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@Murray @Ölüm cerrahı Bölüm 1 wikide paylaşılmış. Meidara ile dövüşü ve sonrasında olanlar anlatılıyor. Law, Nanagi'yi gördüğünde donup kalmış. Orayı okurken bir yumuşadım, duygusal Law'ım. Kikoku hakkında ise bilgi yok, tam yerinde bitiyor. .//

A battle rages in the sea, fought between the Kalik and Heart Pirates. Having been ambushed, the four Heart Pirates battle defensively, attempting to efficiently split up their severely outnumbered crew, when Law is attacked by Kalik Meidara directly. The two fight, and after slipping past Meidara's axe, Law is able to knock him to the ground with Injection Shot. He turns to see the rest of his crew, each taking on groups of the Kalik Pirates, and cheers over their apparent victory.

To his surprise, however, Meidara stands back up, and attacks Law again. Swinging his axe, the pirate is able to snap Law's sword, Kosho, forcing Law on the defensive. However, still injured from Injection Shot, Meidara is unable to perform complicated attacks, and Law is able to get close to him once again. This time, he uses Counter Shock, shocking Meidara and causing him to collapse again.

As Meidara falls to the ground, a large wave hits the side of the ship, threatening to flip the whole boat over. Law, fatigued from his battle, stumbles and falls, landing in the sea. Unable to swim, he begins to sink into the depths, calling for help but unable to get his voice out. From aboard the ship, his crewmates notice him sinking and rush to his aid, but are too far to help, and Law falls unconscious.

Some time later, he wakes up to Bepo rubbing his back, and asks about the remnants of the Kalik Pirates. Shachi and Penguin tell him that they have been defeated and tied up, and their treasure was confiscated; satisfied with their response, Law asks how he is still alive. Bepo calls out to a man outside the medical room, who introduces himself as Hakugan, and explains that he saved Law. Hakugan had been kidnapped from Welbems Islands South side by the Kalik Pirates, but he managed to escape during the battle, and noticed Law sinking. Judging that Law was a better person than Meidara, Hakugan had jumped into the sea to save him.

While Law was confused by Hakugan's judgement of his personality, he nonetheless thanked him for the rescue; following Wolf's belief of "give-and-take", Law offered to transport Hakugan and the rest of the hostages back to Welbems Island as thanks for saving him. Hakugan gladly accepted, and got excited to see his little sister again, causing Law to think back on his own sister, Trafalgar Lami.

With their new course set, Law returned to his quarters, and asked Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin to manage steering while he spent some time alone. He contemplated the loss of Kosho, his precious sword, and hit the wall as he regretted losing it; he wondered if there was no way to avoid its snapping, questioning if he could have dodged Meidara's attack or called for help from his crewmates. He was unable to even repair it, having lost the broken blade when he fell in the sea. After showering, Law held up the sword's broken hilt.

Three days later, the Polar Tang arrived at Welbems Island and approached Hakkuro Village. They ferried the Kalik Pirates' hostages onto the island, and Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin convinced Law to explore the village, having not landed on an island in a while. Before Law left with them, though, he noticed Hakugan off to the side, and went to talk to him. Hakugan explained that he was nervous to return to the village; in the past, he had received severe burn scars while saving a girl from a burning building, and had become ostracized by the villagers become of them, only entering town when absolutely necessary. While he wanted to greet the village chief, he was too scared to do so.

Hearing this, Law called for Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin, who immediately began to talk to Hakugan to calm him down. Resolved to bring Hakugan to the chief himself, Law led them into the village proper, causing the villagers to hide in fear. Hakugan tried to explain that the villagers were good people, even if they would not interact with the Heart Pirates, but Law reassured him that they expect the villagers' reaction as pirates. He explained that they are used to being disliked, and told Hakugan not to worry about those who dislike him because he committed a good deed.

Leaving the town square, they made it to the chief's house. Seeing them from inside, the chief, a tall man, rushed outside and hugged Hakugan, relieved to see that he had returned. Upon learning that the Heart Pirates had saved the villagers, he thanked them profusely. The six men went inside to eat and share drinks, and Hakugan worriedly asked the chief if his sister, Nanagi, was alright; the chief assured him that she was fine, and was simply visiting another village shopping. He had sent her with other villagers so she did not remain cooped up inside while Hakugan was missing.

With the job of returning the hostages complete, Law agreed Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin's request to remain on the island for a bit to recover from the Kalik Pirates' ambush and from the cold weather out at sea. Before he left, Law offered to help Hakugan with anything he needed during their stay, feeling like rescuing the hostages was not enough to repay Hakugan for saving his life; though Hakugan assured him that would not be necessary. He asked where they would be staying, and Law explained that they would build a temporary shelter outside the village, but Hakugan instead offered them to stay in his guest rooms, which Law accepted.

Upon seeing Hakugan's house, Law was shocked to see how big it was, and Hakugan explained that his father was a warrior before he died. He was considered a hero in the efforts to fight off the Nagels Kingdom, and had built the house himself; though, after his death two years prior, the villagers were slowly losing ground. Hakugan explained his dream of following in his father's footsteps, and Law encouraged him, but warned him not to be obsessed with revenge.

After drawing lots, the Heart Pirates got settled into their rooms, went hunting, and ate a good, relaxing meal. As they ate, the front door was slammed open by Nanagi, who was relieved to see her brother again. However, noticing the strange men in her house, she ran to the kitchen and grabbed knives, threatening them if they hurt Hakugan. As she commented on how suspicious they all looked, like Shachi's sunglasses and Bepo being a talking bear, Law remained frozen, as she had reminded him about his own sister, Lami, and the burning of Flevance.

Finally, he snapped out of it, and told his crewmates to stop talking. He told Nanagi that she was right to be suspicious since they were pirates, and jokingly claimed they would use the spare room until they eventually took over the house, prompting Nanagi to ask Hakugan why they were inside. Hakugan assured that it was fine, and after calming her down a bit, explained what had happened. She finally decided that they must be alright, even if they are pirates, since bad people would have stolen everything valuable and run away already.

Despite that, she was unwilling to fully trust them, so Law offered a deal: they would stay for three days, and if they did anything suspicious or caused any trouble, they would leave immediately. Hakugan initially tried to override Law's proposal, but the pirate stopped him, pointing out that being suspicious of pirates was natural. Finally, Nanagi agreed to Law's proposal.

Law spent the next three days practicing his swordsmanship, reading medical books, and recovering from his injuries. Finally, on the fourth morning, Nanagi accepted that the pirates were good people, since she had become friends with Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin during their time there. While he wasn't surprised by her acceptance, Law was relieved that she was convinced.

Time passed as the Heart Pirates remained in the village, living an easy, cheerful life. Despite their time there, however, Law's desire for revenge against Doflamingo did not waver; instead, it grew more intense, as he imagined a day where he was a more powerful pirate able to finally avenge Corazon. However, he recognized his own limitations; Doflamingo is exceptionally powerful, while Law was recently unable to even defeat the Kalik Pirates without his sword breaking. Deciding that he needed a new sword, Law asked Hakugan to bring him to the best weapon shop the following day.

That night, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin snuck outside. Blaming themselves for Law nearly dying during the battle against the Kalik Pirates, they resolved to get stronger, so they would be able to help him in the future fights. Inspired by their strong swimming abilities, Penguin suggested that they training their swimming until they are strong enough to even destroy ships from underwater, which the other two men accepted. Ready to train, they cheered into the sky.

bakacağım mutlaka

Parmakla gösterilmiyorsun direk Trafalgar Law diye gösteriliyorsun şöyle. :oleyo:
bu panel gurur kaynağı, olması gereken bir şeydi hatta bu panel çizilmeden önce de ortada diğer one piece karakterlerine nazaran daha fazla kadın Law çizimi vardı yani bu panel biraz da fandomun talebi
Çok haklısın, masum ve hükümete teslim olmuş bilginleri öldüren Akainu kesinlikle övülmelidir. Koca bir ulusu ateş denizine çevirmese napardık....
her şerde bir hayır vardır.

ölüm kaçınılmazdı ohara halkı için... hükumet teslim alsaydı eğer oharalıları, türlü işkencelerden geçirip insanlık dışı yöntemler kullandıktan sonra acı çektirerek öldürecekti ohara halkını. akainu radikal bir yöntem seçmiş olsa da çok kısa bir süre acı hissettikten sonra ahirete intikal etti ohara halkı.
her şerde bir hayır vardır.

ölüm kaçınılmazdı ohara halkı için... hükumet teslim alsaydı eğer oharalıları, türlü işkencelerden geçirip insanlık dışı yöntemler kullandıktan sonra acı çektirerek öldürecekti ohara halkını. akainu radikal bir yöntem seçmiş olsa da çok kısa bir süre acı hissettikten sonra ahirete intikal etti ohara halkı.
Vegapunk'tan hafıza sildirme teknolojisi gibi bir şey talep ederek, onları tekrar hükümete kazandırmak vardı ama en acılı ölüm türlerinden birisi ile öldüler ... yanarak can verdiler ... Ohara halkı acılar içinde yandı ...
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