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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

evankhell çıkartıyor antik silahı sıkıyor her terafa
dowon ve kallavan vs baam ve chad...


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473 çevirisini verelim.
[Paul Double Arm Metamorphosis: The Mad Dog of Two Mystic Green Arms]

DKK: did he transform too? Houndborn are sure annoying.
Doom: The Anima is distracted! Now's the chance
DKK: Kyaaa! You bastard!
Doom: Paul! Hey! Snap out of it! If you let go right now! You'll-- Paul?!

[52F A Chaotic Battle 01]

Evankhell: They're splitting! Those bean like things! They don't dissolve when they make contact with fire, but they instead split into fours. It looks like the Anima is using a monkey specialized against fire. Was he brought specifically with me in mind? How bothersome. Looks like they multiplied very quickly!!
Didiano: Did you notie? You must have by now! The monkey throws hardened clumps of its special excrement! It splits when it makes contact with fire! It can't make much of an impact against you! But we also have the one of the greatest Light Bearers too! Please! Use the Lighthouses Vice Army Corps Commander! Imbue the ammunition with great speed!
Elpathion: Understood!

[Lighthouse Technique: Instant Accelaration]

Didiano: KILL YOU!! DIE EVANKHELL!! (Adio: SIU Your English cringe yo) More! More! Split! Split again! Stop Evankhell!
???: Hey, Evankhell, can you hear me? The Slayer Candidate is now in the walls! Hold the Corps back, whatever it takes!
Evankhell: A monkey whose dung split with contact with fire. "Roger" The Ten Families have all sorts of strange things in their armies. Annoying but interesting. But not enough. This isn't enough to uphold the promise... Yu Hansung. When did I fall for his scheme? Was it the fourth time I met him? The seventh? Or the tenth?

Evankhell: After we had met for our first time, I was once again wandering numerous battlefields through the battles. "Boring. To think they would rebel against Zahard with such mediocre skills. It's not fun unless it's at least FUG tier. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Most of the ones that are stronger than me are in the military or families. I want to test my power against them.
Fire Elephant: Evankhell, No... You remember my request when you became my host? Survive, preserve this power. That is the purpose of our lives.
Evankhell: But you don't know why you need to survive.
Fire Elephant: True. But we remember. Until the right time. We must survive. That is why we survived, changing hosts as we go.
Evankhell: You need to survive because you need to survive? You guys are so boring. Life is meant to burn.
YHS: Did you kill all these innocent people again!! Evankhell!!
Evankhell: Oh it's you again? I spared you and you chase me constantly now.
YHS: These people were a resistance army gathered to help the local citizens who where being oppressed by an immoral ruler from Zahard! Why did you kill them! Why!
Evankhell: Why? I'm a mercenary. Money is why I fight. Can I kill you now?
YHS: No! Unlike you, I still have much to do, I can't die here! But You have more power than I! Yes! Even god makes mistakes sometimes and rather than give someone with great will like me give power to murderous psychopaths like you instead! That's the unjust truth!
Evankhell: What? You watch your wor-
YHS: So let's correct that! Use that power to help me! If you help me, we will bring balance to this crooked world!
Evankhell: This fucker's talking bullshit but it actually makes sense
YHS: If you follow me, I will give you battles more meaningful than this!
Evankhell: What do you mean meaningful battles?
YHS: What else but battles worth dying for! I will bring us to battles worth burning up our lives for!
Evankhell: Hey, how are you gonna-
YHS: From before! The Tower saw the Fire as the opposite of Shinsoo, as destruction! But I thought after seeing you
Evankhell: He keeps interrupting me
YHS: If you are alone, you would continue to a demon of destruction, but if your power and my will were to join forces, we would burn away all the injustice of this world! We can become a fire of regeneration that would be an era of rebirth for the Tower! Come with me! I need your fire to fix this Tower!
Fire Elephant: Hey Evankhell
Evankhell: I know.
Fire Elephant: Your pulse tells us otherwise.
Evankhell: You know, perhaps we will find purpose once we follow him into new battles. Why you need to survive?
Fire Elephant: Evankhell.
Evankhell: I know, it's an excuse. I want to follow because I want to live. I feel like I'm going to die of boredom at this rate. "I'll go. But if you bore me you will die."
YHS: Understood!
Evankhell: ergo, life- "is meant to burn!"

[All-Consuming Fire!!]

Elpathion: The monkey's excrement is burning away. It doesn't even have enough time to split! Was this plan really pointless?!
Evankhell: This is only the beginning!!

[Triple Rare Orb]

Evankhell: Let me burn harder!
Elpathion: Now there's three orbs, all equally frightening in power! She is about to bring hell here once more!
Didiano: D.. damn you monster!
Khun Nissam Kay: Right behind you! For revenge of our last battle! I now have a weapon made from the strongest material from Cherry River!! I won't lose this time!!

[Breaking sounds]

KNK: Kuaaaak!
Evankhell: Unless placed there for a special reason, High Rankers lower than the Top 300 cannot rise higher unless they kill someone that was already there. It's because becoming top 300 hundred already means they are in a different world from those below! Do you understand! It is not I who is foolish for facing an entire Army Corps alone, but you, who face me without a leader!

[Quad Rare Orb: Hellscape]


Ari: Roche!

Leesoo(?): Hockney! Where now!
Hockney: A bit more forward! If you're late you'll get engulfed in the fire! The rankers will get burnt up soon! I'll send you the coordinates!
Leesoo(?): Let's go!

White: It's maddening, the screams of these souls... More and more power is flowing into me!

"Good, rampaging as planned... Play all you want now" High Ranker Spearbearer (Rank 278) Lo Po Bia Lepavuv
Lepavuv: Once I get a good aim, it'll all end in one shot.

[Battlefield Front of the Cage]

[Second Wall]

Yul: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have arrive at the walls.
Hwaryeon: Baam, once you get the signal from the Cage, that's when you undo the spell on the walls. The spell is going to be very strong, so you'll only be able to undo it for an instant. The timing is key.
Baam: Understood!

[Flies to the walls]

Baam: So this is the wall.
Cha: So big.

[Flower Style Shinsoo Manipulation]

Baam: This is!
Dowon: We meet again, boy. I didn't think you would be so foolish to actually barge in- ara?
Cha: Dowon!
Dowon: CHA!?
Cha: You're here! Why are you fighting with Zahard's Army?! I don't know why you changed your heart, but stop and join us!
Dowon: Why is Cha here? What happened? He was alive?
????: We meet again as you said, Irregular.
Kallavan: Taking the chaotic battle as cover to approach the walls? Your ceaseless bravery allowed me to predict your move. Step away from the walls. If you turn from me, I will turn you into powder in five seconds.
Baam: Kallavan! I wanted to see him again, but this is too soon! I need to break the wall first!

Evankhell:eek:lağan üstü şeyler yapmadıkça,ilk 300 ranker aşağısındaki herkes,ilk 300 rankerdan kimseyi oldurmedikce sıralaması asla 300 ün üstüne çıkamaz...

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