human gods fear, afraid to approach them from the management area. Except the gods, there are a variety of monster, or "magic." Their predecessor of birds and animals, through a chance encounter, cultivation of wisdom, the adult form......
Journey imiş galiba adı. Adam Google translate ile şöyle bir çeviri yapmış:

Journey Comics: This is the year part of the ancient gods ...... "all day", "Naga", "Yasha", "Asura" ...... and other eight, they have their own territory, and often go to war with each other . Human gods fear, afraid to approach them from the management area. Except the gods, there are a variety of monster, or "magic." Their predecessor of birds and animals, through a chance encounter, cultivation of wisdom, the adult form......
Maymun Kralı mı işleyecek acaba. Orda kuyruklu bir şey gördüm.:D

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