Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
A wolf who makes its nesting ground in the lands of Asuka. Feared for his ruthless demeanor and known to devour his opponents without giving them a chance to speak.

He wields the powers of ice and all land he steps on freezes instantly. He loves watching innocent creatures have fun, but is somewhat sad that he cannot approach them without them freezing.

He gets his powers from the consumption of the evil energies his enemies have accumulated in their bodies. Of course he also eats normal foods, but he loves the way all that evil energy tastes. People fear that he may devour them to if they hold any evil in their hearts.

While he doesn’t hate Fuujin and Raijin he has some trouble getting along with them at times. According to him, Raijin doesn’t have an easy going attitude and Fuujin gives him strange looks.

Şöyle şey yazdığını gördüm bir sayfada, kurt için. Buz gücü denmiş, ilgi çekici
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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