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[Spoiler] Kingdom

330 larda kalmıştım çevrilsin diye bekledim 370 olmuş çeviri bir mutlu oldum :D Shin'in tek tek 3000'e kadar saydırmasına çok güldüm :D
Bu hafta manga yokmuş herhalde.
Neyse ben geçen haftanın tam çevirisini vereyim.
Page 1 (color page):

Text: On the battlefield, cooperation's a lifeline.

Text: Kingdom chapter 385: Separated comrade

Page 2:

(Kingdom figurine advertisement)

Page 3:

Shin: !

Sound: Thud

Sound: Thud

Sound: Skreetch

Soldier: Shin!

Soldier: T-The commander's horse can no longer...

Horse: Neeeigh

Sound: Rumblerumble

Gaimou: ...........

Gaimou: Hmf.

Gaimou: Out of time, huh...

Page 4:

Soldier: Uuh...

Soldider: How could this happen.

Soldier: S...

Soldier They took...

Soldier: They took her...

Soldier: Someone...

Soldier: S... Save...

Text-window: In those times

Text-window: Being caught by the enemy on the battlefield was something far more terrible than dying.

Text-window: On this wide battlefield at Choyou

Text-window: Almost no one had noticed

Page 5:

Text-window: The tragedy that had befallen Ten.

Ten: Nh...

Wei soldier: It looks like Gaimou-sama withdrew as well!

Wei soldier: I think joining up with the main force won't be a problem!

Jyunsou: ...............

Page 6:

Jyunsou: Kouri. Take care of this girl.

Kouri: !?

Kouri: What's up, Jyunsou-sama?

Jyunsou: I am...

Jyunsou: Going to slow down the unit that's nipping at our heels.

Soldier: Enough now. Let's pull out.

Soldier: The "encirclement" was a failure. And we can't dawdle around here.

Soldier: Plus, most of us are exhausted.

Kyoukai: .......

Soldier: Vice commander!

Kyoukai (thinks): What's this feeling. Is there an enemy general or the like ahead...?

Page 7:

Ten: Nh......

Ten: Eh!?

Kouri: Hehe.

Ten (thinks): T.. .They didn't kill me!?

Ten (thinks): Would...

Ten (thinks): T-This is bad!!

Ten: Let go!

Kouri: !!

Kouri: Don't struggle, little squit!

Page 8:

Kouri: Don't be a handful.

Ten: !

Text (Ten): Ah...

Text (Ten): That flag is...


Kouri: !

Kyoukai: !?

Kyoukai (thinks): Karyo Ten!?

Kyoukai (thinks): ...............

Kyoukai: So that's it!?

Soldier: Kyoukai!?

Page 9:

Jyunsou: They're here.

Kyoukai: !

Soldier: Uuh

Horse: Neeigh

Soldier: Uwah!

Soldier: Gyah

Horse: Neeigh

Ten: Aah

Kyoukai: Ugh

Jyunsou: Ooh? ........

Ten (thinks): It's impossible.

Ten: She won't make it here.

Jyunsou: If you can, take that one alive as well!

Ten: !
Page 10:

Ten: .............

Ten: Kyoukai, try to catch the enemy commander some-...

Sound: Wham

???: Shaddap, little girl!

Kouri: Idiot. If you hit that hard you'll smash her face in.

Kouri: That'll ruin _the fun later_.

Kyoukai: ........... The commander...

Kyoukai That guy, huh...

Jyunsou: Cut down the horse.

???: Yes sir!

Kyoukai: Can I _reach_ him?

Page 11:

Soldier: Oraaa!

Soldiers: Raaaah!

???: V-

???: Vanished!?

Kyoukai (thinks): I'm sorry.

Kyoukai's veins: Pop, popop

Kyoukai (thinks): I can only do

Page 12:

Kyoukai: This much.

Sound: Swish

Jyunsou: !?

Jyunsou: !?

Jyunsou: !?

Jyunsou: (illegible)

Kyoukai: Karyo Ten...

Sound: Thud

Page 13:

(For once, nothing at all )

Page 14 (double-page):

Kyoukai's foot: (step)

???: Is it okay?

???: Ah

Page 15:

Kou: Ah, Kyoukai-san.

Bihei: ......

Hairou(?): Vice-commander...

Kou: Erm... Are your wounds

Kou: Alright?

Kyoukai: .......... I'm sorry...

Page 16:

Shin: I'm sorry, my ass, you-

Sound: (grab/grip)

Page 17:

Shin: Why didn't you save Ten even though you saw her!?

Shin: You know what might happen to her if she gets taken don't you!

Shin: Even now, she might be...

Kyoukai: .........

???: Wait a minute! That's not how it is!

???: Vice-commander Kyoukai had fought really hard!

???: Had that not been the case, she'd have saved Karyo Ten for sure!

???: But we didn't have enough numbers... No one could have doen more than what was done.

???: So please don't say it like it was all the vice-commander's fault.

Garo: It is as they say. Blaming Kyoukai's barking up the wrong tree.

Garo: Plus, no one but Kyoukai noticed what had happened to Ten in the heat of the battle.

Page 18:

Garo: Shin. You unerstand that as well, don't you.

Shin: Shaddap!

Shin: Shit!

Shin: That's why going so far forward's... (T/N: he's refering to Tens' bad habit of going too close to where the fightning is instead of staying further back where it's safer...)

Kou: ...... If she has been taken

Kou: She'll be tortured, I guess.

Shin: Kou!!

Kou: But...

Kyoukai: I'll go save her right away.

???: Eh

Shin (?): Are you stupid!?

Shin: If you were going to do something like that, you should've done that long ago!!

Kyoukai: .......

Lt En: Kyoukai-san. I fear that Karyo Ten has been brought far behind the enemy lines, to the HQ of their main force.

Lt En: Going there means breaking through thousands of enemies in front of you. So sneaking in there is pretty much impossible.

Page 19:

Kyoukai: What should I do then!?

???: ............

???: I can't come up with anything good.

???: It's so frustrating...

???: ...

???: .........

Soldier: Hehe

???: Well then.
2 hafta sonra güncele gelecekler. Yeni bir seriye daha başlayacaklar mı acaba? Ryuurouden'i çevirseler iyi olurdu.
Ryuurouden'i 30-40 sayı kadar okudum. İki ara bir derede bırakan serilerden, Ayar oluyorum öyle serilere iki tarafında kendince haklı olması sonra yavşak 3. bir tarafın ortaya çıkması falan. Gundam okumuyoruz yani :D

Seri sonradan güzelleşiyor ama bir yerden sonra tekrar sıkıyor. 26 volume okuduktan sonra kalan 11'i de okumak istiyor insan. :D
Biraz da dengesiz geldi seri. Tam güçlendi diyorsun milleti asan kesen yeni elemanlar türüyor yok yerden. Ruler of the land'a benziyor çizim ve az çok konu işlenişi.

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