Credit : Redon
Chapter 742 prediction repost
Title:Sorry Luffy
Sanji:I think we lost them!
Brook:Thank God!I thought I was going to die but I am already dead!YOHOHOHOHO!
Nami:What is that?Someone is standing on the water!
Momonosuke:No way!You are!!!!
(flashback of Sanji and co)
Sanji: Brook! Prepare a Coup de Burst!
Kicking a cannonball down into the water, Sanji takes a hit from his cigarette.
Chopper in his human form and catches a cannonball, slinging it back behind him and throwing his arm forwards, throwing it back.
Chopper: There are almost close to 15 cannons on this side of their ship! We cant keep holding them back!
Momonosuke looks up, at a cannonball heading right for him.
Two halfs of a cannonball fly behind him as he looks at his sword.
Nami: Momosuke! Are you alright?!
Momo: I think its time to show Im a warrior. I AM A SAMURAI!
Momonosuke runs on the side of the Thousand Sunny and cuts 6 oncoming cannonballs.
Sanji: This damn kid. -smiling, throwing away his cigarette-
Sanji kicks another cannonball into an oncoming one and Skywalks up to keep on from flying into the birdsnest. (Thats what they call the top room of the ship right?)
Brook: Hold on tight, were taking off!
Chopper grabs the ropes in one hand and catches a cannonball in the other, crushing it.
The Sunny flies off, leaving a spore of plunging cannonballs in the Dressrosa water.
Tamago: Theyre not that high! We can still reach them-bon!
Pekoms: Sail east!They are heading towards Zou! Were chasing them! WE NEED CAESAR!
Tamago:I am on it.
Zoro:You fucking shit!Santoryu 1080 pound ho!!!
Pica:It is useless!You can not cut me!
Zoro:We will see about that!Ittoryu iai LION SONG OF INSTAND DEATH!!!!
The entire palace is cut in half along with Pica.
Doflamingo is using his strings to fly mid air while Luffy stretches and saves everyone.
Luffy:Zoro you overdid it!!!
Doflamingo:You fucking shits!
Luffy:Now it is my turn to kick your ass Mingo!
Doflamingo:Just try it!
Luffy:Gomu gomu no jet pistol!
Doflamingo easily dodges it!
Luffy:Your haki is strong Mingo
Well then I better get serious!Here is my new technique!!!
Zoro:Is something wrong Luffy?
Luffy:I sense someone coming from over there with little life left in him!

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Kinemon:Long nose!
Usopp:Sorry Luffy