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[Spoiler] Game of Thrones (2011-2019)

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ya inadına mı yapıyorsunuz ? @ch3rl0b11n ne güzel açıklamış. tamam kitapla karşılaştırma unuttuk kitabı. bu dizi kitaptan uyarlama değil diyelim. diyoruz ki dizinin önceki sezonlarına göre de dizi savsaklamaya başladı. bişeye bi kere başladınız izlediniz diye bu onu eleştirilemez hale mi getiriyor. eleştirilecek yeri varsa eleştirilir.
bak sen kitabı okudun eleştiricek orjinal konu kurgu'yu biliyorsun ve diziyi ona göre eleştiriyorsun tamam,ben kitapları okumadım ve dizinin gidişatından kitaplar'daki kurguyu bilmediğim için gidişatı bana iyi geliyor çünkü karşılaştırıcak birşey yok benim için şimdi sen(burada şahsına değil genel diyorum)forumdaki dizi konusunda kitap eleştirisi yaparsan kitap okumayanlar için nasıl olur biliyorsun.
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Dizi başladığından beri her hafta aynı terane. Bu sene en azından kitap yok diyorduk gene devam ediyor
Ekşide gördüm, birisi 6. sezonda olacakları sızdırmış redditte : https://eksisozluk.com/entry/60675174
Birazını okudum, kalanını da sonra okuyacağım. Bana kendi içinde tutarlı geldi okuduğum bölümler.
Post: -spoiler olabilir bak, benden demesi, ileriki bölümlere ait şeyler olabilir. Açarken 3-5 defa düşünün-
-İngilizce metin-
His Original Post:

Hey, first post. In case some of you think this is BS, go through my history and you will see I posted some accurate True Detective spoilers a while back. Stop reading if you don't wanna learn what happens. Keep in mind I haven't read the books so I'm not too sure of the siginificance of some of this stuff or if it is already known. Don't wanna give away to much right away but here are some spoilers for this season: * Sansa will go to Castle Black and meet up with Jon. They will reminisce and Sansa will apologize for treating him badly. Sansa will also have a quick meetup with Baelish. Jon and Sansa will eventually team up to try and get their brother back. They have the Wildlings on their side and then travel around and try to recruit more people. * The Whitewalkers were created by the Children of the Forest. * You will soon learn how Hodor came to be. The Whitewalkers attack Bran and company and Hodor will be forced to 'hold the door' as they make their escape. * Uncle Benjen will come to rescue Bran and Meera. He will accompany them to The Wall before departing. Bran will have one more 'flashback' in the finale and we will see what's in the Tower. * Who else is still alive? The Hound. He is saved by some followers of some sort. They all get killed by some former Brotherhood Without Banners members while he is away. The Hound meets up with the other Brotherhood Without Banners and gets revenge. * Davos will find the little toy or whatever he gave to Shireen. He will confront Melisandre and she will admit to having her burned. * Euron gets chosen to be the new king because of his plan to marry Dany and enter into an alliance with her to take King's Landing. Yara and Theon steal their ships instead and plan to enter into an alliance with Dany instead. * Jaime is forced to go to Riverrun and retake the castle from The Blackfish for the Freys. Brienne also goes to Riverrun to try and get the Tullys to join up and retake Winterfell. Brienne fails but escapes. Edmure is forced by Jaime to enter Riverrun and give it up since he is the rightful owner. The Blackfish apparently dies in battle but we never actually see it happen. * Samwell's father doesn't approve of Gilly. Samwell decides he doesn't care and leaves. But not before stealing his father's Valyrian sword. * Arya will be asked to kill some actress. She refuses and The Waif is given permission to kill Arya. * Dorne will not be shown again until the finale.

Questions asked, and his responses:

*So you're saying Arya's going to die? *No. Only one Stark dies this season (not including flashbacks). *Rickon? *Yes

*do we get cleganebowl? how about bastard/snow bowl? what happens in the tower of joy? *No. Trial by combat is denied so The Mountain doesn't do much this season. He does get to have his way with Septa Unella though. Yes. We see Lyanna Stark. *what is the relevance of Lyanna Stark in the tower though? We already knew she was there. Confirmation of R+L = J? Or do we not learn anything? *Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies. We then see a baby, and the very next scene we see Jon. *interesting. last questions for me i think- any details you can provide on how the children of the forest created the white walkers? *I don't remember exactly as the scene was brief. Bran has a vision of a bunch of the CotF gathering and doing something. He wakes and then confronts Leaf about creating the Whitewalkers. She says they did it to protect something. Bran then has a vision of the Whitewalkers but the Night's King actually senses him and that's how the Whitewalkers learn of Bran's location and attack. That's all you see from them this season.

*What happens during the bastard bowl? Does Jon retake Winterfell? Do we meet Howland Reed to confirm what happens in TOJ? Also do we hear what Lyanna says to Ned? *Jon almost kills Ramsay. Yes. No. No. *Almost? *Jon chooses to imprison Ramsay rather than kill him. *Oh forfucksake Jon, I imagine the whole Nothern conspiracy thing doesn't happen then, if Rickon gets killed and the Umbers are loyal to the Boltons? Also I hate to be a bother but are you kind of just scratching the surface with spoilers or are these spoilers more or less the big events that happen this season? *Had to google Northern Conspiracy. Not sure if it's a conspiracy, but Jon does become King of the North. This is after the teen girl who is head of some house (with like 60 soldiers) speaks up about how she trusts the Starks and was one of the only ones to follow them into battle. Then the other houses speak up and apologize about not following them and they don't care that he is a bastard. *Ah sorry for not explaining basically the conspiracy is the idea that the Umbers gave the Bolton Rickon to get their trust and then side with Jon in the war, depleting Ramsay's forces. BTW I'm pretty sure the girl your talking about is the head of House Mormont. BTW does Sansa legitimize Jon as a stark? *Ok then there's no conspiracy. Might've be House Mormont. The recruiting scene is pretty funny as Jon, Sansa, and Davos make these great speeches on why she should join them only to find out she has less than 100 men. Don't think Sansa legitimizes Jon but she is agreement that he should be King. *Ah fuck, yer House Mormont is piss poor, Bear Island has no resources so that makes a lot of sense. So if their is no conspiracy does Ramsay just kill Rickon or does he survive and then get killed in ironic way (I believe you said he died by arrows so I assume he might get killed accidently in the battle) *Ramsay and Jon meet across the battlefield. Ramsay releases Rickon and tells him to run toward his brother. As Rickon runs, Ramsay starts shooting arrows up in the air one at a time that keep missing him. Jon starts galloping toward Rickon but just as he reaches him, one of Ramsay's arrow hits him and he dies in Jon's arms. Sansa is the smart one. She tells Jon before the battle that Rickon is already dead.

*That's hilarious and sad at the same time. Osha is already dead by this point? and apparently one the flayed men placed on the battlefield by Ramsay is someone of importance, dunno if their is any truth to that? *Yes. Osha should be dead in the next episode? Or maybe the one after. She and Ramsay are talking. She tries to seduce him and grab a knife that is lying nearby. Ramsay reveals that Theon told him EVERYTHING and then kills her.

*That's fucking depressing, any torture occurs against Rickon or Osha in the mean time up until their respective deaths and does the SmallJon die (SmallJon is the guy who gives Rickon to Ramsay)? *Osha dies in her very next scene. Don't think we actually see Rickon get tortured. He has very little screen time. And not sure about SmallJon.

*Does Tyrion interact with the dragons, do they come to trust him? Are there any other major deaths this season? I hope Tommen is one. *No, only Dany. Dragons don't really interact with Tyrion. And yes lots of major characters die. Mostly in the finale. Don't wanna spoil all of them but Tommen does die. Osha dies pretty soon but she's not a major character. Also we can assume the 3ER dies when the Whitewalkers attack. But really all that matters is that Wun Wun lives.

*How does Tommen die? *He jumps out the window.

*Can you prove all of your spoilers by providing something that happens in episode 4? *Read the first bullet point about Jon and Sansa. Can go into more detail. Sansa ends up meeting Baelish at the town outside Winterfell. Brienne goes with her. Baelish apologizes for allowing her to marry Ramsay. Sansa accuses Baelish of knowing about Ramsay and basically says she doesn't want anything to do with him any more

*I actually believed you a little but how can Sansa and LF meet in the next episode when LF is in the Vale judging by ep4 preview and Sansa is going to Castle Black? *Hmm maybe I'm remembering incorrectly and that meeting happens in episode 5? Pretty sure it's in the next episode. Either way, what does definitely happen in the next episode is Jorah and Daario see Dany and are about to save her. She tells them she doesn't need to be saved and instead has them help lock her in a tent with the other Khals.

Önemli olan niyet. Zaten postu okuyanlar oç'nin orman çocuklarının kısaltması olduğunu anlar. white walker yerine de ww yazdım mesela.

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Bran geçmişi mi değiştirdi yoksa geçmişte hodor geleceği bir anda görüp delirdiği için mi hodor oldu ?/SPOILER]

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