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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Seriyi 10 gunluk bir maraton ile guncele yetismis bulunuyorum. En son 477 i okudum ama burada 481 in spoileri cikmis o zaman 480in cikmis olmasi lazim ama hicbir yerde bulmadim sizin takip ettiginiz bir site varsa atabilir misiniz yada bu webtoonlarda isler farkli mi oluyor bolum spoilerlari cok mu onceden geliyor.
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Nalet Baam durmuyordu.

Anak'ın nerede olduğunu merak ediyorum. Son aksiyonu isim istasyonuydu galiba. Bence cehennem katında kalıp Garam'dan eğitim görüyor. Çok fazla şey kaçırdı nihayetinde. Shinsoo direncini bayağı geliştirmiş şekilde bekiyorum.

Bölümün metni çıktı. Zahard ve Khel arasında flashback devam ediyor.
Kallavan, Baam'a saldırıyor ama white onun bütün saldırılarını durduruyor. Bu sırada
4. filonun gemisi patlıyor baam oku halen ateşleyememiş ama oku ateşliyor ve yama doom paulu kurtarıyor ( cha khun dowon hepsi şaşırmış durumda bu yeteneği gördükten sonra) ayrıca canine insanlar hakkında bir bilgi şimdilik yok.
Duvardaki büyüyü bozmak için hazırlıkları savaş başlığını ( needle ) sağlam şekilde kurtarabiliyorlar.
Maschenny, harekete geçmek için bir şeyler düşünüyor.

Zahard: I am the adventurer that ascended the Tower ahead of all. I am the greatest Fisherman of the Battlefield. I am a frontiersman of civilization that allows all of the the Tower to understand each other. But the word that would most concisely explain to you who I am is, of course, "King"

Kel Hellam: King... you say? Don't lie. King Zahard is in his chambers right now. Zahard: How foolish. Are you certain that the future you saw is actually correct? You've given into hubris, thinking that just with your glimpse into fate that you can predict everything, to the point where you can't believe the truth right before your eyes like a blind man.

Kel Hellam: What? Zahard: Come and discover truth. Whether I am really King or not.
Party: Wh.. what do we do Lord Kel Hellam? If he is really Zahard!!
Kel Hellam: He's still alone! We just have to fight and win, where's the Flower Garden?
Party: We can't contact them! Something must have not gone to plan..!
Kel Hellam: No. This scene was not in my vision...!

Tower of God 52F VS Kallavan 06

Luchi: So Kel Hellam's party was defeated by Zahard, and the Flower Garden was captured by Lybolic and his subordinates. Lybolic didnt' kill them, but he told me that they wouldn't be set free but instead imprisoned forever. I vehemently struggled against that, but there was nothing I could do at that point. I cried in mourning of those who died, but that changed nothing. I was so distraught because I thought I ruined everything. After that, Lybolic used my friends of the Flower Gardens as hostage to blackmaili me into doing various tasks for him, and I had to follow his orders. That's how I lived until now. And a long time after that, he called me and told me that if I did as he asked this time, he would let us go. This would be really the last time. I was furious. I told him that I wouldn't believe in such lies again. But that didn't change the fact that I couldn't deny him. He held everyone hostage. I went back to Lybolic and apologize
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482 raw
kallavanın tüm adamları öldü...

Zahard: I am the adventurer that ascended the Tower ahead of all. I am the greatest Fisherman of the Battlefield. I am a frontiersman of civilization that allows all of the the Tower to understand each other. But the word that would most concisely explain to you who I am is, of course, "King"
Kel Hellam: King... you say? Don't lie. King Zahard is in his chambers right now.
Zahard: How foolish. Are you certain that the future you saw is actually correct? You've given into hubris, thinking that just with your glimpse into fate that you can predict everything, to the point where you can't believe the truth right before your eyes like a blind man.
Kel Hellam: What?
Zahard: Come and discover truth. Whether I am really King or not.
Party: Wh.. what do we do Lord Kel Hellam? If he is really Zahard!!
Kel Hellam: He's still alone! We just have to fight and win, where's the Flower Garden?
Party: We can't contact them! Something must have not gone to plan..!
Kel Hellam: No. This scene was not in my vision...!

[Tower of God 52F VS Kallavan 06]

Luchi: So Kel Hellam's party was defeated by Zahard, and the Flower Garden was captured by Lybolic and his subordinates. Lybolic didnt' kill them, but he told me that they wouldn't be set free but instead imprisoned forever. I vehemently struggled against that, but there was nothing I could do at that point. I cried in mourning of those who died, but that changed nothing. I was so distraught because I thought I ruined everything. After that, Lybolic used my friends of the Flower Gardens as hostage to blackmaili me into doing various tasks for him, and I had to follow his orders. That's how I lived until now. And a long time after that, he called me and told me that if I did as he asked this time, he would let us go. This would be really the last time. I was furious. I told him that I wouldn't believe in such lies again. But that didn't change the fact that I couldn't deny him. He held everyone hostage. I went back to Lybolic and apologized.
Luchi: I told him as long as he spared my teammates I would do anything. But then I asked him that whether successful or failed, that this would be the last time. Yes. This is like quicksand I cannot escape. It doesn't matter if I'm being tricked. I want this to be the last time. That's all that matters for me. I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry I'm so weak, I'm so pathetic. I just wanted to be with you all, how did things go so wrong? If I knew this was going to happen I would have been more honest with you. Why did I have such meaningless feeling of being superior to you all? If I could only go back now, I would abandon everything and would have been with you all. Why is it that only after everything was ruined that I hold feelings of regret and try to struggle against it? I'm sorry everyone.

Dowon's Pocket (from Luchi): I want to be at peace now.
Dowon: No... Don't do it Luchi... Please... Don't do it...!!

Houndborn: Lord Yama, the evacuation is complete!! It was a good call that we didn't leave too many people on board in the first place. But I'm not sure if we can escape from the blast radius even after the evacuation...
Yama: I'll try to block it some how.
Houndborn: Excuse me my lord, communications from the Slayer Candidate... "Lord Yama must fight at the next wall, so if you release the dock, I'll try and figure something out."
Yama: What? What the hell can he do? (Wait, a bow..? Is he... Should I trust him?) We're evacuating! Release the Dock!

Baam: The Cage is releasing the launcher. Is the evacuation over?

Officer ?: Run for it!! The ship is about to explode!!

Kallavan: The Irregular is doing something !! Stop him!!

Officer ?: He blocked all our attacks! Damn! Who the hell is he?
White: That bastard, to think he still has this much power!!

[White Style Sword Play - Spectral Blade: Reaper of Ten Thousand Wings, White Magnolia (死者萬翅白木蘭)]

Kallavan: [Positively Screaming like Goku]

[White Style Sword Play - Blade of the Damned Souls [Tech name Adio can't deal with any more]]

Kallavan: [Positively Screaming like Goku]

Dowon: I have to at least save all those people in there!!

Yama: [Also Positively Screaming Like Goku] Ready yet, candidate?

Baam: Just a bit... just a bit... I only have one shot... I have to draw all of my power... Please... make this shot... bring everyone back!
Baam: It worked!!

Dowon: He... did it!!
Cha: Yes!!
Paul: That whelp...
Doom: Damn, he had me.
Khun: Baam.
Ari: ... I can't believe it

Yasracia: Teleportation? (A skill even only a select number of High Rankers can perform, and a Regular did it?)
Maschenni: When he came into the Nest I thought of him as only a child, but now that he's here, he's become a monster. But strangely enough, when I see him, he reminds me of father.

5th Corps: Looks like the Battle of the First Wall ends in the 4th Corp's defeat. Most enemy combatants surviving. 4th Corps nearly wiped out. Damn, damn. Vice Commander's orders. Commander Yasracia will be arriving shortly, prepare for battle.
Male Cat LPB Div commander: Keuhahaha! They're something alright! Well, good for us, right? Let's play!
5th Corps guy: Battle is not play sir.
Male cat LPB Div Co: Keuakhhahaahah

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Kallavan'ın adamları fug tarafından inmişken Baam'ın yanında hayatta savaşmaz. En iyi ihtimal 77. kata gitmesi ama hiç sanmıyorum. Kallavan hesabı kapanır, birkaç arc hiç görmeyebiliriz. Sonra yardım edecekse eder.

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