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[Spoiler] Zaman Çarkı (Wheel of Time)

Erkek veya kız. Bir sezonluk merak unsuru için serinin içinden geçmişler. Ejderin kız olma olasılığı nedir ya?
Yani ejderin kadın olamayacağını gösteren onlarca şey var kitaplarda. Daha da ötesinde Egwene'in ejder olamayacağını gösteren bin tane şey var. Ama hala inatla böyle salakça bir iş yapıyorlar. Bunun için kaç tane kuralı ve kitaplarda olan olayları es geçecekler merak ediyorum.
Ben sadece ilk iki kitabı okumuştum, ama sanki zaten ejder kesinlikle erkek değil miydi?
bunu yeni görüyorum sanki ejderin kız olabileceğide söyleniyor.Allah belanı versin Amazon.
Sabahın Efendisi nasıl kadın bir karakter olabilir.Kurguyu nasıl koyacaklar, o zaman 100 yoldaş ve Lews Therin Telamon Kadın mı olacak? Altın Saçlı Ilyena Erkekmi olacak
Biz Witcher'a sövmüştük zenci eklemişler falan diye. Ama Witcher dizisi gene de elden geldiğince kaynak materyale bağlı kalmaya çalışmıştı. Değiştirdikleri birkaç şey vardı tabi, Game of Thrones'un ilk sezonlarında olduğu kadar iyi bir uyarlama değildi. Ama Wheel of Time'da acayip bir şeyler yapmışlar. Uyarlamadan daha ziyade bir yazarın Wheel of Time'dan esinlenerek kendi hikayesini yazması gibi olmuş.

Açıkçası ben WoT'u iki ya da üçüncü kitapta okumayı bıraktım. Beni pek sarmadı. Ama bu kötü olduğunu düşündüğüm anlamına gelmiyor. Esere ve yazara saygım var. Ama buna rağmen bile isteye bu kadar katledilmesi insanın içine oturuyor. O teasarları izleyemedim bile. Bir de kitapları çok sevip evrenin fanı olan kişileri düşünemiyorum bile. Geçmiş olsun.

Umarım dizi tamamen batar, son yılların gördüğü en büyük lince maruz kalır. Amazonun lotr'u da aynı şekilde. İnsanların kendi keyfine ve ucuz ideolojilerine göre saçmasapan değişimler yapmanın sonuçlarının ne olabileceğine dair ibret olur bir daha hiçbir uyarlamada kimse böyle bir şeye cüret edemez.
spoiler]Episode 1 - Meeting the gang. Egwene gets her braid. Rand and Egwene fuck. Egwene reveals she was asked by Nynaeve to become apprentice to the Wisdom, which means she can't marry Rand, causing. a split between them. Perrin is married to a blacksmith woman. Mat's family is poor, his dad is a lazy drunk and cheats on his wife. Moirane and Lan show up, Everyone is distrustful. Winternight happens. Trollocs attack. Nynaeve is dragged away and presumed dead. Moirane tells Rand, Perrin, Mat and Egwene need to come with her because one is the Dragon and that's why the Trollocs are attacking.

Episode 2 - The gang is hunted by Trollocs. They take a ferry across a river and Moirane sinks his ferry so the Trollocs can't follow. The guy is distraught and tries to save his ferry, drowning. This leads to a discussion of the Three Oaths (did Moirane kill that man? Or did he kill himself?) They encounter White Cloaks who are shown burning an Aes Sedai at the stake. The gang misleads them and manage to go by without being harassed or detained. Rand and Perring both dream of Ishamael. They argue with Moirane. Rand and Egwene split more because she trusts Moirane and the boys don't. Moirane goes comatose because she's been wounded by Trollocs and has been healing everyone. Lan takes them into Shadar Logoth to avoid Trollocs. Mat steals the dagger. They get attacked by Mashadar and all escape in different groups. Mat and Rand go one way, Perrin and Egwene another and Lan and Moirane a third. Ends with Nynaeve alive and meeting up with Lan and Moirane.

Episode 3 - Rand and Perrin arrive in a small town (forget the name). They meet Thom, who is sort of a greasy folk singer, rather than a more traditional medieval style bard. He plays a guitar in a very "modern" way but the song is nice. They have no money so the young innkeeper puts them to work. She's a great minor character and has a good flirtatious scene with Rand where they talk about growing up in the backwoods and feeling trapped there. Rand wants to go home but she's like "why do that when you could travel the world?" she tries to kiss him but he pulls away. she reveals she's a darkfriend and tries to trap rand and mat after calling a fade. thom kills her and they all escape together. meanwhile lan and nynaeve talk and do some character development stuff while moirane is unconscious. perrin and egwene wander throu
Dizinin ilk 3 bölümünü izleyen biri ne olduğunu yazmış redditte.
Boş bir yapım olacağı şimdiden belli fazla umudum yoktu böyle fragmanları görünce hiç izleyesim kalmadı sırf dizi yaptık diye izleyin diye geçiniyorlar.
spoiler]Episode 1 - Meeting the gang. Egwene gets her braid. Rand and Egwene fuck. Egwene reveals she was asked by Nynaeve to become apprentice to the Wisdom, which means she can't marry Rand, causing. a split between them. Perrin is married to a blacksmith woman. Mat's family is poor, his dad is a lazy drunk and cheats on his wife. Moirane and Lan show up, Everyone is distrustful. Winternight happens. Trollocs attack. Nynaeve is dragged away and presumed dead. Moirane tells Rand, Perrin, Mat and Egwene need to come with her because one is the Dragon and that's why the Trollocs are attacking.

Episode 2 - The gang is hunted by Trollocs. They take a ferry across a river and Moirane sinks his ferry so the Trollocs can't follow. The guy is distraught and tries to save his ferry, drowning. This leads to a discussion of the Three Oaths (did Moirane kill that man? Or did he kill himself?) They encounter White Cloaks who are shown burning an Aes Sedai at the stake. The gang misleads them and manage to go by without being harassed or detained. Rand and Perring both dream of Ishamael. They argue with Moirane. Rand and Egwene split more because she trusts Moirane and the boys don't. Moirane goes comatose because she's been wounded by Trollocs and has been healing everyone. Lan takes them into Shadar Logoth to avoid Trollocs. Mat steals the dagger. They get attacked by Mashadar and all escape in different groups. Mat and Rand go one way, Perrin and Egwene another and Lan and Moirane a third. Ends with Nynaeve alive and meeting up with Lan and Moirane.

Episode 3 - Rand and Perrin arrive in a small town (forget the name). They meet Thom, who is sort of a greasy folk singer, rather than a more traditional medieval style bard. He plays a guitar in a very "modern" way but the song is nice. They have no money so the young innkeeper puts them to work. She's a great minor character and has a good flirtatious scene with Rand where they talk about growing up in the backwoods and feeling trapped there. Rand wants to go home but she's like "why do that when you could travel the world?" she tries to kiss him but he pulls away. she reveals she's a darkfriend and tries to trap rand and mat after calling a fade. thom kills her and they all escape together. meanwhile lan and nynaeve talk and do some character development stuff while moirane is unconscious. perrin and egwene wander throu
Dizinin ilk 3 bölümünü izleyen biri ne olduğunu yazmış redditte.
ya kardeşim bu nedir, bu adamlar bunu nasıl yapabiliyor. Yazıklar olsun Amazon,İlk bölümde gerçekten geleneklerine sıkı sıkıya bağlı İki nehir halkından Rand ve Egwene sevişiyor mu?Perrin zaten evli ozaman Faile nerede.
Normalde Thom Merillin iki nehirde oluyordu
yok ya yazamıyorum,yazarken sinirleniyor insan.Spoiler doğruysa izlemeyeceğim.

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