- Chapter 998 Title "Ancient Species".
- Korean leaker has no complete information yet but he/she says something about Tobiroppo.
- Maybe we discover all of their unknown powers in this chapters.
- At the end of the chapter Yamato appears (we can see her in the picture).
- No Break Next week
-998. bölümün ismi ''Antik Türler''
-Bölümü sızdıran Koreli hala bölümle ilgili bütün bilgiye sahip değilmiş ancak Tobiroppo hakkında bir şeyler söylüyormuş.
-Belki de Tobiroppo'nun bütün bilinmeyen güçlerini bu bölümde öğrenebilirmişiz.
-Bölüm sonunda Yamato beliriyor(resimde onu görebiliriz)
-Haftaya ara yok.
* Marco's Phoenix ability offsets the effects of Binggu to some extent.
When the limit of the infected person's physical strength comes, Chopper rushes to produce antibodies because the binggu effect will proceed again.
* He stood up, but this time he was robbed by Drake..
* The confrontation was also allocated one after another.
* Sasaki " Dragon Fruit Ancient Species Model Triceratops" vs Franky
* Black Maria "Spider Spider Fruit
Ancient Species Model Rosamigare Graubogeri " vs Sanji rosamigare graubogeri I don't know if it's the correct name.
* DES after "Cats fruit godaejong model saber tiger" vs jingbe
* Yamato saying would report Crushed friends statues for buswojin
and seems to start "a few years ago a man came to kill my father," said Arabic numerals Ace relevant luck recalls 998 Tues End.
Marco uses his skills to stop the spread of the virus.
- It seems that the virus depends on the physical capacity of the person or something like that.
- Apoo wounded up but Drake defeats him.
- Franky Vs. Sasaki, who is a user of the Ryuu Ryuu no My prehistoric Triceratops model.
- Sanji Vs. Black Maria, who is a user of the prehistoric Kumo Kumo no Mi (Kumo means spider) model Rosamygale grauvogeli (I think that spider species is that).
- Jinbe Vs. Who's Who, who is a user of the Neko Neko no My prehistoric model "Saber teeth" (or Smilodon, I'm not sure).
- Yamato sees a statue of a beaten dragon, says that a friend broke it. It looks like it's Ace.
- Yamato: "A man came a few years ago to kill my father."
Merak edenler icin maria'nin yediği meyve bu yaratıktan geliyo
Marco uses his skills to stop the spread of the virus.
- It seems that the virus depends on the physical capacity of the person or something like that.
- Apoo wounded up but Drake defeats him.
- Franky Vs. Sasaki, who is a user of the Ryuu Ryuu no My prehistoric Triceratops model.
- Sanji Vs. Black Maria, who is a user of the prehistoric Kumo Kumo no Mi (Kumo means spider) model Rosamygale grauvogeli (I think that spider species is that).
- Jinbe Vs. Who's Who, who is a user of the Neko Neko no My prehistoric model "Saber teeth" (or Smilodon, I'm not sure).
- Yamato sees a statue of a beaten dragon, says that a friend broke it. It looks like it's Ace.
- Yamato: "A man came a few years ago to kill my father."
Marco virüsün bulaşmasını engelliyor (Şeytan meyvesi sayesinde yüksek ihtimalle.).
-Görünüşe göre virüs, kişinin fiziksel kapasitesine veya buna gibi bir şeye bağlı.
-Apo yaralıymış ama Drake tekrar yenmiş Apoo'yu.
-Franky Vs. Sasaki , Ryuu Ryuu no Mi tarih öncesi Triceratops modeli.
-Sanji Vs. Black Maria , Prehistorik Kumo no Mi (Kumo örümcek anlamına geliyormuş) model Rosamygale grauvogeli (örümcek türü olduğunu düşünülüyormuş.)
-Jinbe Vs. Who's Who , Neko Neko no Mi tarih öncesi Smilodon veya ''Saber Teeth'' (Buz Devrindeki Diego gibi.)
-Yamato yıkılmış/zarar görmüş bir ejderhanın heykelini görür, bir arkadaşının onu kırdığını söyler. Ace gibi görünüyor.
-Yamato: ''Birkaç yıl önce bir adam babamı öldürmek için geldi.''
- Who's Who already knew Jinbe from his Shichibukai days
- Jinbe wants to know who he is by removing the mask from Who's Who.
- And at the end of the chapter Ace's silhouette comes out
- Who's Who already knew Jinbe from his Shichibukai days
- Jinbe wants to know who he is by removing the mask from Who's Who.
- And at the end of the chapter Ace's silhouette comes out
-Who is Who Jinbe'yi shichibukai'lik günlerinden tanıyormuş.
-Jinbe Who is Who'nun maskesini çıkarıp kim olduğunu öğrenmek istiyormuş.
-Bölümün sonunda Ace'in silueti gözüküyormuş.
One Piece will have color pages in both chapter 999 and chapter 1,000. In addition, the series will occupy the next 2 covers of Weekly Shonen Jump to form a single illustration to reach chapter 1,000.