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[Film] One Piece Stampede [Ağustos 2019]

More info on the size of the Meteors I would say it was about the same. In laws case, there was nobody to worry about for collateral damage, just the three of them. Zoro had cut one meteor into 2, the collateral damage would have most likely been more, there were other people in the area. Zoro should have just cut the thing into pieces and disintegrated it with one move, just like how mihawk did it lol
Kısacası, hiçbir anlamı, hiçbir sonucu olmayan bir Zoro vs Fujitora yaşanmış.(Beklendiği gibi.) Zoro'nun, Fujitora ve Mihawk'tan düşük seviyede olduğu hissettirilmiş. Mangada da çoğunlukla olduğu gibi, filmde de Zoro'nun dövüşü çerezlik niyetine olmuş.(Yine.)

Bu kadar karakter final boss'a girerken, Zoro ya da Sanji girmiyor.
Fujitora'nin gulumsemesini gormek istiyorum :) Boyle yine bir yeri parcalayip hicbir sey yapmamis gibi. Ryokugyu'da burda tanitilsaydi keske...
Yaşla ne alakası var ki? Amiral zaten 20-30 lu yaşlarında olduğun bir şey değil. Tüm amiraller 50-60 yaşlarında adamlar.
En sevdiğim denizcilerden, ben de güçlensin isterim ama meyvesi zayıf bence. Bir de zaman atlaması boyunca kendisine Busoshoku dışında hiçbir şey katamamış gibi geliyor bana, hala dumanlı yumruk atıyor, şu saatten sonra da pek gelişeceğini sanmıyorum.
At the age of 15, Bullet fought Roger several times, but he kept losing.
Bullet belonged to Roger Pirates when he was 15-18 years old.
His strength was equal to Rayleigh according to Buggy.
After he lost in the final fight against Roger, he left the ship.
When he wae 19 years old, he fought Crocodile and neither of them won. (Surprising!)
When he was 22 years old, Bullet fought Marines including Sengoku and Garp who were summoned by Buster Call. He fought fiercely, but several pirates Bullet defeated before also joined the battle between Bullet and Marines. Bullet was finally captured and sent to Impel Down.
Bullet kept training hard in the prison.
His strength reached its prime when he was 43 years old.
At the age of 45, Bullet fights Luffy in the film.

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