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Korsanfan.Com - One Piece Türkiye
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The townsfolk that scattered and fled indoors where gazing upon a massive dragon in the skies of the capital that were gradually getting cloudier.

The man that even with an unprecedented upbringing, became the daimyou of Kuri, rushed out into the ocean/seas and stood shoulder to shoulder with the most prominent pirates, became several times stronger and returned back home.

In a capital persecuted by powers of evil, he became/was herald a sort of messiah for the people. (Can't see this bit clearly but it's prolly something like this)

Hyou: Man that Orochi dude is way to damn persistent. Like hell I'd go under his wing.
Oden: I feel you, but try not to do anything reckless Hyou-san.
Hyou's wife: Oden, you've gotten pretty good at dancing haven't you? ^^
Oden: Please don't patronize me aunty.

3 years had gone by.
Townsfolk: The stupid lord has come again this week as well.
Oden: *Sneeze* *singing* "The snow will answer"

4 years had gone by and Wano country hadn't changed one bit.
Townsfolk: So irritating!

The biggest riot in the life of Kozuki Oden that the whole of wano wept for!!!

9 men who got picked up by Oden and became samurai, all lined up together

It was around evening time, and the crimson red sun illuminated these men who were riled up for battle in a red hue akin to flames. Even the swords fastened around their waists reflected vigorous life.

These men were called the 9 Red Scabbards.

The foe was Kaidou. Without paying mind to anyone else, even knowing they were embarking on a treacherous path, it was of no importance to them. The destination they would arrive at was Kouzuki Oden's public execution.

Until that legendary 1 hour time frame that would be passed down for generations to come, I implore you to keep your eyes peeled/stay tuned without batting an eyelid.
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