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Tower of God

Ha Jinsung'u Kurtarma Operasyonu Nasıl Sonuçlanır?

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Blitz ailesi kuledeki özel ailelerden birisi. FUG Slayer adayı ile aynı takımda bir aile üyesi olması ailelerinin ismini lekeler. Ran ve Novick de 10 büyük ailenin üyesi, onlar da FUG Slayer adayı ile aynı takımda olamaz. Koon zaten öldü bilindiğinden gene gizli bir kimlik kullanıp tırmanmaya devam edecektir.

"Yeon da aynı durumda değil mi?" diyebilirsin ve haklısında ama Yeon zaten kaç yıldır beraber tırmanıyor. Karar da vermişti önceden beraber tırmanıp ailemin yanlışlarını bulucam vb. diye.

Burada zaten tahmin yapıyoruz, senin dediğin gibi de çıkabilir takımlar. Ama 2. takım kuleye tırmanmak önceliği olmayan kişiler demen pek doğru kaçmıyor. Koon 2 takım ayrılıp beraber tırmanıcaz, bilgi vb. sağlayacağız birbirimize diyor. Yani Lesoo ile beraber yaptığını şimdi Novick+Lesoo ile beraber yapıcak. 3 grup da tırmanmaya devam edecektir, Novick'in grubu ayrıca Rachel'a eşlik edenleri bulup öldürecek. FUG'un seçtiği regularlar boş çıkmayacaktır, Novick'in takımının da güçlü olması lazım. Ayrıca tırmanmayı ciddiye almazlarsa Rachel sadece farkı açar aradaki.
Quaetro'nun ailesi ahım şahım bir aile değil, atılsa bile önemseyeceğini sanmıyorum, Quant'ın hali ortada işsiz güçsüz Lero-Ro'yu takip ediyor.
"while Baam and Koon focus mainly on climbing, Novik's team will be looking for 'Rachel and her friends', then execute them. He already got more members to fill in." Bir takım tırmanmaya odaklanırken, diğer takımın önceliği farklı olacak. Yani Koon'un takımı kuleye daha hızlı tırmanacak.


Quaetro'nun ailesi ahım şahım bir aile değil, atılsa bile önemseyeceğini sanmıyorum, Quant'ın hali ortada işsiz güçsüz Lero-Ro'yu takip ediyor.
"while Baam and Koon focus mainly on climbing, Novik's team will be looking for 'Rachel and her friends', then execute them. He already got more members to fill in." Bir takım tırmanmaya odaklanırken, diğer takımın önceliği farklı olacak. Yani Koon'un takımı kuleye daha hızlı tırmanacak.
Rachel ve arkadaşları kuleye tırmanıyor olacak. Rachel'ı bulmak için onların da kuleye tırmanması gerekecek.

Aynen, Quatro hep çocuk gibi davransa da turnuva sırasında Wangnan'la olan konuşmasından aslında kafası çalışan biri olduğunu gösterdi. :D Quatro takar mı takmaz mı bilmiyorum ama ailesi hoş karşılamayacaktır. Zaten Yeon neden hala aileden atılmadı merak ediyorum. Prince bir ara şaşırmıştı "Sen hala ailedemisin?" diye. :D

Novick'in takımı Rachel filan aradığı için biraz daha geriden tırmanacaktır belki ama içinde Ran olan bir takım ne kadar zorlanabilir ki testlerde? :D Biraz daha yavaş tempoyla da olsa arayı çok açmadan peşlerinden gideceklerdir.
blog yazısı çıkmış:
(Some talk about weather being cold)

Today's chapter was rather long.

I put myself at limit but could no help wanting more....

The main point was not really the date itself, but Baam who lived alone learning how to live with others. [not sure how to put this :p]

Meanwhile not losing Androssi's charm as character.

So I had to be careful and work hard..

And of course put it in one chapter.. ^^;

Baam attracts people, so he will be famous in next arc too.

Androssi had some trouble too.

Of course Baam is also attractive in 'other way' too.

Koon will suffer a bit.

Meanwhile Rachel re-surfaces...

Some have asked about hiatus plan and my health status,

I will go hiatus after finishing Epilogue.

I hope it won't be long, but there is possibility of long term rest.

Next week, I will be able to tell you more.

While hiatus is ongoing I will re-start things like Gossip.

I will also listen to some requests ^^

Have a happy week, and be careful of cold.

See you next week ^^


Raw çıktı.

Görünüşe göre Cassano, Horyang'ın içindeki şeytanı çalmış. Baam saçlarını kestiriyor, uzun saçlı hali daha iyi bence.

Edit: SIU en az 6 hafta ara vermiş seriye.
Raw çıktı.

Görünüşe göre Cassano, Horyang'ın içindeki şeytanı çalmış. Baam saçlarını kestiriyor, uzun saçlı hali daha iyi bence.

Edit: SIU en az 6 hafta ara vermiş seriye.
az daha almasaydı kangren olacaktı herhalde.adam kaç aydır erteliyordu ameliyatı.
düz çeviri ilk part:
Rachel greets Cassano and Traveler. Saying she was worried something happened at Archi because he was being late.

Cassano says the work happened without much incident. He could not bring a companion though.

Traveler feels 'something dangerous' from the girl. (Rachel)

Micheal asks Cassano to show them 'the object' so they can confirm.

He does.

Seeing that, Rachel thanks him for hard work. And announce they will go to save this Tower.

3 days after at Resort.

The casts are getting alnog. (Prince says he knows Quant because he was successful Ranker making lots of CF. lol Reminder- He was tricked by YHS over his merchandise right.)

Koon says it would be shame to divide now. And asks if Baam is ok with it.

Baam answers they can meet up later, when they become D-rank and grow stronger.

Rak agrees. Though he wants to leave the useless Blue Turtle who have done nothing but used power of some items behind.

After watching them playfully fight, Baam asks when would Urek come.

He won't. Koon replies. Unreliable source (Hatchuling) said he made some huge mistake above Floor and can't come now. He is a bit disappointed.

Is Urek so great person? Is what Baam is curious.

Koon says of course he is. Even his father has agreed that guy is strong. It could be bad idea to meet him, to be honest, even with the Wingtree mark Leesoo gave him. Why does Baam want to meet him anyway?

Baam answers he became curious about 'outside.'
ikinci part:
Goseng comes to the trio and says they must know about this.

Hoyang is in coma.

Sophia explains it is because he lost his part of demon.

To the people who are shocked Cassano now has two demons, Beta comes in and corrects it is 'One full demon' actually. It would be even stronger then 'Unstable may demons' himself had. Cassano must got very developed technology somewhere.

Wangnan says this news is only known to people in that room. (Beta/Sophia/Wangnag/Goseng/Baam/Koon/Rak) And Goseng would stay with Horyang to take care of him. But they must find Cassano if they want to bring Horyang back.

Beta adds using Emile would be impossible since it has been out of order for some days now. Must be Cassano.

Sohpia reveals Emile is actually an 'Ignition weapon', which has been contained by hypnosis to believe she was a human. But now that protection is gone, that child can 'Ignite', perhaps causing huge disaster.

Sometime later, after discussing the situation, Baam says they must ask her now.

Wharyun says why smelly boys have come to see her at once.

Baam starts to answer, but she cuts it off. She says she won't show them the way because she has no reason to help those who locked her in when she helped them.

Koon offers a deal. If she helps them find Cassano, she may come along with them. That is what she planned all along anyway, is it not?

She agrees. At 35th Floor, there is 'Train of Hell' going to 43th Floor straight up. The difficulty leaves only few survivors, if any. But it will bring them to the 'Floor that is hidden'. They can meet Cassano there.

Wangnan notices it would take long time to get there.

A year and half is Koon's calculation, if they go as fast as possible. Horyang must hold on until then.

After Wangnan shouting they will do their best, they leave. (Wangnan calls Wharyun as Ryun-chan. WTH?)

But Wharyun calls out Viole. And says he looks happy, just like Ha Jinsung ajussi wanted. He sent Viole a message. Grow stronger to protect his happiness. Something so big that at current power, he can not win against is coming.

Next day, the Leesoo team leaves quite loudly.

Meanwhile Wharyun reads some magerzine that is gossiping about mysteries of E-Rank Gongbang Tournamet.

She thinks the issue has been tied up.

But a new story will begin soon.

Rachel Team is shown going somewhere.

'She' is someone not even Guides can control.

Like him, being the most irregular beings of Tower.

They are ones who can change the Tower.

If he stands before her again,

then what would Baam choose?
Baam da dışarısı hakkında meraklanmış:D


az daha almasaydı kangren olacaktı herhalde.adam kaç aydır erteliyordu ameliyatı.
düz çeviri ilk part:
Rachel greets Cassano and Traveler. Saying she was worried something happened at Archi because he was being late.

Cassano says the work happened without much incident. He could not bring a companion though.

Traveler feels 'something dangerous' from the girl. (Rachel)

Micheal asks Cassano to show them 'the object' so they can confirm.

He does.

Seeing that, Rachel thanks him for hard work. And announce they will go to save this Tower.

3 days after at Resort.

The casts are getting alnog. (Prince says he knows Quant because he was successful Ranker making lots of CF. lol Reminder- He was tricked by YHS over his merchandise right.)

Koon says it would be shame to divide now. And asks if Baam is ok with it.

Baam answers they can meet up later, when they become D-rank and grow stronger.

Rak agrees. Though he wants to leave the useless Blue Turtle who have done nothing but used power of some items behind.

After watching them playfully fight, Baam asks when would Urek come.

He won't. Koon replies. Unreliable source (Hatchuling) said he made some huge mistake above Floor and can't come now. He is a bit disappointed.

Is Urek so great person? Is what Baam is curious.

Koon says of course he is. Even his father has agreed that guy is strong. It could be bad idea to meet him, to be honest, even with the Wingtree mark Leesoo gave him. Why does Baam want to meet him anyway?

Baam answers he became curious about 'outside.'

Baam da dışarısı hakkında meraklanmış:D
Desene Baam ayrı tırmanacak bir süre. Herkes beraber tırmanmalarını bekliyordu, ters köşe yaptı SIU.

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