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One Piece Chapter 992 Spoilers thanks to Korean Leaks and Himiko

- Chapter Title "Remnants of A Party"
- The nine scabbards fight against Kaido
- Kaido uses lightning technique
- Kiku use a snow-based attack
- Izo shoots / using gun, not sure about hitting Kaido
- Yamato chasing Momonosuke
- King and Queen isn't in the chapter
- Black Maria appear in the chapter
- There is no break next week
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+ additional comments by 106.101
  • Q: 토비롯포 나머지 능력은 언제 나와...
  • A: 블랙마리아 말고 일절 안 나온다고 함.
  • Q: 블랙마리아 능력?
  • A : ㄴㄴ 토비롯포가 블랙마리아 말곤 얼굴 비추는 애가 없다고 함.
Q: When does the DF power of other F6 is shown...
A: nothing is shown except for Black Maria
Q: Black Maria's power?
A: no no, only Black Maria's face is shown (sounds like her power is not shown yet?)

  • Q: 야마토안나오나요??
  • A: 쏘스한테 물어보니까 나오는데 모모 쫓는 딱 한 컷이라 함..

Q: Yamato isn't shown?
A: I asked the source and it said only one time, chasing Momo

  • Q : 킹이나 퀸은 안나오는거야?
  • A: ㅇㅇ 안 나옵니다
Q: Aren't King and Queen shown?
A: yes, they dont appear
Translation of new korean leaker spoilers, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

- Perospero and Marco are in a meeting with Big Mom, but the negotiations are broken because Big Mom doesn't want to break her alliance with Kaidou.
- Carrot is looking for Perospero to revenge Pedro.
- Yamato is chasing Momonosuke, Shinobu is carrying him and running away.
- Black Maria is singing in the banquet hall inside the castle.
- Raizou absorbs the Boro Breath with a ninja scroll and return the attack to Kaidou.
- At the end of the chapter Ashura, Denjiro, Kinemon and Inuarashi attack together (I'm not sure of that part).

Üye silindi 5781

-Perospero ve Marco Big Mom'la bir görüşme yapıyormuş , ama görüşmeden bir sonuç çıkmamış çünkü Big Mom Kaido ile olan ittifağını bozmak istemiyormuş.
-Carrot , Pedro'nun intikamı için Perospero'yu arıyormuş.
-Yamato Momonosuke'yi kovalıyormuş , Shinobu Momo'yu taşıyarak koşuyormuş.
-Black Maria ablamız kalenin içindeki ziyafet salonunda şarkı söylüyormuş.
-Raizou PARŞÖMENLE Kaido'nun Boro Breath saldırısını absorbe ediyormuş VE BU SALDIRIYI KAİDO'YA GERİ YOLLUYORMUŞ
-Bölümün sonunda Ashura , Denjiro , Kinemon ve inuarashi hep birlikte saldırıyormuş (Bundan emin değilmiş çevirmeyi yapan kişi.)
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 992: "Remnants".

In the Color Spread, the Straw Hat Pirates are eating on the sea train. Kumamon (Kumamoto Prefecture's mascot) is sitting in the back with Jinbe.

Chapter starts with Big Mom, Perospero and Marco meeting and talking (they are talknig friendly, like old friends). It turns out Marco and Perospero temporarily joined hands to fight against Kaidou, but Big Mom tells Perospero that her decision to join hand with Kaidou is final.

Perospero: "But we want to see you become the Pirate King!"

Big Mom: "I know that. Do you not trust me?"

After their conversation, Perospero decides to agree with Big Mom decision. Marco accepts that their temporary alliance ends there. Big Mom asks Marco why would a man at his calibre lend his hand to those kids.

Big Mom: "Why has the remnants of Shirohige became so lost?"

Marco: "We are not bound by Shirohige's words. We are free to act however we want."

Big Mom: "I see. "Dead man has nothing to say". Do as you want then.

Carrot sees Perospero and runs toward him to avenge Pedro.

Luffy still running toward the castle, the samurai tell him to go ahead. Shinobu and Momonosuke are still running away from Yamato.

Black Maria is waiting at the upper floor of the castle, she's playing a song for her subordinates. The song is about two people who want to meet each other so much and finally meeting under moonlight in a snowy night.

Cut to the top of Onigashima's dome. Kaidou roars and his roar becomes thunders, that comes out from his mouth. The Red Scabbards avoid the thunders and then attack Kaidou together.

Nekomamushi uses his electric claw to smash Kaidou right in the face. Kawamatsu uses "Amanogawa" to attack Kaidou's neck making him bleed. Kaidou slaps Kawamatsu away.

Inuarashi then attacks Kaidou, he pierces his leg-sword into Kaidou's body along with an electric shock. Kiku and Izou attack together in a combination attack. Kiku uses "Zansetsu Gama" (Lingering Snow Scythe) and Izou uses "Dangirigan" (Cutting Bullets).

Kaidou gets really annoyed, he wonders why they manage to damage him despite having power incomparable to Oden. Kaidou uses "Boro Breath" again, but Raizo uses a ninja scroll to absorb the breath, then he wraps itself around Kaidou and return the attack with "Makimaki no Jutsu".

A little flashback starts, we see the Red Scabbards training during the time after Oden returned from his adventure. Oden wanted to teach them his two-sword style but none of them accept it, saying they have their own fighting styles already.

Toki said Oden that they actually fought behind his back for the title of Oden's number 1 disciple. Oden tried to teach them about Ryūō too, but none of the Red Scabbards listen to him.

Back to the present. Kinemon, Denjiro, Inuarashi and Ashura pull out 2 swords and do the "Oden Nitoryuu" pose. Then they all attack Kaidou together using "Togen Totsuka", strking Kaidou at exactly the same spot Oden did in the past.

Kaidou's wound start to bleed and his eyes turn white...

End of chapter. No break next week.
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 992: "Remnants".

In the Color Spread, the Straw Hat Pirates are eating on the sea train. Kumamon (Kumamoto Prefecture's mascot) is sitting in the back with Jinbe.

Chapter starts with Big Mom, Perospero and Marco meeting and talking (they are talknig friendly, like old friends). It turns out Marco and Perospero temporarily joined hands to fight against Kaidou, but Big Mom tells Perospero that her decision to join hand with Kaidou is final.

Perospero: "But we want to see you become the Pirate King!"

Big Mom: "I know that. Do you not trust me?"

After their conversation, Perospero decides to agree with Big Mom decision. Marco accepts that their temporary alliance ends there. Big Mom asks Marco why would a man at his calibre lend his hand to those kids.

Big Mom: "Why has the remnants of Shirohige became so lost?"

Marco: "We are not bound by Shirohige's words. We are free to act however we want."

Big Mom: "I see. "Dead man has nothing to say". Do as you want then.

Carrot sees Perospero and runs toward him to avenge Pedro.

Luffy still running toward the castle, the samurai tell him to go ahead. Shinobu and Momonosuke are still running away from Yamato.

Black Maria is waiting at the upper floor of the castle, she's playing a song for her subordinates. The song is about two people who want to meet each other so much and finally meeting under moonlight in a snowy night.

Cut to the top of Onigashima's dome. Kaidou roars and his roar becomes thunders, that comes out from his mouth. The Red Scabbards avoid the thunders and then attack Kaidou together.

Nekomamushi uses his electric claw to smash Kaidou right in the face. Kawamatsu uses "Amanogawa" to attack Kaidou's neck making him bleed. Kaidou slaps Kawamatsu away.

Kaidou gets really annoyed, he wonders why they manage to damage him despite having power incomparable to Oden. Kaidou uses "Boro Breath" again, but Raizo uses a ninja scroll to absorb the breath, then he wraps itself around Kaidou and return the attack with "Makimaki no Jutsu".

A little flashback starts, we see the Red Scabbards training during the time after Oden returned from his adventure. Oden wanted to teach them his two-sword style but none of them accept it, saying they have their own fighting styles already.

Toki said Oden that they actually fought behind his back for the title of Oden's number 1 disciple. Oden tried to teach them about Ryūō too, but none of the Red Scabbards listen to him.

Back to the present. Kinemon, Denjiro, Inuarashi and Ashura pull out 2 swords and do the "Oden Nitoryuu" pose. Then they all attack Kaidou together using "Togen Totsuka", strking Kaidou at exactly the same spot Oden did in the past.

Kaidou's wound start to bleed and his eyes turn white...

End of chapter. No break next week.
Bölümün ismi:Kalıntılar

Renkli Kapakta Hasır Şapka Korsanları deniz treninde yemek yiyormuş. Kumamon (Şu Maskot) arkada Jinbe ile birlikte oturuyormuş.

Bölüm Big Mom,Perospero ve Marco'nun konuşması ile başlar (40 yıllık arkadaşlarmış gibi konuşuyorlarmış). Marco ve Perospero geçici olarak Kaido'ya karşı beraber savaşmak istemişler. Fakat Big Mom Perospero'ya Kaido ile birleşme kararının kesin olduğunu söyler.

Konuşmaların ardından Perospero, Big Mom'ın kararını kabul eder. Marco Perospero ile olan geçici ittifakın burada bittiğini kabul eder. Big Mom Marco'ya kendi çapındaki adamın neden bu çocuklara yardım elini uzattığını sorar.

Carrot Perospero'yu görür ve Pedro'nun intikamını almak için ona doğru koşar.

Luffy hala kaleye doğru koşmaktadır. Bir samuray ona doğru ilerlemesini söyler. Shinobu ve Momonosuke hala Yamato'dan kaçmaktadır.

Black Maria kalenin üst katında bekliyormuş ve astları için bir şarkı çalıyormuş. Bu şarkı birbirleriyle bu kadar çok kavuşmak isteyen ve nihayet karlı bir gecede ay ışığı altında buluşabilen iki kişiyi konu alıyormuş.

Bölüm buradan sonra çatı sahnesine geçiyor. Kaido kükremeye başlar ve bu saldırı gök gürültüsüne dönüşür. Kızıl Kınlar bu saldırıdan kaçınmış ve ardından hep birlikte Kaido'ya saldırmışlar.

Nekomamushi, Kaidou'nun tam suratına vurmak için elektrikli pençesini kullanır. Kawamatsu Kaido'ya karşı "Amanogawa" saldırısını kullanmış ve boynunu kanatmış. Sonrasında Kaido Kawamatsu'yu uzaklaştırmış.

Kaido oldukça sinirlenmeye başlamış. Oden ile kıyaslanamaz bir güce sahip olmalarına rağmen neden Dokuz Kınların kendisine zarar verdiğini merak eder. Kaido Tekrar "Boro Nefesini" kullanır ancak Raizo bu saldırıyı emmek için bir ninja parşömeni kullanır , ardından bu parşömen Kaido'nun etrafına sarılır ve "Makimaki no Jutsu" ile saldırıyı geri yansıtır.

Küçük bir Flashback araya giriyor. Oden macerasından döndükten sonra Dokuz Kınların eğitimini görüyoruz. Oden Kınlara "İki Kılıç Stilini" öğretmek istemiş ancak hepsi reddetmiş çünkü zaten hepsinin kendi dövüş tarzları varmış.

Toki Oden'e sen gittikten sonra herkesin Oden'in bir numaralı öğrencisi olmak için birbirileriyle savaştığını söyler. Oden bunlara "Ryou" öğretmek istemiş ancak hiçbiri onu dinlememiş.

Bundan sonra Flashback bitiyor ve tekrar savaş alanına dönüyoruz. Kinemon,Denjiro,Inuarashi ve Ashura iki kılıç çıkartmışlar ve Oden'in "Çift Kılıç" pozunu vermişler. Sonra hepsi Oden'in Kaido'ya karşı kullandığı saldırıyı kullanır ve Oden'in bıraktığı yaraya saldırır.

Kaido'nun yarası kanamaya başlar ve gözleri beyaza döner.

Bölüm burada bitiyor. Haftaya ara yok.
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