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[Spoiler] 1013. Bölüm Öngörüş

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...
Boyle sacma bir sey mi var spoiler okumazsin olur biter. Ulan su dunyada en bedava sey dusunmek onu bile yapamayanlar var.
"What you like, see the right spoiler
But what is your right to impose on everyone that they will not behave, whether it is Chapter 1000 or something else

I don't want you to be burned. Hide your spoiler yearning. Hide my account if you feel that the situation will never help.

In the end, the burning is everywhere not in my account only, but I am talking about what concerns me"

Böyle söylemiş.
"What you like, see the right spoiler
But what is your right to impose on everyone that they will not behave, whether it is Chapter 1000 or something else

I don't want you to be burned. Hide your spoiler yearning. Hide my account if you feel that the situation will never help.

In the end, the burning is everywhere not in my account only, but I am talking about what concerns me"

Böyle söylemiş.
Dogru demis gelir buyuk ihtimal.
"What you like, see the right spoiler
But what is your right to impose on everyone that they will not behave, whether it is Chapter 1000 or something else

I don't want you to be burned. Hide your spoiler yearning. Hide my account if you feel that the situation will never help.

In the end, the burning is everywhere not in my account only, but I am talking about what concerns me"

Böyle söylemiş.
Spoiler sağlicalrının bunu umursadığnı sanmıyorum adamlar zaten bölümü tamamen görüyo insanlar spoiler yemesin derdinde olaslardı zaten en başta spoiler paylaşmazlardı 1000 bölüm icin mi istisna yapacaklar.
Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...

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