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[Spoiler] 772: Kavundish ve Romeo

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773 Spoiler
Hakubanın hedefinde baby 5 var
Sai baby 5 i korur
Zoro olaya müdahale eder.
Hakuba vs Zoro
Pica saldırıya geçer
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Hakuba uyur.
773 Spoiler
Güzel sallamışsın hocam.:D

Bende Hakubadan birşeyler bekliyorum.Uyumayıp sağa sola salça olursa güzel olur.En azından Zoro ve Pica'ya salça olsun.Güzel olaylar döner.:D
O redhawkı Trebol yese nasıl bir reaksiyon gerçekleşirdi acaba ? Hem hakili giriyor hem elementi ateşle temasta patlıyor. Trebol iman gücüyle atılmış bir redhawkla teklenebilir zaten logia olmasından dolayı diğer karakterler kadar fiziki gücü ön plana çıkartılmamış hantal karakter
Usoop, Trebol'a ateşli bir şey sallasaydı çoktan meftaydı.


Bunu saçma teori ve spoiler başlığına yazsana.
O redhawkı Trebol yese nasıl bir reaksiyon gerçekleşirdi acaba ? Hem hakili giriyor hem elementi ateşle temasta patlıyor. Trebol iman gücüyle atılmış bir redhawkla teklenebilir zaten logia olmasından dolayı diğer karakterler kadar fiziki gücü ön plana çıkartılmamış hantal karakter
tam aksine fiziksel güç olarak gemiyi tutup fırlatan trebol, üç yönetici arasında en hızlısı gibi görünüyor.
Japonca veya Çince bir yazının dönüşümü

google translate:
The Hakuba of the Cavendish.
Mob our gkbr by Dillinger has been done is the leading influential person among executives.
Although fire all at once even the sword dropped while Hakuba rampage bullet.
Fullest because Gradius prevent attacks to come sword worn occasionally. Still would be slashed big left arm.
Junior soldiers have fallen one after another, impatient Gradius.
Apparently Hakuba ally also not been determined enemy, anyway ish wearing sword one and all the things that get in the eye.
Suddenly I Kakaru sword to Bartolomeo of barrier.
Gakiiiiin and loud sounds.
Romeo w you freaked out and “Uo Oh Nandabe Nandabeee !!!”
Gakigakigakigaki and relentlessly cabbage to attack the barrier.
Cracks begin to enter the barrier. Impatient Romeo. Says, it seems rarely Nante barrier is broken.
Until a little while ago but Hakuba did not seem too early, Bartolomeo the identity of Hakuba have noticed that it is cabbage barely dressed.
Rage w “We got to thinking what to Nante live attack On-mee fellow painted !!!”
“It behalf I mean it Ome Nde face and N Dappe !! What downy its scary example face!”
Barrier rapidly be broken even in the meantime.
Bartolomeo has not yet been broken, yourself and deforming the near side of the barrier is thick and it (while deforming the barrier is soft, apparently protective capacity is nearly 0)
It’s Bartolomeo that came felt the danger in earnest, but the shelling of Gradius is approaching from behind the Hakuba to be distracted by the barrier.
Pretty it’s big shelling, but have not noticed at all Hakuba.
Bartolomeo is to release their barrier without hesitation, protect the Hakuba.
Baltic “Ugya Oh”
Although protected from shelling was, it would have been slashed in Hakuba.
Hakuba that Shitome the Romeo to the next prey.
“Wow Aakotchi come’ll The – !!”
“Escape to The – Tsu !!”
Mobs who fuss is gradually dropped sword in one after another.
It’s Gradius to shelling again while winding the men, but can not keep up at all on the speed of the Hakuba digit difference.
Glade “Damn to hear Nante there are guy up here Nezo !!”
Gradually Hakuba approaching the Gradius.
Switch to the shelling of a machine gun type of fire force emphasis from attack power focus, but tries to halo the barrage is locked arms to come growth in arms suddenly also several this.
Gradation and “become …”
Was looking down from the top of the rock was a Robin.
Robin (by now … !!)
Hakuba is Kakaru sword defenseless of Gradius.
“Guaaa !!!”
Finally crumble Gradius. At the same time Hakuba also fall in place.
Cavendish sleeping in calm and speed.
“Gradius until like … What What these guys … !!”
“Etc., fallen guy suddenly that you doing what is”
The “sleeping around for! Yet if kill !!”
“You go!”
“You what’ll go !!”
Bartolomeo somehow surviving remnants we have fallen into the hands the weapon, it is close to Cavendish.
“Hyakka large Hien grass (Cien Fleur delphinium) …”
Nyokinyoki hand extending from the soldiers of the body Innovation.
“What this …”
Robin “clutch !!!”
Bokiboki Bokiboki !!
Soldiers sink in clutch simultaneously.
King of plateau that no longer move anyone, the third stage.
Executive Gradius ── dropout
Cavendish ── dropout
Bartolomeo ── dropout
Winner ── Nico Robin
Aftermath: war situation of defeat !! dress Rosa one person executives also !! stretch to final phase
I continue to 774 episodes dress.
Ortada bir spoiler var ama güvenilir kaynaklardan henüz paylaşım yapılmadığı için başlık açılmadı. Onaylandığında başlık açılacak.


Japonca veya Çince bir yazının dönüşümü

google translate:
The Hakuba of the Cavendish.
Mob our gkbr by Dillinger has been done is the leading influential person among executives.
Although fire all at once even the sword dropped while Hakuba rampage bullet.
Fullest because Gradius prevent attacks to come sword worn occasionally. Still would be slashed big left arm.
Junior soldiers have fallen one after another, impatient Gradius.
Apparently Hakuba ally also not been determined enemy, anyway ish wearing sword one and all the things that get in the eye.
Suddenly I Kakaru sword to Bartolomeo of barrier.
Gakiiiiin and loud sounds.
Romeo w you freaked out and “Uo Oh Nandabe Nandabeee !!!”
Gakigakigakigaki and relentlessly cabbage to attack the barrier.
Cracks begin to enter the barrier. Impatient Romeo. Says, it seems rarely Nante barrier is broken.
Until a little while ago but Hakuba did not seem too early, Bartolomeo the identity of Hakuba have noticed that it is cabbage barely dressed.
Rage w “We got to thinking what to Nante live attack On-mee fellow painted !!!”
“It behalf I mean it Ome Nde face and N Dappe !! What downy its scary example face!”
Barrier rapidly be broken even in the meantime.
Bartolomeo has not yet been broken, yourself and deforming the near side of the barrier is thick and it (while deforming the barrier is soft, apparently protective capacity is nearly 0)
It’s Bartolomeo that came felt the danger in earnest, but the shelling of Gradius is approaching from behind the Hakuba to be distracted by the barrier.
Pretty it’s big shelling, but have not noticed at all Hakuba.
Bartolomeo is to release their barrier without hesitation, protect the Hakuba.
Baltic “Ugya Oh”
Although protected from shelling was, it would have been slashed in Hakuba.
Hakuba that Shitome the Romeo to the next prey.
“Wow Aakotchi come’ll The – !!”
“Escape to The – Tsu !!”
Mobs who fuss is gradually dropped sword in one after another.
It’s Gradius to shelling again while winding the men, but can not keep up at all on the speed of the Hakuba digit difference.
Glade “Damn to hear Nante there are guy up here Nezo !!”
Gradually Hakuba approaching the Gradius.
Switch to the shelling of a machine gun type of fire force emphasis from attack power focus, but tries to halo the barrage is locked arms to come growth in arms suddenly also several this.
Gradation and “become …”
Was looking down from the top of the rock was a Robin.
Robin (by now … !!)
Hakuba is Kakaru sword defenseless of Gradius.
“Guaaa !!!”
Finally crumble Gradius. At the same time Hakuba also fall in place.
Cavendish sleeping in calm and speed.
“Gradius until like … What What these guys … !!”
“Etc., fallen guy suddenly that you doing what is”
The “sleeping around for! Yet if kill !!”
“You go!”
“You what’ll go !!”
Bartolomeo somehow surviving remnants we have fallen into the hands the weapon, it is close to Cavendish.
“Hyakka large Hien grass (Cien Fleur delphinium) …”
Nyokinyoki hand extending from the soldiers of the body Innovation.
“What this …”
Robin “clutch !!!”
Bokiboki Bokiboki !!
Soldiers sink in clutch simultaneously.
King of plateau that no longer move anyone, the third stage.
Executive Gradius ── dropout
Cavendish ── dropout
Bartolomeo ── dropout
Winner ── Nico Robin
Aftermath: war situation of defeat !! dress Rosa one person executives also !! stretch to final phase
I continue to 774 episodes dress.
Eğer doğruysa onca kişinin arasından Robin çıktı. Barto da arada kaynadı canım. Bu sefer Zoro felan geçmiyor. Hakuba Barto nun bariyerini felan kırıyor. Dövüş güzel olacak gibi.
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