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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Trenin içine giremediler ama. Onun için bile kurallılar treni ele geçirdi diye sözde makul sebep sunmak zorunda kaldılar. Zahard'ın sürekli olarak kurallı bölgelerine net müdahale edebileceğini sanmıyorum.

Onu diyen bendim. :D Baam biraz dinlensin zaten, çok yüklendiler garibime.
Harbiden adam karışık kasete döndü. Bir de Kallavan'ın gücünü alırsa veya Mach.'nin Sarı Mayıs'ı da yüklese oooo.
Mavi Bari bile tırsmıştı az kalsın yutulacam diye ki bu yaratık gardiyan dengi yani Bam her şeyi yutacak.
Başkalarıyla yarışmak zorunda değiller. Kimse gitmezse tıpkı ikinci sezonun başında olduğu gibi (urek’in ilk göründüğü test) bu ekibe özel bi test verirler. Kimseye haksızlık olmaz bu sayede.

zahard kuleyi tırmanırken 13 tane kuralsızdan oluşan bi ekiple tırmandı. Güçlü olsalar da bi test bulunur bunlara.

zahard’ın ordusunun çok karışacağını da sanmam testler sırasında. Adminler izin vermez öyle bişeye. Baam şu zaman atlaması sırasında da aranıyordu ama tırmanmış baya.

testleri hazırlayan kişiler de zahard’a değil adminlere çalışıyor diye biliyorum. Evankhell’i işinden kovan kişi admindi.
Adminler zahardla anlaşmalı olsa da bi limiti vardır. Kendi katındaki testlere karışılmasına izin vermez. Rankerların kurallılara saldırmalarına izin vermeyen de zahard değil adminler zaten. Baam kuralsız olduğu için ranker’lar yerine direk adminden bile test hazırlamalarını isteyebilir.
Animeyi izleyenler Baam bir daha sıkışınca soracaklar bizim Siyah Mart noldu diye. Çünkü şuanda SM'nin Baam'ın başı sıkışınca yardıma geldiği izlenimi oluştu kafalarında. Halbuki o bir kerelik birşeydi. Gerçekten hiç özenmiyorlar animeye.
Aslında Baam da yardım hiç istemedi orada. Siyah Mart sevmişti Baam'ı ateşlenirdi Baam istedikçe. Ama esas sıkıntı dediğin gibi Baam'dan veya diğerlerinden bunu sürekli bekleyecek olmaları. Neyse ki siyah mart gittiği için kafalarında çok soru işareti olmayacak. :D
Aslında Baam da yardım hiç istemedi orada. Siyah Mart sevmişti Baam'ı ateşlenirdi Baam istedikçe. Ama esas sıkıntı dediğin gibi Baam'dan veya diğerlerinden bunu sürekli bekleyecek olmaları. Neyse ki siyah mart gittiği için kafalarında çok soru işareti olmayacak. :D
Gitmese 5 bölümde bir Siyah Mart'ın ateşlenmesini izlerdik herhalde. :hhh:
zahard kulenin kralı ama gardiyanların kralı değil, gardiyanlar savaşlara karışabilir kullanıcakları shinsoyu sınırlayabilir, örneğin khallın antiklerin gücünü belli limitte salabildi aynı şekilde evankelli test katından kovdu, hatta trenin son katındaki savaşa gardiyanların müdahale etmemelerini bu savaşa kulenin ihtiyacı var olduğunu düşünmüşlerdi.Kuralsızlar gardiyandan direkt test talep edebilir. Hatta testlerde yanlışlık olursa gardiyanlara hesap vermek zorundalar eğer gardiyan farkederse. Zahard kuleye hükmediyor ki 134. Kata kadar sadece daha üstlerde belki başka aileler, yaşam formları var. Zahard güçlü ama kulenin tanrısı değil.
bilale anlatır gibi ya allah deyip ok atıyor.:hhh::hhh::hhh:

büyük ihtimal fug elderin ışınlama okunu kullanacak
Son düzenleme:
Yama: What are those fuckers doing?
Minion: I think they realized the Cage has something, and they're sacrificing their flagship for it. I think it's going to explode in extreme close range, sir
Yama: fucking... Hurry! Everyone evacuate to the launchpad! We will abandon the Cage and escape!
Minions: Hurry! We can't launch the needle as is right now, we need to release the dock! But there's people still in the Cage!

Rak: Let's go!
Hockney: Got it Rak!
Rak: I didn't think they would pull something like this! Crazy turtles they are!

White: Just as expected, the brat certainly is a quick learner.

[52F VS Kallavan 05]

Kallavan: (He's got a new power...)
White: Hey, you know it is rude to turn your attention from your opponent in a duel. Focus here. (My attack being nullified was a significant detriment. His majesty's soul power is starting to slowly wane. The power may be back, but perhaps not the stamina? Alright then, I must end this quickly..!)

Yasracia: You were planning on annihilating and creating a new Fourth Army Corps from the start. Is this all according to the will of the Central Command?
PB Lyboric K: Yes. The current Fourth Army Corps was created with Company Commander Kallavan's allies as key members, and as they were loyal not to Lord Zahard but to Kallavan, they were unsuited for service in the first place. Abandoning them and creating a new Corps loyal to Lord Zahard is the logical course of action. What's important here is the Company Commander Kallavan's decision. If he abandons his corps and obeys the orders, he may one day rise again to the seat of a Army Corps commander, but if he won't, it will be best to eliminate him here. No matter how strong he is, the military does not need someone more loyal to his corps than Lord Zahard. The Army is but expandable zealots serving Lord Zahard. Isn't that so, Army Corps Commander Yasracia?
Maschenny: (As expected from someone hand picked by Adori. A complete nutjob.)

Kallavan: I forgot! The Slayer Candidate!!
Cha: Hey! Your subordinates are throwing themselves to their deaths, why aren't you stopping them!! I will no longer just watch your rampage!!
Dowon: (No, at this rate, all the soldiers in the ship and the Cage are going to die!) Kallavan..! They were your subordinates! Tell them to stop now!!
White: (Is he conserving power? He's only focusing on defense. Is he only targeting the Slayer Candidate?)
Kallavan: (The moment you act rashly, I will punch your head off.)

Baam: Let's visualize this. Like Mr. White's sword, I need to materialize a weapon deep within my heart. It's just like Metamorphosis. I can do this. Just imagine it... Help me, an image that will help me fix this situation..!
Baam: This... it's a bow..!

Luchi: I'm sorry everyone. For me, my adventure with you guys were a dangerous but exhilarating act of childish rebellion. I enjoyed my adventure with you guys so much, but I always thought that me, a child of the Ten Families, would be different from the rest of you. I was quite immersed in my role in the Hidden Flower Garden, but unlike you guys, I knew that no matter what we did the world wouldn't change. So I always thought that when things got too dangerous I would pull out. That's why I called it a childish rebellion. But the war got intense, and things changed when you guys got sealed. The members of the Flower Garden wanted to take revenge, so they planned with FUG to attack Lord Zahard himself. I was there, and thought to myself: I need to get the hell out of here. We can't beat Lord Zahard no matter what!! I wanted to tell all of my allies to stop, but I had no way to do it when they were so angry. I thought I had to save at least you guys in any way I can. So I asked around, and I heard that there was an elite in among my relatives that got into the Royal Zahard Army, and I went to him. I shouldn't have done that. Lybolic. I told him that FUG was planning on attacking Lord Zahard, and that in exchange for the information on the date and the route, I pleaded for my friends in the Flower Garden be spared. He told me everything would be fine, and he promised me that he would save his life. And the fated day arrived, and I led our team off a slightly different path from everyone else according to the plan. That's where Lybolic's troops were supposed to lay an ambush. The soldiers there were going to imprison my allies in the Flower Garden, and would release them to be free after the battle.
Past Luchi: (The place should be just up a bit further ahead..)
Present Luchi: But what awaited us at the end of the path was Lybolic with a giant spear.
Past Luchi: L... Lybolic? Why are you here yourself..?
Present Luchi: And Kel Hellam's allies that went to attack Zahard himself...

Kel Hellam: Just up a head will be the flying castle I saw in my vision. Zahard should be asleep alone in the castle without guards around him. We will lay our ambush before he notices.!!
???: Lord Kel Hellam!
Kel Hellam: What is it?
???: There's someone on the cliff...
ZAHARD: You are here.
Kel Hellam: ... wh... who are you? (... strange, this was not a part of the fate that I foresaw.)
Zahard: ... Well, that is my question to you. What am I to you? I am the adventurer that ascended the Tower ahead of all. I am the greatest Fisherman of the Battlefield. I am a frontiersman of civilization that allows all of the the Tower to understand each other. But the word that would most concisely explain to you who I am is, of course, "King"

Baam: Just imagine. To protect those precious to me, To save them. The one arrow..!


teorimde 1 ile 2. duvar arasına bayrak gemisini ısınlayıp yeni 4. filoyu çok büyük hasar verecek.
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