Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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asıl joyboy roger olabilir. 20 yıllık bir hata yapmış olabilir yada hastalığını hesaba katmamış olabilir. bunun arkasından 800 yılda bir gerçekleşen bir olay çıkması muhtemel. gezegenlerin belli bir sıraya dizilmesi, yada kuyruklu yıldız gibi bir şey olabilir.
şöyle bir not var

-The SFX in the speech bubble is written in Hiragana as にかっ (nika'),0 which is a common way to show someone is grinning.1 2 The Sun God Nika's name is written in Katakana as ニカ (Nika).3 Notice that besides the different characters (Hiragana vs Katakana), the name is also lacking the small っ that can be seen in the speech bubble. "When the small tsu comes at the end of a word or sentence, it always indicates the glottal stop and makes the pronunciation of the word end with a sharp stop instead of the slowly fading to silence."4 However, this small っ can't be represented in writing, it's only there to indicate pronounciation.

-While the speech bubble technically says "nika", it doesn't say "Nika" as in that Sun God's name (as a comparison, 3時 is read as "sanji", but that doesn't mean that it refers to the character Sanji).
şöyle bir not var

-The SFX in the speech bubble is written in Hiragana as にかっ (nika'),0 which is a common way to show someone is grinning.1 2 The Sun God Nika's name is written in Katakana as ニカ (Nika).3 Notice that besides the different characters (Hiragana vs Katakana), the name is also lacking the small っ that can be seen in the speech bubble. "When the small tsu comes at the end of a word or sentence, it always indicates the glottal stop and makes the pronunciation of the word end with a sharp stop instead of the slowly fading to silence."4 However, this small っ can't be represented in writing, it's only there to indicate pronounciation.

-While the speech bubble technically says "nika", it doesn't say "Nika" as in that Sun God's name (as a comparison, 3時 is read as "sanji", but that doesn't mean that it refers to the character Sanji).
En azından birinden kurtulduk yani :D
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