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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

[Baam: Mr. White, how?
Kallavan: His appearance hasn't changed much, but the power I sense has indeed changed radically.

Maschenny: Isn't this an unpredicted variable, 4th Corps commander? The self-proclaimed "Slayer White" has found his old powers.

[52F VS Kallavan 03]

Yulker: (Seeing Lord Kallavan like this...) I dropped my Division command seat for Lord Kallavan to come down to a platoon level (I can't stand his smug face!)
Kallavan: Stop Platoon Leader Yulker!
White: What naughty hands you have.. I fixed that for you. Be thankful. (intermittant Yulker screamy noises) When the name of His Majesty was known throughout the Tower, those who worshipped before yours truly had made idols of His Majesty and put blood by their eyes. For a time, it trended as a symbol of those who rebelled against the Tower. You probably don't now, but judging from you bearing the mark, you seem to be descended from a fringe branch of one of them. Your soul, how cute. Of course, yours truly too is only a soul amongst the ranks of this Tower's 'gods'. Don't punish yourself too hard for it.
Cha: What's with this guy? His mood completely shifted?!
Karaka: You've been out of commission for a while so you may not know, but he at one point was a Slayer whose infamy was Tower-wide. I don't know how, but he seemed to have gotten his powers back. I just hope his sword isn't going to be pointed at us...
White: (His Majesty is back to his full power, but he still requires something. Among those here, the most tantalizing soul would be the one of none other than that one. If I consume him, there would be incredible powers to be had. But patience is a virtue. There's much hopes on him yet.) Then shall we begin? But first. Unseal your other arm. It would be a disgrace even if His Majesty won against you when you are down a hand.
Kallavan: I refuse.

[White Style Arie Swordsmanship - Fatality: Seven Spectreal Blades]

White: So if you imagine this battle to be like our last one, it would be a big mistake Kallavan.
Kallavan: It would seem so. (Although it's not like the flashy but desparate blade time, each cut speedily and deeply digs into me. This won't be easy.

[Null Essence]

[White Style Swordsmandship - Fatality: Demonslayer - Eight Strikes Massacre (鎭靈八擊殲)]

Baam: Incredible! He's fighting on par with, no absolutely dominating Kallavan, at least while he is one-armed.
White: Should His Majesty teach you?
Baam: (He looked at me?)
White: (How to set ablaze the power of the soul? For you are ready.) Now His Majesty speaks again: Undo that burdensome seal.
Kallavan: I would like to, but this is my punishment as Lord Zahard sees fit. I have sworn not to take it off until ordered to. I will battle you with one arm.
White: And you continue your disrespect. What a downer.

Khun: White!! What are you doing?!

White: What is it Khun?

Khun: Finish him now! Now's the perfect chance with him being down an arm!

White: You got a point there, but now that His Majesty has returned in full glory, he would like to fight Kallavan.

Khun: What? Since when were you so noble?

White: Stay thy place. A soul of those killed while not doing their best is tasteless. And His Majesty must display the power of souls set ablaze. (Got a feeling it'll come in handy soon)

Khun: What? What's he going to show off? What's he plotting?

Maschenny: The Branch Heads you dispatched were lost, and White has regained his power. Are you going to just sit there 4th Corps Commander? Or do you have an ace up your sleeve?
Lyboric: Princess, it seems that you have misunderstood the plan when I first explained it. I believe I spoke clearly, in that this is a battle of attrition.
Yasracia: You... what are you-
Lyboric: Now, I will be using the flagship of the 4th Corps as a self-destructing bomb.
Yasracia: (What?!)

Yama: That's odd. I don't see their flagship any more, where'd it go?

[Inside 4th Army Corps Flag Ship, Engine Room]

Lyboric: Company Commander Kallavan.
Kallavan: Yes sir?
Lyboric: Hard at work, I see? The officers are deeply moved by you fighting on the front lines, leading by example. I too am examining the battlefield and giving out the orders for the best move to our Corps. As such, I have a favor to ask of you.
Kallavan: A favor? What do you mean, sir?
Lyboric: Our flagship is stealthily moving towards the Cage. I plan to have the flagship approach the Cage as closely as possible, then have it explode, taking out the Cage with the Flagship.
Kallavan: Sir, if you do so, our troops between the walls are likely to get massacred too.
Lyboric: That is a sacrifice I am willing to make. They have a reason for bringing the rather slow-moving Cage here. They must plan to do something with it. I want to explode the Cage before that to stop that, but Yama will not make it easy. The 4th Army Corps is using a strong Shinsoo-combustion engine, and if that engine explodes, it will most likely create an unimaginable amount of destructive power. if we blew the engine while it was close to the Cage, nobody would be able to stop it.
Lyboric: Of course, our troops would be almost wiped out with the Cage, but don't worry about that. We already have a new 4th Army Corps on the other side of the walls. They are more powerful than our current 4th Army Corps. Central Command has already approved their commission. They will be the future of the 4th Corps. If you cooperate with this plan, then in accordance with Zahard's orders, I will authorize the release of your arm. You were the last Corps Commander, so the troops will trust you. Do your best to make sure this operation is a success, stop the rankers there, and lull our Corps to the best of your ability. Will you follow my orders?
Kallavan: (Were we set up from the beginning?) ... Understood sir. It is my duty to obey orders as a soldier. I will do everything in my power to make the mission a success.
Lyboric: Thank you.
Kallavan: However. If the operation fails and the soldiers end up dying for nothing, you will need to take responsibility.
Lyboric: Responsibility?
Kallavan: Yes. A lot of soldiers will die. Please take responsibility as the commander. With your life!

Baam/White/Dowon: He released the seal!

Lyboric: Well then. If the operation fails, you may come to kill me for the seat of Army Corps Commander, Company Commander Kallavan. But before you get yourself caught up, do your duty as a company commander to make the mission a success.
Kallavan: Understood, sir.
White: So only now you feel like going full power? His Majesty will match your spirit. This is His Majesty's hardest sword, Cullinan. Hey Slayer candidate. Watch and learn. Observe, as His Majesty sets ablaze the power of the souls. You'll need it soon enough.
Kallavan: Yulker, stop to the best of your ability all that try to approach the walls. There won't be anything you can do in my battle against him.

Elpathion: So you've made up your mind?
Kallavan: Yes. We're joining the Royal Zahard Army. I realized the moment I saw him yesterday. he is truly the one who will fulfill my will. There still remains a test, but I can pass it.
Elpathion: That's a relief, Lord Kallavan. I was thinking if I had made a pointless suggestion.
Kallavan: But if we enlist, we will not be as free as we are now. We won't be able to move around freely, and we'll be always in uniform. I am not sure if everyone will be able to make the transition.
Elpathion: As long as you are with us, we will be fine. We were all your subordinates hand picked by you. Your will to gather everyone under a strong singular power to stop all war and conflict. Of course, there aren't too many of us who actually understand your will, but everyone still stays by your side, Lord Kallavan. Some of us are enamored by your power, others by your intellect or character, or some say "just because". You are a frightening master, but yet, everyone likes here here, Lord Kallavan. If you say we are joining the Royal Zahard Army, we shall. If you tell us to die, we shall. And if you tell us to live, we shall. Just give us the order. We will always be your faithful servants, Lord Kallavan.

Kallavan: This fight. This fight is for my Army Corps.

şerefsizler tüm bir donanmayı warp motoru aşırı yükleyip ile patlatacaklar.bu arada kafesde patlayacak tabi.kallavan ,plan başarısız olursa 4.donanmanın komutanını Kallavan elleriyle parçalayacağı için mührü parçaladı.tabi 4. donanma 2 duvarın ardında daha güçlü şekilde yeniden oluşturulacakmış...bu arada alphation Kallavanın ordudan önce astıymış.
Son düzenleme:
Savaşın gidişatı açısından Beyaz Kallavan'ı oyalama işlevini yerine getirip bir şekilde ölmeden sıvışarak paçayı oradan kurtaracaktır. Baam henüz tam gücünü açığa çıkarmış olmasa da çift kolunu kullanan Kallavan karşısında herhangi bir şansı olmaz diye düşünüyorum. Fakat genelde dramatik anlarda yükselen bir karakter olduğu için önemli bir kişinin ölümü gerçekleşirse Kallavan'a ciddi bir yara verebilir.

Bu savaşta önemli bir karakterin kaybedilmesi hem Baam'ın gelişimi, hem de fug'daki yükselişi için kritik. Bu ne kadar üzülsem de jinsung ha olacak gibi. Baam Zahard'ın aksine duygularıyla hareket eden dostluğu birinci plana alan bir karakter olduğu için bir dostun kaybı ona en büyük gücü sağlayacak muhtemelen. Başka türlü Kallavan'a ciddi bir hasar verme durumu söz konusu olamaz ki Kallavan bir ideolojiyi temsil eden önemli bir karakter olduğu çin bu savaştan sonra da karşımıza çıkacak muhtemelen.

Arch sonuna gelirsek ağır kayıplara rağmen bizimkiler ağır bir hezimet verecek karşı tarafa. Zahard aşırı sinsi olduğu için orada her ihtimale karşı yedek bir filo olabilir hatta. Bunun haricinde Baam yüksek ihtimalle adaylık statüsünden kurtulacak ve avcı kategorisine terfi ettirilecek. Böylece Luslec gibi ağır topları ve diğer antik avcıları görmeye başlayacağız seride. En azından benim temennim bu yönde.
Kallavan bende hikayesi zayıf bir karakter, bu kadar abartılacak kadar bir kötü karakter olarak canlanmıyor gözümde.Adam sadece bir sosyopat kötülüğü yok gibi bir şey. Önceleri baamın mertlik özünü özümsüyeceğini düşünüyordum ama siu bir ters köşe yapıp kallavanı baamın tarafına çekebilir.
Kallavan`a filo komutan seviyesi temsili gözüyle mi bakmak lazım, Baam Kallavan`ı yenince komutan götürür mü diyeceğiz, yoksa ilk üçlü komutanlarda başka bi ayar mı çıkar, ne diyosunuz?
Kallavan'ın kötü bir karakter olduğunu düşünmüyorum. Bir şekilde askerlerini düşünmesinden ve görev bilincinden dolayı Zahard'ın diğer vahşi katillerinden ayrılıyor. Ayrıca bu seride net iyi ve kötü algısı da yok. Zahard gözümüze büyük bir zalim imparator gibi geliyor lakin birkaç arch öncesini hatırlarsak beyaz ve karaka'nın da çok farklı bir yanı yoktu.

Hikaye hakkında çok bilinmeyen var. Ve hepsini idrak etmeden yargıya varmak doğru değil. Şahsen kallavan'ın bizim tarafa geçeceğine zerre ihtimal vermiyorum. Görevine, aldığı emirlere aşırı bağlı despot bir asker çünkü kendisi. Baam'ın rakibi olunca biraz küçümsendi tabii ama jinsung ha ile kapışıp istasyona yaralı bir şekilde gitmesine rağmen Yuri tarafından bile durdurulamayan birinden bahsediyoruz. Baam onu gördüğünde boşuna bu savaş alanındaki en güçlü kişi demiyor.

Bu savaş Baam vs Kallavan'dan ziyade Zahard'a karşı verilen direnişin umut ışığı olması adına önemli. Fug kuvvetleri ve belki de bilmediğimiz başka güçler sürekli yenildikleri için öğrenilmiş çaresizlik içindeler. Savaş belki kuleyi içine alacak kadar büyük çapta değil. Ama sonucunun bütün kuleyi değiştireceği de kesin. Yoksa Baam'ın eninde sonunda ulaşacağı seviyede filo komutanlarının gücü bile anlamsız. Fakat henüz çok erken, hikaye derinliği açısından şu an bu karşılaşmanın galibi olması mantıklı değil.

Hülasa Beyaz güzel harcanacak vesselam.
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