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[Spoiler] Tower of God ''Spoiler'' Tartışma

L: Baam!! Where are you Baam!
B: Mr. Louie!
L: Dang Dang isn't breathing!! Is... he can't be dead, right!? Where are you and what's going on?
B: Mr. Louie..
L: You said you would give Dang Dang freedom! But then why is he laying here with a hole in his chest breathless!!
Gado(flashback): (If you give the heart that's in Louie back to Dang Dang-)
L: We have to find a way! We have to save Dang Dang! His heart, we have to do something about his heart!!
G(Flashback): (Dang Dang may be able to live. But if you did that, what difference would there be between you and I?)
B: I'm sorry Mr. Louie... but I don't there is a way to save Mr. Dang Dang (Now... Now I understand)
L: You're shitting me!! I'm going to save Dang Dang!! Whatever it takes, I'll do it!
B: I can't choose one life over the other like Mr. Gado. It's not because I'm more moral or just than him. I'm simply not willing to save Mr. Dang Dang like Mr. Gado wanted to save Mr. Louie.
L: Baam! B: I wonder what I was thinking when I took Mr. Dang Dang's hands and promised to help him? I didn't even have someone's life or an entire race like Mr. Gado to offer. Was it because I didn't know Mr. Dang Dang's hidden past? No.. I lacked the will to truly help them.
L:We have to save Dang Dang! We can't just let this be!!
B: I was... a hypocrite.(edited)
D: What are you thinking about so hard, Slayer Candidate?
(B: Mr. Doom)
D: Do you feel pity for him? He wanted to lead our entire race to extinction for his child.
(B: Yeah... but..)
D: Your personal feelings don't matter. You removed the spell on my heart and saved the houndborn race. That's all you need to remember. Also, this isn't necessarily a compensation, but I will aid your fight.
(B: Really?)
D: Yes. In order to fight Yasracia or a 10 Family Head, I need more power too. You are doing what you need to do on the battle field plenty well. Do not let the deaths in the midst of battle faze you. In war, countless are the regretful deaths. Focus on what you must now fight for.
(Khun: Baam!)

[Title] Walls of Peace and Harmony -02

DangDang's Pocket: Hey Louie,
(L: Dang Dang's Pocket?) I set this message to play if my pocket detects your pocket around it after I die. If you are hearing this, it probably means I'm dead.
(L: Dang Dang!) Louie, these are the last words I need to tell you. You must think i'm special because I'm Lord Gado's son, but I'm actually not Lord Gado's true son. I'm no different from you.
(L: What? What do you mean?)
DangDang's Pocket: I am a fake son brought in to transport someone's heart. You thought I was your savior always coming to your rescue, but did you know that in fact, you were the only one there that cared about me? There was something so comforting about you. I even think that maybe.. you may have my real heart. If that is the case, I think that is good enough for me to rest in peace. Of course, that can't be, right? I'm sorry I hid the truth from you. I think because I haven't told the truth, I think I'll endanger everyone. But I had to. I wanted to grab that hand. I wanted to take Baam's hand and run from fate one more time. So even if I die, please don't blame anyone for it. I'm simply happy that someone reached out for me. I'm sorry Louie
(L: Dang Dang)
DangDang's Pocket: I'm sorry that I'm leaving you to be alone.
(L: Dang Dang...!)

Adio Part 1

Baylord Yama: Walls of Peace and Harmony
Y: Did you just say Zahard's Army?!
Captain Kahler: Y.. yes! Do not come any closer, or we will assume hostility and attack!
Y: Yeah, how about-
(CPT K: !?)
Y: I attack first!! I hate to follow Kel Hellam's will, but I can't just not attack Zahard's army. You. You're dying now.
Chairman: (He suddenly attacked Zahard's Army?) What are you doing? Do you think they'll just let you attack them?
Y: Shut up. It's immediate full on battle the moment they piece the pieces together. I'm going to kill them all before they figure that out.
C: piece the pieces together What?
CPT K: Even if you are a high Ranker! How foolish! (I can't win a 1 on 1 with a high ranker, I'll use my slime to bring him back to the middle of the formation and take care of him with the rest of the unit!!)
Y: *glare*
CPT K: (he... he's scary!) Fuck! I can't take him! I'm running!
Y: Him running away look so weird. [RIP]
C: YOu killed him? (Is is mad!?)
Y: I hope it's the minions that come first. You, figure how I'm getting back to the cage.
???: CPT Kahler, LOST. We can't get his vitals!! Division Commander! I'm afraid CPT Kahler's dead!
(What?! (DIV. Commander: What's going on? The people at the walls would not attack first! Does this have something to do with that energy signature earlier? Something's amiss.) Ready a vessel. I'm going in myself.
(Yes sir!)

Y: I said, get me to the Cage!)
Chairman's Observer: (What do I do? I think this mad dog is going to doom us all)
Y:about to destroy wall)
C: What are you doing!?
Y: Send me back now or I destroy that wall.
C: You can't!That's the wall of Peace and Harmony, symbol of peace and-
Y: Yeah no. If you wanted "Peace and Harmony", you would not make a plan involving the extinction of an entire race to save your precious walls. If you really want peace, you send me back to the cage now. If not, I attack
C: No!! I apologize for the plan, please do not destroy our walls!
Y: Send me back then.
C: Now is not the time!
Y: And?
???: Oi high ranker! You kill Kahler? [5th Corps 2nd Division, DIVCO Fuschuille and his Armored Unit)
Y: There's more? (These look pretty strong, but still minions)
F: Who are you?
Y: (Good, he doesn't know me yet. I'll stall) I'm a high ranker who is lost. I am sorry I killed your minion. He looked weird, and let's face it, anyone would have done that if it was someone looking that weird

Part 2
--- Double Post Merged, Today at 4:30 AM ---

Y: So why don't you just let this slide. It was his fault for being that ugly. How about I just go my way and you leave me alone?
F: Yeah no. We are the King's Army. Do not think to escape with such hollow jesterly words! Attack!
Fodder: (Yes sir!)
Y: Control! Control! Control!!
F: this guy...
Y: Oh no. I gave it everything I had, but I failed. (controlling my power is not easy)
F: Not an average high ranker. Something overwhealming, I feel from him all over my body.
Yas: You Fear, Fuschuille? I thought I smelled dog around.
Yas: I wonder how a dog out of his cage ended up here.
(Yama: Cat?)
F: Corps Commander sir!
Yas: We came here to capture war heroes, but it looks like we'll also be capturing some runaway dogs as well.
(Ym: Corps Commander!!)
Baby Doom: You know what to do when you see a Felineborn?
bbYama: You mean cats? In that Lo Po Bia family? (Hic, I got drunk off of Sprite)
bbD: Yeah, they look like us but they look slyer.
Paul: KILL THEM! Even tho we don't know why!
D: Yes but there is one exception: Beware the blue cat with watermelon eyes. If you see that particular felineborn, you run. If you try to fight it, you will die.


Paul: These branches just don't end, do they?

Weeaboo: Watch out! More incoming!

Sibisu: What's going on with this fight?!

Hatsu: This is incredible!

[Walls of Peace and Harmony - 03]

Karaka: Damn it! I can't even defend let alone attack! Hey Evankhell! Did you really see Yama dissappear?

Evankhell: You're the Scout, you should know better than I! I don't see readings for Yama anywhere! I dont' know what the Elder did, but he is not here! (Also, how strange. That Ancient isn't attacking us but instead reaching for the Cage)

Elder: Please step aside, Slayer Karaka. I do not want to lose two Slayers over this battle.

Karaka: Elder! Where is Yama?

Elder: I saw his fate. I sent him to a different battlefield.

Karaka: Another battlefield?

Elder: Yes. Now you can no longer stop this fate. The preparations to move the Cage is already ready. I shall take care of Doom and will jump to the walls with the Houndborn. Please, step aside Lord Karaka.

Karaka: What? And just how are you going to move the Cage?

Elder: The nature of this Ancient One's attack is transmission of my power to where the branches reach. Alone I face an impossible task, but with this power, I can do it. I will use Doom and move the Cage to the battle field. You cannot stop this fate!

???: Don't you dare MEOW at me!

Evankhell: You?

Paul: I am Baylord Paul! You! Kel Hellam! You dare trick me!

Doom: Kel Hellam!!

Paul: Brother!

Evankhell: Doom!? Have you come to your senses?

D: You....

Elder: (DOOM? The spell... how?)

D: The spell has been released by the Slayer candidate who follows me! How terrible!! Now that this spell has been released from my heart, you shall not take my Houndborn!

Elder: What? The Slayer Candidate broke the spell?! How? This... was completely unexpected!! The spell on Doom's heart was prepared over a long period of time by a group of highly skilled Sorcerers, it can't be resolved that simply. I am one who can forcibly peer into fate, so I can understand how great this miracle from the Slayer Candidate is. "Miracle". Yes. If this event that changed the fate of Houndborn kind isn't a miracle, I shan't know what to call it. I can barely hold in this bitter laughter. All the fates I've seen have been altered by him, and even the fate to send Yama to the Wall may have been his will. This feeling when you see a being greater than fate itself, this spine chilling feeling. I have already felt this a long time ago. When I saw the 10 Family Heads and Zahard. When I saw them who ruled fate and time itself, that feeling. I, who was proud with my ability to see fate, was in an instant blinded me with such terrifying aura. How ridiculous. The thing that stops me from controlling the Houndborn to prevent the disaster is not a Slayer like Yama or Karaka, or Evankhell, one who wields the power of the Ancient Ones, but that meager Slayer Candidate?

Kel Hellam: It looks like I have lost this battle

Doom: What? All of a sudden?

K: Is it because Doom's spell was broken?

D: Hm? Where is Yama? I thought he was fighting you?

Kel: I sent him to another battlefield.

Baylords: What?

Evankhell: You keep saying another battlefield. Where is this place?

Kel: The Walls of Peace and Harmony.

E: You mean... THE walls of Peace and Harmony, raised by the resistance after the Age of Genesis?

Kel: Yes. Lord Yama is there right now. The walls will be attacked in the near future by Zahard's armies. I was going to take the Houndborn to the walls, but I didn't think that Doom's spell would be broken. Yes. The reason why the fate I saw changed, why Lord Yama was sent there. It... was all because of you, my Slayer candidate. What will it be? Now that it's already like this. Would you like to lead with me the Houndborn to the Walls?

E: What? Why would we go to the walls?

Kel: To save Lord Yama, is it not obvious? Zahard's army should already be there. Even Lord Yama will find it difficult to face an entire corps alone. Also. Another reason: Zahard's Army targets two walls. One wall was going to be sent an entire corps, but I received secret transmission that to another wall, one soldier that compares to an entire corps in strength shall be sent.

Baam: A soldier that compares to an entire corps in stregth?

Kel: Yes. It's the man you are most likely thinking of.

B: Kallavan?

Kel: If you take the Houndborn there, save Lord Yama, and help with pushing away Zahard's Army, I shall send you there. You will receive a chance to take revenge for your teacher.

E:Send Baam to Kallavan? Is this a trap? But I guess we'll need to meet him to find Ha Jinsung....

B: What shall we do, master?

E: It's dangerous, but it's a great opportunity. It is your decision.

B: I want to go. But I don't know if I can take everyone with me. Can I ask the Houndborn first?

E: Huh? I thought he'd be all for it. He's matured all of a sudden.

Kel: Yes. I cannot offer you much time, but fate will flow how you want it to.


[Yasracia: OOh doggo and recap]

Yama: A corps commander.... a corps level force is here? Here of all places? Moreover, that cat's eyes is unnerving me. Come to think of it, Doom said something about cat eyes.... What was it... I can't remember, I was drunk from cider that day... "Hey! Are you a cat? A Corps commander would be a sure card for victory in Zahard's Army, why are you attacking some stupid wall?"

Ys: Lord Zahard rules fate. We cannot hope to understand his wisdom. I merely follow his orders. Well, maybe he had a reason for sending me here. After all, you're a runaway dog.

Ym: Why is he keep calling me a runaway dog? I don't even know where his home is. What a weirdo. (TN: In Korean, the literal translation has an implication of "my/our runaway dog")

Ys: Fight him, Fuschuille.

F: Sir!!!

Ys: This is not the end but the beginnign. If you cannot put up a fight against the man standing before you, you have no place on the battlefield. You can't hope to beat him, but at least show yourself worthy by trying.

F: Y... yes sir! I do not know who you are, but I will learn from this. Do not defend me. (Sir!)

Ym: You for real? You want to die a meaningless death? (They're goading me into fighting!! A Corps commander is suddenly unexpected, but I'll take it as a good thing. If I take their commander, the corps will collapse. Corps level units have a Warp ship, so I can take that change to take the warp to the Cage.) I must hurry, the Cage is in danger... F: (Cage?) I have no time for weaklings like you! GIVE ME YOUR COMMANDER NOW!!! (F: This speed!) Impressive (F: Bared dodged that, but... that was all of my luck right there. I sense overwhelming fear! I smell death! It smells like blood, and all I can think is not to think but to scream. but if this is my last... I shan't run). Your bravery is admirable

Ys: Good job Fuschuille!

Ym: This is.. like older brother!

Ys: Facing off the one who calls himself the Houndking, you have my compliment. Now. Let's see if this works. [Yasrachia-Style Anima Technique: Charm] Your limbs now will not obey you, but it will obey me. (Ym: This feeling? Ara? What the, what's my right arm doing?) RIGHT HOOK IN THE FACE!

Yama: What's going on here?!

Bu kedili elemanın gücü Doom’a benzese de ben büyü olduğunu düşünüyorum. Büyünün etki etmesini sağlayacak durumu da kölesiyle yerine getirmiş olabilir.
Khel baamın gördüğü kaderi değiştirmesini zahard ve 10 aile ile mi kıyaslıyor yoksa ben mi yanlış anladım ? Khel 10 aile diyorsa baamın soyundan haberi yok demek olmuyor mu ? Fugın başındakı adam elderlere anlatmadı mı olayları şimdi.Elder bu vakte kadar ne arlen ne de V den bahsetti.Adam intikam için kurduğu fugtaki konseye intikam sebebeni anlatmamış oluyor.Tam komedi
Baam ve kallavan her türlü çarpışır. Daha önce de dedigim gibi kallavan sadece basamak, savaşın perdesini açan kilit olucak. Baam'ın zahard a alanen savaş ilanıdır bu savaş. Bundan sonrada avcı adayı degil direk avcı ve üstü statüsünde görülüp fug daki tarafları belli olucak. Belki fug un idaresini belkide ikiye böler bilemem ama bu ön savaştan sonra herkesin yeri yurdu ve tuttuğu taraf belli olur artık...

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