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[Spoiler] Kingdom

Kızın zaten hayata tutunduğu son dal Shin ve birliği ama ''Great General'' gibi bir hedef koyduysa kendine biraz tek başına hareket etmesi gerekiyor ki, Şu anki durum bu bana göre.
Tek takılacağı zamanlar olacaktır ama acelesi yok. Önce bi' general olsun sonrasında kendi hedefine doğru yelken açabilir. Kaldı ki, bir kaç bölüm öncesinde kendisi de ayrılmak istemediğini dile getirmişti.
Tek takılacağı zamanlar olacaktır ama acelesi yok. Önce bi' general olsun sonrasında kendi hedefine doğru yelken açabilir. Kaldı ki, bir kaç bölüm öncesinde kendisi de ayrılmak istemediğini dile getirmişti.
Güvende hissettiği ''ev'' diyebileceği tek yer sonuçta, O dönemin şartlarına göre düşünürsek kendi 3.000 adamıyla başka bir yere gitse kimbilir bir daha ne zaman görüşecekler.. ama dediğim gibi Shin'in gölgesinde kalıyor şu an. Onları ayırmak isteyen generalin niyeti de buydu bana göre, Elinden fazlası gelebilir ama ayrılmamak için kendini kısıtlıyor gibi bir düşünceye kapılır insan.
Eğer hep birlikte kalacaklarsa Shin in şu an olduğu gibi hep en azından 1 rütbe üstte seyretmesi gerekir. O zaman sıkıntı çıkmaz diye tahmin ediyorum. Kyou Kai general olsa bile Great Generallerin altında General adamları var sonuçta. Anca ikiside Great General olursa ayrılırlar
Kingdom 419

Shouhei hangi tarafta daha tam çözemedim ama sağlam eleman. Baştan itibaren o görüntüyü veriyordu, eğer krala yakın hareket ederse Ryofui çok sağlam bir gol yemiş olur.
Kingdom 419

Shouhei hangi tarafta daha tam çözemedim ama sağlam eleman. Baştan itibaren o görüntüyü veriyordu, eğer krala yakın hareket ederse Ryofui çok sağlam bir gol yemiş olur.
Gerçekten kaç seferdir kurtarıyor bizimkileri. Umarım bizimkilerin aleyhine daha büyük bir olay için yapmıyordur. Ve yine umarım eğer öyle bir amacı yoksa Ryufui nin bir suiskastine kurban gitmez.

Daha da önemlisi şu mektubu gene açıklamadılar tamamen. Mektubun mührünün kırık gelmeside kafamı kurcalıyor baya
Mangafoxtaki Kingdom manga forumu çok canlı ve genelde ingilizce bölüm gelmeden orada dil bilen kişiler raw bölümün özetini çıkarıyorlar.

Ch420: Parting Ways
Chinese link: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3574934833
Japanese Raws link: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3574552175
-We start the chapter with a flashback of Ten deciphering SHK's letter 10 days prior to the coronation ceremony.
-Firstly, she explains that the instructions in the letter was opened and altered by the messnger, who is takes instruction from Ryo.
-However, SHK expected that to happen and encrypted a set of codes in the letter. The instruction was for HSU to attack Gong(Kyou), Cao(Sou) and Xiang(Kou) in this particular order. However, it is actually a bad strategy to attack castles in that order and it is even stranger that the instructions came from SHK, the top strategist of Qin.
-After some consideration, Ten realizes that Xiang(Kou) was the old capital of Jin, the state that split into Wei, Han and Zhao hundreds of years ago. This is an analogy to Yong(You) of Qin, which points them towards the coronation ceremony happening soon.
-As for the weather, "changes in weather" is an analogy to a sign of chaos.
-With that, Ten and Shin concludes that there will be someone sabotaging the coronation ceremony. Though it is obvious that the culprit will be Ryo himself, Shin is wondering why SHK, one of Ryo's four pillars, is telling them this. Ten then explains that the letter is not simply a letter to notify them of the approaching rebellion, but also an indication that SHK has officially parted ways with Ryo.

-Back in You, Ryofui is still confused why SHK is standing there. SHK indicates that he will be going to Kanyou to stop the rebellion with SBK. This shocked everyone from both factions.
-Ryo tries to clarify SHK's intention by asking him "do you know what you just said actually mean"?
-SHK replies with "you need to question no more. it is just as you thought. thank you for taking care of me all these years"
-And with this, SHK intention to defect from Ryo's faction is now made known to everyone.
-Saitaku seems to understand the magnitude of this defection. Ri Shi seems devastated by SHK's ungrateful decision as they both owe Ryo for who they are today.
-SHK ignored Ri Shi and orders Kaioku to get ready.
-Ryo orders Ri Shi to keep quiet and calmly lets SHK go. He seem to be expecting SHK's betrayal and even commented that it was later than he expected. He also comments that he had earned enough profit from his investment onf SHK.
-Ryo then explains that the "Four Pillars" are just a show of his power. His power will not be affected even of he loses one or two of his pillars.
-He further comments that none of them know his full power as there isn't anything that can measure it. With that, he thinks that the "time" is right and invite Sei somewhere else for a private discussion between the two of them.
Bölüm 421
CH421: Retracing Steps
link: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3588902531
-SHK in armor hype! (ok he looks kinda ordinary in armor IMO)
-SHK and SBK prepare to ride to Kanyou to quell the rebellion. Before they set off, SBK thank SHK for his encrypted message to HSU which saved the lives of many including himself. He also apologized to SHK for not believing the news of his defection from Ryo's faction.
-Before the announcement of his defection, SBK, who already caught news of SHK's planned defection, wanted to discuss the matter of quelling the rebellion but refrained from doing so as it might put SHK's life at risk. SHK agree with SBK's decision as Ryo's spies has already infiltrated even his own group of servants.
-SHK points out that the political struggle between Ryo and the king is meaningless now as the winner will be finally decided by the Battle of Kanyou.
-To ensure Sei's safety, Heki did not allow Sei to go on a meeting with Ryo without protection and thus he sent enough troops to protect Sei against an army.
-SBK seems shocked to hear the word "world" coming from Ryo even though he regarded him as one of the most notorious prime minister/chancellor in Qin's history together with Shang Yang and Fan Ju(google these 2 names if you are interested). It seems like both SHK and SBK agree that indeed they have yet grasp the full capabilities/power/caliber(*器量, i have no idea how to translate this word) of Ryofui.
-Back in Kanyou, HSU is fighting the waves of rebel between them and the walls of Kanyou. Hanoki's son seems concerned about HSU's advances but Hanoki ordered him to ignore them as the rest of Kanyou's gates are about to be breached.
-Indeed, two of the remaining gates opened simultaneously and due to the limited number of SHK's special forces, they will be unable to stop the invading rebels.
-With the gates open, Hanoki and his son entered Kanyou.
-Ten reminded Shin that they cannot retrace the steps of what happened at Tonryu where they failed to save Seikyo. They have to protect Sei's children now.
-Shin realizes the importance of that and rallied both his own troops and the Sai militia, telling them that the rebel army's main objective is not to takeover Kanyou but to kill the royal family and push Ryofui up the throne, and this gave them the motivation and morale needed for the battle.
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
Neler döndüğü yavaştan belirginleşmeye başlıyor. Shin bu olaylarda ne kadar etkili olacak, ilerleyen zamanda daha net göreceğiz. Ayıca Karyorten'in asıl hedefi öngörmesi önmeli bir noktaydı, bunun önüne geçmeleri zor olacak.

Kingdom 421

423 spoilers:

My understanding of the Japanese text:
-Chapter title is "Beginning of the World"
-The chapter is about Ryofui and Sei's meeting. With Ri Shi, Saitaku and Rui (standing outside??)
-Sei plans to punish/pass judgement on Ryofui for his rebellion.
-???(too little Kanji for me to understand)
-Back in Kanyou, Shin arrives at the palace walls and attacks the enemies from their back.
-Back to the meeting, Ryo asks Sei about his plans of unification
-Sei wants to start a "world"(exact translation translates to "the start of everything under the heavens")
-They then discuss something about the beginning of currency when Ryo took out a coin. (The real Qin Shi Huang in history standardized the currency in China for the first time ever after unification.)
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
General Duke Hyou
Küfür gibi oturup ağlayacaktım bu kadar ısındığım bu kadar sevdiğim bir karaktere nasıl kıydılar sonra geri zekalı hiç bir gücü olmayan başrol gelip böyle bi generali nerdeyse tekleyen adamla kaşık atıyor çok doluyum küfredecem

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