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[Film] One Piece Stampede [Ağustos 2019]

Büyük anlam tabii :D Oda buna müsade etmesi bunu Laugh Tail diye kabul etmemiz gerektiği anlamına mı gelir?

Rogerin gülme olayı ipucu imis meğer :oleyo:

Ben adamın dediklerini yazıyorum ha. Hani ula olmadı diye bana yüklenme olmasin da
Smiley, 1971 yılında Franklin Loufrani tarafından geliştirilmiş olup 1997 yılında Eiichiro Oda denen ruh hastası tarafından serisine eklenmiştir. :oleyo2:
Zoro and Fujitora moment the zoro and fujitora fight was kind of short, longer than the dressrosa one though! Zoro was fighting marines and fuji basically blitz into zoro, and they clashed. They started with basics and then fujitora used a gravity attack to send zoro flying along with boulders, zoro cut the boulders and used tiger hunt. Fujitora easily blocked it. Swords were shaking but no sweat from both. Fujitora summoned a meteor and went away to deal with another order. Zoro cut the meteor in half using the same attack he used on pica but now he had to deal with 2 pieces and was kind of shocked but mihawk came and basically demolished the 2 pieces. It seemed to me that zoro

Sanji moments it was a brief fight, they didn't really damage each other, neither one was sweating or panting. The animation was good! It started in a cave when sanjis group bumped into smoker, smoker went for an attack but was stopped by brook, weapon clash. Then smoker used a bigger attack but was stopped by sanji, smoker commented on sanji using haki. it ended with them discussing something that I couldn't understand. No named attacks, was mostly an aerial fight. Later in the movie, sanji was escorting robin and sensed something, he told robin to head on and just speed blitzed out, vanished. it was rob lucci who he sensed, lucci was about to go for luffy who was busy with something but sanji intercepted him and they clashed, whilst saying, don't get in my captains way!. That was the highlight for sanji i think they had a brawl off screen because later we see lucci smirking in a different pose
More info on Zoro's Meteors he doesn't really struggle with the meteor, he just fails to realise that cutting it in 2 just doubled the trouble, he was about to deal another attack towards the pieces but mihawk beat him to it. I think what they tried to show was that mihawk is able to destroy the meteor with one attack/slash while zoro used more than 1. But i do think that fujitora was more calm than zoro in their confrontation

More info Zoro Vs Killer/Crocodile. zoro and killer clashed during an all 5
out race to get to a certain treaure during the festival, it was short but the animation was nice. Same thing with the other supernovae, they clashed with eachother and we saw some of their abilities, fighting prowess. Zoro clashed with crocodile and sanji clashed with lucci, both saying 'don't get in my captains way!' they didn't really fight and if they did it was off screened. Zoro and sanji didn't really have full fights or even defeated anyone of concern

SuperNova Vs Bulletthe supernovae fight with a base form bullet and get beaten easily, including luffy and drake, he see his dino form but not hybrid, after the supernovae get beaten we don't really see them much apart from when they are on their ships!, He does clash with kidd and some others a bit. Usopp basically saves luffys life by distracting bullet and carrying luffy ot safety, he also lays a trap for bullet which takes effect during the final fight which enables luffy to beat bullet. I think usopps trap is the only thing that draws blood from bullet iircc. We also see him take out fodder early on with wolf impact
Zoro vs Fujitora

Mihawk gemi kesiyor sanırım

Sentomaru vs Perona
Smoker vs Sabo
Im-sama ve avanesi Raftel'in peşine düşenleri izleyip izleyip gülüyorlar mıymış. : D
Bu seferki ışıklarımız (büyük adaylar), Luffy, Tiç; yancılar Kid falan, 3 2 1 başla! "Ahahahahahskfsf ezikler ya" "Tiç'e bire beş veriyorum"

Şaka yapmayın.
Im Teach'in final boss koltuğunu çalacak gibi duruyor. Hadi bakalım.

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