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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

Translation by Adioscorea:

Yama: What? What the hell's going on?!
Yas: As expected.. this still works. Good...! Keep hitting!! You are only able to obey me, Baylord Yama. For within you courses blood I've given you
(Yama: What?!) Walls of Peace and Bullshit Harmony - 4
Michael: Are they gone.. Fuck. I don't like this. Khun Aguere Agnis. You've been like that even when you were with us. Where you faced was where Mr. Baam was. I really despise you. It's like I'm not worth even an iota's worth of attention..? I honestly understand where Ms. Rachel's coming from. I want to push him off the edge to somewhere where he only be able to face me.!!
Akryeong: What are you doing..!! Let's go..!! The Cage is soon to move. We stop here. Give up Apple. Yandere-kun
Michael: What?!
Akryeong: Elder's contacted us.
M: Ah.. I guess it can't be helped. Let's go. (You finally decided to talk, huh?)
Ken Zon: Of course! If Lord Yama fights alone, us Houndborn must aid him! None but Lord Yama is worthy of being the leader of the Houndborn Pack!! Jorden: I think so too, Lord Zon! Doom: Hey!! I can be the leader of the Houndborn!
Zon: ... Lord Doom, even if you are the elder brother to Lord Yama, We cannot accept someone weaker than Lord Yama as our leader. Please remove yourself.
Doom: W-what?! Weak?! Oi! YOu know where all of your power even comes from?!
(Paul: Bro, cool it!) Let me go! Oh my fucking god did these whelps put me down like that?!
(P: You said you'd ally with them for now
Khun: Baam, you want to go see Louie?
(B: Yes) You sure? Louie thinks you let Dang Dang die without knowing any better though.
B: I have to go still. I must apologize to Mr. Louie.
K: Alright. Go Baam.
B: Yeah.
B: Mr. Louie..
L: Baam... Dang Dang is dead, right?
B: Yes. I'm sorry... for not being any help. I... don't think I truly wanted to save Mr. Dang Dang. I'm-
L: Enough. Don't say you're sorry. Dang Dang... He said he was happy you reached out to him. Whether you could have saved him or not doesn't matter. As long as Dang Dang was happy to be able to grab your hand, it's ok. You... you're going to fight somewhere else, right? Wherever you go. Please reach out for people like Dang Dang, people who need saving. But. Next Time. Save them.
B: .... Understood...!! I will never forget. Zon's daughter: I just received word from my father. Due to hijinks in the battle, Lord Yama has been transported to a distant battlefield. Intern-chan: What?!
ZD: It seems the entire cage is going to be moved to where he is. I plan to accompany my father, but what do you think intern? All of those who were by my side are now dead, so I can use the help, but you're not a Houndborn. All I can give you is a full-time positions with a (bleep) credit annual salary, but I don't think that's enough, is it?
Intern-chan: (What? (Bleep) per year?! Isn't that Ranker-level pay?!) Yes!! I will follow you anywhere! (Yes maam! Yes Maam!! I can do everything but fight!!) I will make fake ears if needed to be Houndborn!!
ZD: re-really?
Evk: Yu Hansung!
YHS: Lord Evankhell
E: As I said over pocket I'm going to Yama. You're coming too, right?
YHS: Yes, but... Isn't it rather dangerous to send just Mr. Baam and his companions to Kallavan?
E: I was thinking about that. Would you accompany them, White?
YHS: what?
YHS: Lord White? That's!!
W: You sure? Have I not made it clear that I strongly dislike the Slayer Candidate?
E: You're still a Regular right now. If a Ranker or a High ranker follows Baam around, it's highly noticible and it makes climbing harder. You are the ideal person for Baam to move with.
YHS: But Lord Evankhell!!
W: Keuk. Sure. Ms. Annoying Head Voice isn't letting me harm the Slayer Candidate in anyway right now anyway. I will follow the Slayer Candiate. But know this. You are raising a monster.
E: Uh.. yeah.. sure... (When is he going to get over that edgy phase? so gross)
Zon: Ah, ah!! You all hear me?! Houndborn! I am officer Ken Zon of the Pack. (Is Lord Zon!x2) I am sure you all are quite confused from the battle this night! But do not worry! We had a battle with outside forces, but it is over now!! Unfortunately, we have had a few casualties, including our now-deceased Officer Gado! But more importantnly!! (Lord Gado's dead? x2) due to an incident during battle, Lord Yama has been teleported to a battlefield away from the Cage! (what x2) He currently faces on that battle field an army of Zahard! ( Zahard's army? Isn't he in danger?) Even if Lord Yama is strong they are many! He may need us! So we shall follow him into battle! FOr our only leader is Lord Yama! If you have a problem with that, fight me as is the way of the Houndborn! Any questions?! (NO SIR!x2)(Let's go!)
Paul: And there we have it. We will cease hostilities with the Caged Houndborn and we follow Lord Yama.
Starbucks: ... A ceasefire.
P: Yes. We have a bigger enemy to deal with. It shouldn't be easy for you guys, but
Starbucks: It's fine. You are our leader. We will all follow you.
E: The preparations are complete. The Houndborn shall all follow. You will come with me to where Yama is. So send them to Kallavan.
KelHellam: Good. It shall be so. Come forth, Myan!!
E: !! That thing!! It's that creature that woman had!! It was the elder's the entire time?
Kel: Yes. This creature's true name is Myan. It is a wonderour creature that has a biological warping device within its body.
E: Really?! That's possible?
Kel: Of course there's a few conditions. There has to be another Myan on the other side that are linked, and one cannot use it to enter areas they are not permitted to enter by the Laws of the Tower, or a place higher than your level. Thankfully, Lord Yama is still on this floor, and the walls where Kallavan is at is at a floor lower then that, and I have a Myan prepared there, so there should be no issue for the Slayer Candidate.
E: Amazing, this is like borrowing an Administrator's power)
Kel: Then, let us move, Slayer Candidate.
Broken RaKhunBaam: Nani?! We're being eaten?!
E: ... this really works?
Kel: Yes. Do you wish to accompany them?
E: That would be nice, but we need Yama as an ally. Please transport the Cage now.
Kel: I shall! Sowo!
Sw: I'm on it I'm on it!

Walls of Peace and Harmony

Yama: Blood? Blood?! What the hell are you talking about?!
Yas: Did you not hear from Doom? Well, I guess it's better that you don't now. Especially for the likes of you stray dogs.
Yama: What did you say you fuck?! (Shit! If I go through Full Metamorphosis I feel like I may be able to escape, but I just don't have it in me, must be because I just came out of fighting the Elder. Shit! This is dangerous! Ending up like this without having even laid a hand on the opponent, this is ridiculous. The Cage is in danger, and what is it's alpha doing here?!

[warp happens]

What? The trail I came from... that light?!
Yas: What's that?!
Yama: The cage?! (Unlike my brother, I was always lonely.)

Past Yama: I must get stronger! To protect the pack!
Pres Yama: Unlike my brother, who could share his power, I was selfish and unable. So-
KZ: Lord Yama!
E: Yama!
Jorden: Lord Yama!
Together: We are here to help!!
Yama: (alone... alone... )The houndborn...!! (Maybe not alone?)
J and KZ: Lord Yama!
Yama: You guys... this is so embarrassing...!
Yas: Smells like dogshit. Fucking dogs coming by an entire pack. Of course... Lord Zahard saw this future.... and sent me here... (kukukukuku)

The end.

Evankhell ne yaptı ya. Baam ve ekibini kallavana yolladı. Yama’yı kurtarıp peşinden mi gidecek hemen acaba ? Yalnız yama’yı kurtarma ekibi çok güçlü. Kedinin kontrol yeteneğini de engellerlerse ezer geçerler orayı gibi geliyor
Zahardda zaten bir kader korkusu var geleceği tam olarak görmese bile kesitler görüyor olabilir kahinler gibi. Yama ve kardeşlerin de geçmisi ve gücleri ile bilgileri yakın zamanda alacak gibiyiz.

Şu muhabbetler geçsede baam vs kallavan görsek artık. Çok merak ediyorum nasıl bir çizim yapıcak. Hic bir sey olmamış gibi de elderla takılmaları savaş alanında benim canımı sıktı. Doom Doom diye bitiremedikleri adamın da şu halleri diyecek birsey bulamıyorum:bilmem:

Herkez baam a canavar muamelesi yapıyor ama cocuga baktıkça gülesim geliyor bu yorumlara. İns aslında kulenin kötü adamı baam çıkmaz sonunda :flaugh:
Kedi köpekgilleri kontrol ediyor belliki
Tıpkı doom gibi ama doomdan bile daha iyi, çünkü yamayı kendi kendine dövdürdü.
Bunu yapan adam oradakileri birbirine de kırdırır.

çok tehlikeli bi rakip.
E bu elder orada bi savaş yaşanacağını biliyor ille de houndbornları göndereceğim diye tutturuyor . Herhalde kedicinin de orada olduğunu biliyordur. Bi planı olmadan yollamaz herhalde . Eğer köpekleri kediye boğdurtma niyetinde değilse
Doom gerçekten şamar oğlanı oldu. Sanırım sırf güç yayma ve acımasız olma konusunda iy .

Bu kedi doom un bahsettiği kedi tamam. Ama doomun bilip yamanın bilmediği geçmiş ne olabilir merakla bekliyoruz.

Zahard geleceği tabi kaderi tahmin ediyor. Baam ise görülemeyen bir yol çiziyor.
Anlaşılan gene bir lanet olayı var Baam şimdi bu laneti de kaldırır hatta belki Doom'dan laneti kaldırırken bunu da kaldırmıştır bile
Baamın temas kurması lazım lanet kaldırılması için birde yamanın yanına mı gitti yoksa kallavanın yanına mı heralde kallavanı yenip yamanın yanına yetişmeye çalışmaz;) Bakalım baam elderin gördüğü kaderi değiştirdi,zahardın gördüğünüde değiştirebilcek mi? Zahardın kaderini değiştirirse olayın boyutunu çok arttırır zahard.
Bu seviyedeki Baam'ın hala Kallavan'ı yenebileceğini düşünen varsa bir an önce ıslak rüyasından uyansın. top 100'deki birinin gücü bu kadar hafife alınmamalı.

Baam'ın yanında en az 5-6 tane ortalama kuvvette yüksek seviyeci olmalı ki durum eşitlensin. Bu arada bu dövüş olmayabilir çünkü Rachel Baam'ın karşısına çıkacak gibi görünüyor.

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