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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Veee Rachel geri döner. Geri gelmesine sevindim olayları biraz daha ilginçleştirebilir, biraz daha bilgi öğrenebiliriz Rachel sayesinde. Ayrıca Khun ile karşılaşmasını sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum :hhh:
Iliski gurulugu icin
+1000 randevu
+100 ilanı aşk
+10 zegs
+1 sevgili
Kasmak gerekiyor.
Damızlık baam bakalım ne yapacak?
baam:sonunda harem kulesi başlıyor.bütün kızlar ben geliyorum.
geri kalan herkes: lan biz lider olacak dedik,pe.... değil.
Baam la evlenmek için kızlar turnuvada birbirini mi dövecek?=prenses arc bu mu yani?
labu ne çabuk sabah kuşağı kulesine döndü?
Son düzenleme:
Lilial Baam'ı bir suçlu olduğu için istemiyor. Traumerei Baam için turnuva düzenlemeye karar vermiş, kazanan Baam ile evlenecek. Seride bir harem olacağını biliyorduk. Ancak bu şekilde alenen bir turnuva olacağı hiç aklıma gelmedi. Sonuçta bir Kore serisi okuduğumuzu hatırlatır gibi sanki bize çizer.
Lilial Baam'ı bir suçlu olduğu için istemiyor. Traumerei Baam için turnuva düzenlemeye karar vermiş, kazanan Baam ile evlenecek. Seride bir harem olacağını biliyorduk. Ancak bu şekilde alenen bir turnuva olacağı hiç aklıma gelmedi. Sonuçta bir Kore serisi okuduğumuzu hatırlatır gibi sanki bize çizer.
Yeni bölümü nereden okuyabiliyoruz
Lilial Baam'ı bir suçlu olduğu için istemiyor. Traumerei Baam için turnuva düzenlemeye karar vermiş, kazanan Baam ile evlenecek. Seride bir harem olacağını biliyorduk. Ancak bu şekilde alenen bir turnuva olacağı hiç aklıma gelmedi. Sonuçta bir Kore serisi okuduğumuzu hatırlatır gibi sanki bize çizer.
Prenses arc’ı bu mu yani? Baam’e gelin olma turnuvası mı?
Yeni bölümü nereden okuyabiliyoruz
??: Oh my..? Something has happened outside, it seems..?

Ha Yura: Yes. A warp ship flowed in with unknown rankers inside..

??: Pardon!? // A warp ship came into the mothership?

Rachel: That's quite a rare incident. // And the drifters' identities?

Ha Yura: The exact identities are unknown since all their pockets are disabled. But I heard they are all at least rankers.

Rachel: Hm.. I wonder what is the probability for rankers on a floating boat to drift and enter this carrier? //I am quite curious to know.. Shall we check it out after getting family head's permission? // Right after we finish our tasks..

Ha Yura: Okay..! I would like to, Rachel.

Rachel: Let's go!

[At the same time]

[Mothership of the Lo Po Bia family]

Khun: Wait.. // That silhouette.. don't tell me..

Vicente: ..Do you know who that is?

Khun: I do.. // But if it really is that person I'm thinking of.. We're not really supposed to run into him by chance like this, no..?

Gustang: ... What is this floating ship that just apppeared out of nowhere? // It teleported here through creating a Lo Po Bia's gate, so it must be either from the Lo Po Bia family or the army of Zahard. // But looking at its appearance, I'd assume it's from the army of Zahard.

Call: My lord..!!

Gustang: ..? What is it?

Call: A floating ship has just been discovered drifting over the mothership.

Gustang: ... A drifted floating ship, you say?

Call: Yes, m'lord. All the passengers are rankers, and they’re refusing to reveal their identities clearly, but // Speculating from the identification number on the warp ship, there is a high possibility that they are from the Lo Po Bia family.

Gustang: Lo Po Bia? // ..Understood. Keep them captured alive.

Call: Yes, m'lord!!

Gustang: .. A drfited floating ship from the Lo Po Bia family at this timing, huh.. // Then the floating ship that just apperaed in front of me.. // There's a high chance of it coming from the nest. // Send the coordinates after moving the docking ship that was anchored nearby as close as possible. // I will also be bringing a floating boat.

Call: Then the visiting of head of the Lo Po Bia family will be-

Gustang: Postponed for next time. // It seems that I've already achieved today's goal. // I'm on my way.

Call: Yes, m'lord!!
Right after the warp]

[The warp ship that Baam and Traumerei are on]

Ha Jinsung: Damn it.. Warping with the family head.. // I wasn't expecting a situation like this..

Traumerei: Where was I warped to? // Doesn't seem like anywhere around the mothership.. // However, I can clearly feel it. //He's not that far from here. // Gustang.. // Don't be too nervous.

Ha Jinsung: Ugh...!

Traumerei: Do you think I'd be really killing the person who will soon be my son-in-law?

Ha Jinsung: Son-in-law!! You're still on that!!

Baam: There's no way!!

Traumerei: Well, if you're that persistent, then everyone here has to die. // Irregular, you are sure to become an entity that will be of threat in the future, now you even possess the beast that I wanted to hide from the world the most. // If you refuse to stand on my side, then I can't really find a reason to let you live.

Ha Jinsung: Then, family head. Since you have offered that option to Viole, ...how about we offer you something in return? // The most important thing in a marriage is the willingness of the two people getting married. We won't continue to unconditionally deny the marriage with Lo Po Bia family, // So how about giving Viole a choice?

Traumerei: A choice?

Ha Jinsung: Yes. I think it's important to at least know whether the people proposed by Lo Po Bia are suitable for Viole's or my terms. //There needs to be a place for them to prove their worth, right? So.. Uhm.. // How about we open a 'competition'. // Receiving participants outside of the Lo Po Bia family, // And putting the marriage with Viole as the ultimate prize of the 'competition'.

Baam: What is this person saying.. The prize of the competition is what..? // Am I some kind of a prince from an outdated kingdom or something? // Why are you people trying to open up a competition putting my marriage as the prize without even asking me!? // Master!! What are you saying right now!?

Ha Jinsung: Viole- Shh-!!

Baam: This is crossing the line!! You never even asked for my opinion!! And why would you want to open up a competition putting my marriage as the prize!! I don't like this idea!!

Ha Jinsung: Viole! I'm not actually trying to find a spouse for you right now. I'm just trying to buy some time. // Moreover, what kind of woman would want to enter this crazy competition? Marrying with a slayer candidate? Even I wouldn't want something like that.

Baam: You're the one who put me on this candidate thing!!

Ha Jinsung: Even so, if someone really particiaptes, I promise you there's a plan for that. So don't worry. // I'll make sure that there won't be anything like marriage.

Traumerei: Hm.. // I say your opinion holds quite a point. // Alright. // Let us open up a tournament.


Traumerei: I'll even allow participants outside our family too. And if the final winner of the competition is still the Lo Po Bia family after taking all these measures, // Then you are also fine with it at that point, correct?

Ha Jinsung: Yes, understood.

Baam: M.. Master!! // Th.. This is actually happening?! // You are also out of your mind!!

Traumerei: That's right. From my point of view, it is rather good to have an excuse to show to the external world. // However, I'd like to finish it quick. // I also have other important tasks to do ahead, so I wouldn't want to waste any time. // The date will be 1 month from now. We will provide the space for the competition. // I'll be sending notices to each families and organization confidentially, and the participants will compete with each other. The winner of that competition gets to marry the irregular. // Do you agree to this?

Ha Jinsung: Yes.

Baam: ....Th... // This is insane. // Seriously..!!

Lillal: What..? What is happening? // Why is it so cold all of a sudden.. // This area is summer right now..

Kirin: M'lord-

Traumerei: .. Kirin?
Kirin: M'lord, it seems that you do not have to return to the ship in a hurry. // I am not quite so sure of the situation, but as soon as a warp ship from the army of Zahard appeared, //Gustang took that ship and disappeared.

Traumerei: ... Gustang.. Disappeared? // After taking the floating ship?

Ship: Answer! // Drifted floating ship! Do you hear this? // This is the floating ship from the Lo Po Bia family. Are you a ship from the Lo Po Bia family? //It looks like you've warped to a wrong place after losing your coordinates in an accident, // Reveal your name, we will rescue you.

Lilial: Judging from the size of the ship, it could be an important person from the family.. // Well, that person can't be as important as me, a Zahard's princess. // Why would such a person be drifted..

Ship: Answer. Princess Lilial Zahard is currently on this floating ship. // Come and show your courtesy to the princess of the family.

Baam: Li.. Lilial Zahard!? That Zahard's princess that was at the 'Name Hunt' station!! Why now!!

Traumerei: The princess is on the ship? That's a good thing. // Tell the princess to connect the passage to the warp ship, and wait at the entrance.

Ship: What!? // How rude! Who could you possibly be to order around without revealing your identity!!

Traumerei: I am- // The family head.

Lilial: Family head? What is this? Like I expected.. // Just a family head.. // Hm? // F.. // Family head, did he just say!? // Why would the family head be here!? // F, family head!? I.. I'll come right over right now!!

Traumerei: That's okay. This warp ship had already lost its driving force, so I'll cross over.

Lilial: F, family head, you will be crossing over yourself!?

Traumerei: Why, should I not?

Lilial: N, no no, there's no way you shouldn't!! It's an honor!! I'll be preparing a drink for a welcome!!

Traumerei: No need. I don't really drink anyways.

Lilial: M, my sincerest apologies!!

Baam: I guess the family head really does have a great influence. To make that snobby Zahard's princess behave that way..

Ha Jinsung: Of course.

Traumerei: That's okay. // Now, shall we? // Perhaps, you may meet someone who might become your future spouse // Sooner than I thought.

Baam: ......Ugh!

[10 minutes later]

Lilial: F.. family head!! // I.. I, the Zahard's princess, Lo Po Bia Lillia Zahard, // send my greetings to the great family leader of the Lo Po Bia family. // It.. it is such an honor to have your presence in front of me like this.

Baam: ..... She's really nervous.

Lilial: H.. Honestly, I'm so nervous right now.... that I'm not really able to talk straight..

Traumerei: ...Yes. // I understand. // Raise your head.

Lilial: I.. I cannot! How could I even dare to witness your appearance...!!

Traumerei: I'm not telling you to look at me. I have someone to show to you. // He may become your future partner..

Lilial: Pardon..!? // A partner of a Zahard's Princess.. // Who could that possibly...?! // Jyu Viole Grace..?

Baam: This person is Lilial Zahard..!

Lilial: Why is that guy here!? // Slayer candidate!! // [She knows Viole because she saw a picture of him.] // Why are you with the family head!!

Traumerei: ....Hm-

Lilial: My sincerest apologies, family head!! How dare I make a fuss in front of you.. // I.. I'll make sure to behave from now on!!

Traumerei: Have you met him before? It seems that you two know each other. // It seems like it's a meaningful coincidence that we met like this, so let's talk about it right now. // As you just said, he is a slayer candidate for now, // However, he may become your husband in the future.

Lilial: Excuse meeeee!?! Wh.. what does that mean, family head!? // Husband!? // With the person who will become the head of that heinous criminal group!? Why would I marry such a cruel and shameless person!!

Baam: Wait a minute. Recalling back at the Name Hunt station, I recall you were the shameless one?
Lilial: Shut it!! You are a bad person, and I'm a kind princess!! // That's just how it works in this world!!

Traumerei: Well, though it is not confirmed yet. You must stand victorious in the competition against many others, only then can you finally marry him.

Lilial: Whaaaat!? // A competition?!

Traumerei: .... Aren't you a loud one.

Lilial: M.. my sincerest apologies! But this is so sudden that I.. // Family head!! I do not know how you've come to that decision, but he is the slayer candidate which is the lowly leader of a heinous criminal organization!! How could I, the Zahard's princess, ever marry someone like him!! // That alone is outrageous enough, but to compete against others in order to marry him? I cannot accept such..!!

Traumerei: Accept it. It is what I have decided. // I shall invite those who would want to marry him and open up a compeition. And if a winner emerges from the Lo Po Bia family, // I will take him from the FUG, // And take him as my 'successor' to the family. // So you have to participate in the competition too.

Lilial: What is he saying? // Successor? // Marrying a slayer cadidate??! And I have to compete for it?! // I know it's an order from the family head, but I cannot follow this one. // It's anachronistic, humiliating and insulting!! This just makes no sense!! // To compete for a marriage with a guy like him, // as a Zahard's princess

Baam: This situation.. is rather difficult...

Lilial: I cannot stand to that!! // I'd rather kill him!!
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