Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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[Spoiler] 1022 Öngörüş

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
* Title "flower form"

* Description of the war situation of the annihilation of Tobiroppo

* 15 minutes until arrival at the Flower

Capital of Onigashima * Raizo vs Fukurokuju

* Killer vs
Hawkins The remaining straw dolls from Hawkins are linked to Kid.

* It
is said that it is difficult to deal with King, Queen vs Sanji alone.

* Nekomamushi raids Ferros Spero aiming at Sanji with a candy bow..

* Marco defends King's attack.
Marco: I've heard of it a long time ago. A long time ago, there was a race that "fired" on the red wall...

* Resurrected Zoro

* Marco appeared in "flower form" here! I think you can understand this as just a star or a popular person..

* Zoro and Sanji attack the King and Queen, respectively, with great technical skills...
Zoro: Hey, round and round, if you win this fight,
Sanji: Yeah, you'll see it...
Luffy Becomes the 'Pirate King'!!!

* The next issue is not on hiatus.
@Montana sizi aktif gördüm, isterseniz konuyu açınız efenim. Ben açmayacağım.

- Raizo vs Fukurokuju
- The announcement of Tobi Roppo's defeat
- 15 minutes until Onigashima lands in Wano Country.
- Killer vs Hawkins
- Sanji vs King & Queen
- Nekomamushi attacks Perospero who trying to attack Sanji with Candy Arrow

- Marco block King's attack
- Zoro is recovered.
- In the end of the chapter, Zoro & Sanji attack King & Queen with an amazing skill/attack.
Yine yalandır dedim bu sefer doğru sanırım spoiler. Vallahi sistemim çöktü arkadaş. İyi ya herkes eşleşmiş.
Birtek izo,kawa ve denjiro ne halta yarayacak o soru işareti
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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