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Tower of God

Ha Jinsung'u Kurtarma Operasyonu Nasıl Sonuçlanır?

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Son bölümden anladığım kadarıyla(tabi emin değilim) 10 büyük aileden biri olan Yeon ailesinin simgesi, Violenin yeni takımının son bölümde bulmakla görevlindirildiği Zygaena Çiçeği. Yeon ailesi bu çiçek nadir bulununan bir çiçek olsun diye Zygaena'nın yavrulamasını istemiyor. Bu yüzden sürekli çiçekleri toplatıyor. Muhtemelen çiçek koparılmazsa büyüyüp yavru Zygaena oluyor. Urek Mazino Zygaena'nın içine yavruyu almak için giriyor. O içeri girince Zygaena yavrulayamasın diye içeri Ranker yollamaya başladılar. Arkasından bizim takımı yolladılar. Gerisini biliyoruz zaten.


Karaka comes out to show himself after Jinsung calls him out.
Karaka greets Jinsung, his teacher, asking if he's been well.
Jinsung tells him that it's not easy to take care of a kid. Karaka tells him it would've been easier if he just sent him instead, but Jinsung says he can't let a kid take care of a kid.

Then he says to go talk elsewhere since the Guardian is watching.

Karaka questions Jinsung asking why he's hesitating to spill blood after finally obtaining the weapon to achieve their goal. Karaka wants to kill all those near Viole and make him a new team.

Jinsung asks him if he's not trustworthy for him.
Karaka denies it saying he's just concerned about the voices of mistrust coming from the believers. He tells Jinsung that rumors of him are spreading among the Elders that he's going easy on his work because of his affection for Viole.

Jinsung laughs saying how dare those old bastards distrust him.
Jinsung says he's abandoned his own clan for the FUG and ever since that day he's been waiting in the dark waiting for this day to come. He says there's no way he would let his goal be dragged down by his personal feelings.

He then tells Karaka that if the number of Viole's friends increase, then the number of possible hostages would also increase.
Jinsung tells him to let the Slayers and the Elders know that he knows what he's doing.

Karaka bows and tells Jinsung that he'll be taking his leave.
Jinsung asks him out to dinner but Karaka tells him that he's not allowed to talk with his mask off to someone who has at least a little bit of distrust.

Karaka takes his leave.
Jinsung says he should've just eaten inside while putting the lollipop in his mouth.


Karaka calls out for "Pocen" and a mysterious shadow appears behind him.
Karaka orders for him to pick trustworthy Regulars and secretly observe them and that if they do anything strange, to kill them all.

Pocen takes his leave, calling Karaka a God


WangNan and the others are sitting in their living room(?) being happy with their dinner.
WangNan says it was a great move to ask Yeon to take care of Viole's nursing.

ArkRapter then asks if WangNan has any plans to help Viole and Goseng adds on that they're too weak compared to the FUG.

WangNan tells them that it's okay and there's always a way even though he doesn't know it yet.

"There's definitely a way"
"As long as we're prepared to walk it..."
"A path will open"


WangNan and HwaRyun is talking.
HwaRyun asks him what he wants with her since he's been avoiding her since that day.

Wangnan asks to confirm if HwaRyun really is a Guide.
HwaRyun asks him if he has a place he wants to go.

WangNan wants to know the path to take to reach Viole's friends. HwaRyun asks why she should do such a thing since she is part of FUG.

"A Guide only let's the existence of a path known to those who can walk it"

"You told me Viole's secret"
"The reason you me is because I'm able to walk that path, right?"
"Then I will choose to walk that path"

"The reason you want to walk this path,"
"Is it because of sympathy for Viole? Or..."
"Is it to achieve your own goal?"
"The Prince of the Red-Light District*"
[T/N: I'm gonna leave is as the red-light district, but it might be changed to red-light/lantern clan, idk]

"well either way is fine."
"I'll tell you the path"

HwaRyun asks WangNan if he knows of the Craftsman's Room.
Wangnan tells her that he's heard of it - a place where you make inventories or items.

HwaRyun expends to say that Pockets, Lighthouses, Needles, and other items of the tower are made in the Craftman's Room. There's a branch in each floor but there is only 7 main branches, one of which is on the 30th Floor.
And once every 5 years, it holds a battle for items with E rank Regulars.

WangNan asks her what this battle is.

HwaRyun tells him it's a fight where both sides put their items made in the craftsman's room on the line and winner takes all.
It's usually called the "Craftsman's Room Battle"

The time until the next Craftsman's Room Battle is 2 years. If within that time they're able to reach the 30th Floor and join the Craftsman's Room Battle,

Viole will be able to meet his friends.


Tower of God Part 2
-Return of the Prince-

The First Story

Prince of Zahard Episode


A call using the purple ball.
The guy (forgot his name lol) asks Koon if he passed the test and Koon says it's obvious.
the guy then tells him he won't be able to say that once he reachers Floor 30 since he'll only have a chance once per year afterwards.

Koon and the guy talks while the background is noisy on both sides of bickering.

(androssi and anak in the background :D)

The guy:
"Hurry on up and in 2 years -"
"Let's meet in the Craftsman's Room Battle"


Part 2

The Second Story

Craftsman's Room Battle


Ehem, Craftsman's Room Battle < name might change xD



The story continues on from the flashback shown a few chapters ago.

Jinsung introduces himself to Viole as a teacher who will teach him martial arts.
Jinsung tells Viole that he might hate them but they will do no harm to him if he cooperates. In fact, he says they (FUG) will give everything they can to him - power, wealth, woman, honor, revenge, anything.

Baam says he wants to get stronger - so that he he never has to part with anyone.
Baam asks Jinsung how much he has to get stronger saying he no longer wants to part with anyone ever again.

Jinsung tells Yu Han Sung that Viole seems a lot different than Urek Mazino - that Viole doesn't seem like an Irregular.

Yu Han Sung agrees that Viole seems to be a lot different than the Irregulars until now.

Jinsung says he's not on the level of "different" and that he's just too "normal". He says he'd try to make him their comrade if he was a monster like Mazino but he says he doesn't really feel like doing so with that boy.

Jinsung says he'll have to teach a little more until he knows.


There are 2 ways to use Shinsoo in hand-to-hand combat.
One is to strengthen your body with the Shinsoo and the other is to manipulate the Shinsoo in the opponent's body and attacking.
There are many manipulation techniques but among them the 'Gongpasool' has the most destructive power.

Gongpasool is a technique that strongly vibrates the Shinsoo in the opponent's body and destroying it.
Like so- (Jinsung uses the skill which blows away a dirt-man)

He continues on to say the disadvantage is that the user's defense will weaken since he or she will have to be in contact with the target but the destructive power makes up for it.
And so because it's such a dangerous skill, it takes tens of years to learn... but there might be faster ways too

Baam says it's fine and that it's better than having someone die because he didn't listen.
Jinsung puts his hands on Baam, and panels later Baam is shown lying on the ground - seemingly hurt.


JInsung says it's been a while since hitting someone frightened him.

Yu han sung asks him why someone, who exterminated a entire branch of a clan because of a girl that was sold to them, be scared to hurt someone.

Jinsung says that rage makes one's senses go numb and that his lost senses returned.
He says he thought he'd lost everything that day... (showing him and a girl who's bleeding)

Jinsung asks Yu Han Sung if he thinks Baam will really make their wish come true.
Jinsung says he doesn't think so. Even though he knows that Irregulars are the only weapons to kill Zahard, he says that that boy is somehow different...
He says that boy isn't suited to walking this path.


HwaRyun says Viole's yet again lying down.
She then tells him he must not die before he kills Zahard.

Baam asks her why they want to kill him.

HwaRyun tells him that he's a bit similar to her.

Baam asks her what she means.

Hwaryun grabs the blue-mechanical thing and reconstructs the dirt man as she tells Viole:

"The FUG is made up of people who have a grudge against the 10 Clans and Zahard, people who are jealous of what they have, and people who want to change everything of the tower"

"A Slayer is a God who grants them their wish"

"You must become an existence that can kill what cannot be killed, Viole"

"Do your best"
"My God"

As Jinsung is walking, he thinks of Yu Han Sung telling him that he'll think differently after watching after him a little longer.
What he is going to have to become, and the future that his power is going to lead him into.

Jinsung is wondering what power a kid like that has.

He meets Hwaryun on the way asks wonders what she wants to Viole, asking if she healed his wounds or something.
Hwaryun tells him that since he looked bored she made a dirt-man to be with him.

Jinsung says that the dirt-man is setted to be hard to destroy with the Gongpasool and that Viole should be lying hurt.

Hwaryun says he'll be fine if he properly learned the Gongpasool from him.

Jinsung runs to viole, thinking it's impossible to learn the Gongpasool after just hearing about it.
He says that it's crazy to expect so much from a kid and that they were wrong.

That Viole is-

Jinsung watches Viole get knocekd out by the dirt-man but sees the traces of the Gongpasool.
He's surprised that he's able to immitate the Gongpasool after just watching it once.

Jinsung has a flash-back to when the girl in his arms tells him to never forget her.

Jinsung walks over to him and blows the dirt man away and tells Viole:

"You said you wanted to get stronger?"

"I'll tell you"
"A way to become God-"

Baam'ın FUG'a katıldığı dönemi gösteriyor. Baam'ın FUG'a katılmakla tehdit edildiği bölümün devamı denebilir sanırım.


Yeni bölüm geldi.
Bu bölümde Lero-ro ve Quant var(1. sezondaki test adminleri). 6 yıldır 77. kattalarmış. Blueberry ile karşılaşıyorlar. Quant ile Blueberry oyun oynuyor ama Quant sürekli kaybediyor. Sonra parasına oynuyorlar Quant yine kaybediyor. Neyse sonra Blueberry Lero-ro ya oyun oynamayı öneriyor. Lero-ro normal dövüş yapmayı öneriyor oyun oynamak yerine(sanırım). O sırada çağrı geliyor Blueberry'ye. Yuze idi sanırım adı(Urek Mazino'nun Viole'nin takip edilmesi için emir verdiği adam), o arıyor ve Blueberry'ye takip etmesi istediği bir regular olduğunu söylüyor. Blueberry Lero-ro ya bana katılmak istermismiz diyor ve bölüm orda bitiyor. Muhtemelen bahsettikleri regular Viole.


Sitede bu yazıyor "11월 중에 연재 재개 예정입니다.". Google translate böyle çevirdi "Serisi Kasım ayında devam edilecek.". Seri ara verdi sanırım. :/
Koonların ve eski tayfanın Baam ile karşılaşacağını düşünmüyorum. Tahminimce yeni tayfadaki elemanlar eskileri bulup durumu izah ederler. Tabii beklenmedik rachel baam karşılaşmasıyla baam ''why rachel why'' triplerine sokulup bizim monitorümüzü parçalamamıza sebep olabilir. Diğer bir olay ise Fug'daki hocasının karanlık tarafını göstermesi bende pek etki bırakmamıştı. Adam seviyor baamı ne biliyim o kadar satış dönüyor ki ortamda ''sende mi hoca'' olayı olmasın. Sevsinler garibimizi-sevsinlerde triplere girmesin hiç çekilmiyor-.


Koonların ve eski tayfanın Baam ile karşılaşacağını düşünmüyorum. Tahminimce yeni tayfadaki elemanlar eskileri bulup durumu izah ederler. Tabii beklenmedik rachel baam karşılaşmasıyla baam ''why rachel why'' triplerine sokulup bizim monitorümüzü parçalamamıza sebep olabilir. Diğer bir olay ise Fug'daki hocasının karanlık tarafını göstermesi bende pek etki bırakmamıştı. Adam seviyor baamı ne biliyim o kadar satış dönüyor ki ortamda ''sende mi hoca'' olayı olmasın. Sevsinler garibimizi-sevsinlerde triplere girmesin hiç çekilmiyor-.
Ben turnuvada karşılaşcaklarını düşünüyorum, umuyorum. Baam'ın yaşadığını ve fug üyesi olduğunu duyunca Koon nasıl bir yüz ifadesi bürünecek çok merak ediyorum. Kendine arkadaş bulmuştum derken irregular olduğunu öğrenmişti, onu tam atlamıştı öldüğünü öğrendi.. Şmdi tam hala hayatta olduğunu öğrendikten sonra fug üyesi olduğunu öğrenice iyice kafayı yiyecektir. :D
Ben turnuvada karşılaşcaklarını düşünüyorum, umuyorum. Baam'ın yaşadığını ve fug üyesi olduğunu duyunca Koon nasıl bir yüz ifadesi bürünecek çok merak ediyorum. Kendine arkadaş bulmuştum derken irregular olduğunu öğrenmişti, onu tam atlamıştı öldüğünü öğrendi.. Şmdi tam hala hayatta olduğunu öğrendikten sonra fug üyesi olduğunu öğrenice iyice kafayı yiyecektir. :D
Baam'a trip yapıcağını düşünmüyorum. Hani ''madem yaşıyodun niye haber vermedin olm'' gibisinden, Fug'a girişinin nedenini merak edip onları korumak için girdiğini çözer-zekasına hayran olduğumuz karakter duygusal triplere girmez inşallah-. Kafama takılan bir şey daha var ki oda Mazino konusu. Baam'ın ustası mazino gibi olsa tarafımıza daha kolay çekerdik demiş. Mazinoyu niye kendi taraflarına çekmemişler. Kuleden çıkmak istiyorsa kulenin tanrısı veya kralını öldürse çıkabilirim mantığıyla gazı verebilirlerdi. Fug'daki elemanlar ise baam'ın 5-6 yılda zahard'ı öldürecek kadar güçlendiklerine harbi inanıyorlarsa bir sıkıntı var. Baam'ın daha baya yol alması gerek ki mazino savaşında gördük.

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