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[Spoiler] Toriko (Manga)


En son Bambina'nın olduğu bölümler yok muydu ? Manga okuda ki bölümler çok geri de değilmi ?
Derous, en başından beri üzerinde en çok durulan Kraldı, bu çok barizdi aslında. Komatsu'nun bıçağında vurgulandı, Midora'nın geçmişinde vurgulandı, 8 Kral çizildiğinde dahi en çok yer ona ayrılmıştı, lakin gizli harita adıyla yayınlanan sayfada 4. kıta ile eşleştirilince Guinness fanları Savaş Kurdu en güçlü ve en karizmatik çıkacak diyerek onu 1. kıtaya yakıştırdılar ancak bu bölümle birlikte böyle olmadığı açıklığa kavuştu biraz bence. :D

Tebrik ediyorum, hakikaten iyi tahmin yürütmüşsün. Beni yanıltan ise şu sayfa oldu, Kralların hepsi karadaymış gibi görünüyor. :D

1 Ahçı 1 Tedarikçi işte. Livebearer güç olarak Tairan'dan güçlüdür mesela. Jiji malzemeleri ve göndereceği adamları iyi biliyor, ona göre gönderiyor. Tairan'ın lakabı Zehir Ahçısı mesela, Coco da zehir adam malum, bu ikisini tutup muhtemelen zehirden oluşan Atom'u yakalamaya gönderdi. Sunny güzellik düşkünü iken Earth muhtemelen en güzel malzeme çıkacak, burada Livebearer'ın hafıza deposu girecek devreye, adam depodan çıkarıp Earth'ü pişirecek işte. :D
O karanlık çizimden balık olmadığını mı çıkardın? o_O
Sanki hangisi gerçek dünyadaki hallerine benziyor da sen bir de benzerlik kuruyon. :D
Şu sayfadan pek bir şey anlaşılmıyordu, aynı resmi rawdan çıkarıp canlandırmışlar, bayağı güzel olmuş, tipik balina gibi durmuyor pek Moon. :D
[Toriko 327 Translation by Kewl0210]
Page 1:
Narration: Toriko-Starjun
(Full Course Main Dish)
(Full Course Drink)
(Full Course Dessert)
(Full Course Meat Dish)
Title: Gourmet 327 Deployment
Author: Shimabukuro Mitsutoshi
Left Insert: Tag teams that are sure to have some ups and downs!!

Page 2:
Right Insert: One of Aimarus slime molds for every household!!
Ai: I used my Gourmet Slime Mold
to map out he shortest route to each item on Acacia's Full Course.
So please reference each map to determine how you progress.
These Gourmet Slime Molds have mapped out paths to gourmet ingredients that Bishokuya have taken hundreds of years to cut their way through...
They're very credible maps, but they are only based on the use of a "Real Globe"... [quote bold]
So they of course cannot factor in the possibility of sudden weather fluctuations or the sorts of wild beasts that may appear.
Do be careful.
Toriko: Yeah, thanks, Aimaru.
Good luck to you, too.

Page 3:
Rin: Toriko~~~~ Be careful, okay?
Toriko: Thanks for the new clothes, Rin!
One month from now
when we safely meet back up with 'God' in hand
let's have our wedding ceremony.
And of course, the venue will be
Toriko: "Hotel Gourmet", Komatsu. [quote white]
Toriko: Why're you blushing, too?!!
So anyhow, about that thing I mentioned...
I'm counting on you, Komatsu!
Komatsu: Ah, right!
Toriko: Next time we meet...

Page 4-5:
Toriko: will be when
we've completed our Full Course!!
Komatsu: Right,
Jiji: Okay, then!
Everybody ready?!
Looks like the Camping Monsters for use in the sea are ready, too.
Do you all have Riddle Chapters with you?
Depending on your locations, you may be able to get a signal and send communications.
So let's try to make exchanges of information frequent!

Page 6:
Jiji: Now then, let's depart!!
To each and every one of you,
I wish you "Food Luck"!!! [quote big/bold.]

Page 7:
Description: *Battleship Pufferfish (Senkan Fugu)
(Strong Shell Fish Beast)
Capture Level 1200
Asterisk: *Gifu Prefecture's 山之腰和也-san's work!!
Zebra: Kukkuh. Quite some equipment our ship's got, eh?
Should be smooth sailing with this guy.
Eh, Brunch?
Bru: Fer real, why am I stuck wit you again?!
I told those guys I'd help out with capturin' 'Another'!!
Zebra: Beats me. I didn't pick the teams.
Anyhow, let's kick back and have a drink while we're waitin'.
Bru: Wha was that?!
A battle already?!
Bru: Who the hell'd take on this huge battleship?!!

Page 8:
Bru: Huh?!
The hell's tha~~~~t?!!
Are we just gonna die here?!

Page 9:
Description: *Walhouse
(Mammal Beast)
Capture Level 720
Asterisk: *Tokyo's 栗田清久-san's work!!
Sun: Our ship's kinda ugly ain't it?!
And why're you my partner, Livebearer?!!
Live: Oh? You can call me Libear for short, Sunny-chan.
Sun: That's gonna be a problem!!
Live: They say that 'Area 5' is the most beautiful place in Gourmet World, don't they?
I suppose that's why we were chosen for this. [Heart]
Sun: I have no friggin' clue what you mean by that!!
Live: I'd love to feast on your food history someday, too, Sunny-chan. [Heart]
Sun: Quit it! That's creepy!

Page 10:
Description: *Submeramberjack
(Fish Beast)
Capture Level 590
Asterisk: *Oosaka 武田晋弥-san's work!!
Coco: So, poison cooking specialist and owner of 'Nest of Poison', Tairan,
I'm happy to be working with you.
Tairan: Heavenly King and Poison User Coco...
The fact that the two of us were chosen...
most likely means that this will not be a place that is easy to approach.
Coco: The Cloud Continent... I asked, and apparently that's why the IGO's '0th Biotope' is located as well.
I suppose it was good for an environment that no one could approach.
Anyhow, we'll see when we get there.
On to the harshest world in Gourmet World.

Page 11:
Toriko: Are you okay with this?
You were given orders from Midora to capture 'Another', weren't you?

Page 12:
Star: I was told to lend you a hand...
Our goal is to capture the Full Course either way, after all... so it doesn't matter.
Butas an individual......
I did have an interest in the 'Back World'... [quote white]
Toriko: ...........
You were...
looking for an ingredient before... weren't you?
Star: .........
I can't remember...
I don't know if it was my memory...
or the Gourmet Cells' memory...
If it was the latter, there may be some hint in the 'Back World'...

Page 13:
Toriko: .........
Apparently were...
nothing but vehicles for the "Gourmet Cells". [quote white]
I've never eaten 'God' but...
I've already decided to make it the "Main Dish" of my Full Course... [quote white/big]
Since a long time ago...
I wonder why.
Maybe it wasn't me that decided it,
but rather an "appetite" inside me... [quote big/bold]
Star: .........
By the way, Toriko,

Page 14:
Star: What happened in those 2 years?
Toriko: Hm?
Star: I'd say you probably got stronger...
You're like an utterly different person from the one you were back then.
Toriko: HUUUU
Star: HAa~~~~

Page 15:
Toriko: It's been......
2 years since then...
Toriko: Starjun...
That one "defeat" I suffered to you....
was something I couldn't wipe away even after piling up 10,000 victories after that...
That loss...
has still left a wound
in my chest...
Star: ......

Page 16:
Someone: Right now...
I have a feeling the result would be the opposite...
Jiji: There are actually...
a total of 4 doors to the 'Back World'......
Komatsu: 4?!

Page 17:
Jiji: First there's the three continents that make up the "Black Triangle", "East six", "South Six" and "West Six".
Right Box: South Six
Top Box: East Six
Left Box: West Six
Center: Black Triangle
Jiji: There is a 'Food Spirit Door' on each of them,
but the environments are too terrible.
They're surrounded by things like tornadoes over 10-kilometers wide...
and wild beasts over level 2,000 swarming around them.
Well, it's not that we can't go, but there's no reason to expose ourselves to that danger.
That is because at the "civilization" of 'Area 6' we're about to go to
is the most safe and easy to enter 4th 'Food Spirit Door'.
Komatsu: There's a 'Food Spirit Door' in the civilization?!
Jiji: Yep.

Page 18:
Jiji: It's the biggest and most beautiful prosperous civilization in Gourmet World,
the underwater Gourmet capital, 'Blue Grill'.
That giant city in the deep sea has got tons of masterful Chefs.
And it's no less busy than the Human World at the peak of the Golden Age.

Page 19:
Komatsu: Amazing!! There's a Gourmet City like that deep in the ocean?!
That sounds like so much fun!! C'mon, let's go!!
Jiji: Hohhohho.
I'd certainly like for it to be fun.
Side: Each of them takes on a trial for the item on the Full Course... What is it that awaits Komatsu...?!
Jiji: Okay, fasten your aprons.
We're about to enter the sea danger zone, the "Black Triangle". [quote Whit]
Guys: !!
Bottom: Toriko
...Gourmet 327
/ End
Şu sayfadan pek bir şey anlaşılmıyordu, aynı resmi rawdan çıkarıp canlandırmışlar, bayağı güzel olmuş, tipik balina gibi durmuyor pek Moon. :D
Banlı olmasaydım yakarladım seni de balık muhabbeti yapardık. İlk taramaya 40 yıl baksam aklıma bu şekil gelmezdi. sen askerden dön de bölümlere böyle ayar çek bence. :S
Toriko'ya başlamak kısmet olmadı. Şu ara epeyce boş vaktim var. Başlamadan önce bilmem gereken bişeyler var mı? 3'er 5'er okuyacağım kolay sindirmek için bir başlangıç kiti vs.

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