Bizimkilerin balonunu patlatacaklar galiba.
Bizimkilerin balonunu patlatacaklar galiba.
Geçen hafta yok diye konuşuluyorduBu hafta bölüm var mı ?
Altın Hafta var. VIZ çevirisinde sonraki bölüm için 10 Mayıs demişler.Bu hafta bölüm var mı ?
Şimdilik sızıntı var sadece.Spoilerın spoilerını alıyoruz arkadaş bu nedir?
WGde eleman böyle çevirmiş King panelini
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We were supposed to get an early chapter NEXT week due to goldenweek ,but this website posted some spoilers today and the scans look legit
A few points mentioned in the website about the chapter-
- Kanjuro is said to have never been to Onigashima
-In this chapter, Kaido's son is revealed
The rest of the points are very rough translations done using google translate so take them as you will-
- When you bring the son of Kaido,you are the given the right to challenge Tobi Roppo to challenge the big billboard with a nomination system
- It is said that King convened the Tobi Roppo by borrowing the name of Kaido
-King - " There are some who will not even come even if I summon it. Who's who, Sasaki because your ex-pirate captain is aiming for our signboard"
Again, these are rough translations from the website itself and I'll update them with better ones soon as someone translates the panels properly.
Emin olamadım ama buyurun.
Bu site geçen hafta ilk spoilerları veren site idi. Geçen haftadan bu hafta spoilerlar salı günü ara bittikten sonra ise çarşamba günü bölüm geleceği ilgili bir söylenti görmüştüm. Doğru çıkacak herhalde.
Bu linkin içeriğini direkt kopyalıyorum
We were supposed to get an early chapter NEXT week due to goldenweek ,but this website posted some spoilers today and the scans look legit
A few points mentioned in the website about the chapter-
- Kanjuro is said to have never been to Onigashima
-In this chapter, Kaido's son is revealed
The rest of the points are very rough translations done using google translate so take them as you will-
- When you bring the son of Kaido,you are the given the right to challenge Tobi Roppo to challenge the big billboard with a nomination system
- It is said that King convened the Tobi Roppo by borrowing the name of Kaido
-King - " There are some who will not even come even if I summon it. Who's who, Sasaki because your ex-pirate captain is aiming for our signboard"
Again, these are rough translations from the website itself and I'll update them with better ones soon as someone translates the panels properly.
Emin olamadım ama buyurun.
Demekki uçan altılı king abimizi pek takmıyor. Bu yüzden kaidonun adını kullanarak çağırmış kendilerini. Sanırım Kaido ordusu Bigmom ordusu kadar dayanamadan kendi içinde pek çok ihanet görecek.
Bu linkin içeriğini direkt kopyalıyorum
We were supposed to get an early chapter NEXT week due to goldenweek ,but this website posted some spoilers today and the scans look legit
A few points mentioned in the website about the chapter-
- Kanjuro is said to have never been to Onigashima
-In this chapter, Kaido's son is revealed
The rest of the points are very rough translations done using google translate so take them as you will-
- When you bring the son of Kaido,you are the given the right to challenge Tobi Roppo to challenge the big billboard with a nomination system
- It is said that King convened the Tobi Roppo by borrowing the name of Kaido
-King - " There are some who will not even come even if I summon it. Who's who, Sasaki because your ex-pirate captain is aiming for our signboard"
Again, these are rough translations from the website itself and I'll update them with better ones soon as someone translates the panels properly.
Emin olamadım ama buyurun.