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From Redon.
Very little summary.

- It seems Orochi jails Oden (thanks to the help of old Bari Bari no Mi user) and the old woman takes the place of Oden.
- 1 year after Oden's attack he discovered in a newspaper Orochi give to him, Roger's death.
- 1 year after that, Gecko Pirates and Beast Pirates fight. Moria steal Ryuma's body and Shusui.
- 3 years after that, Orochi kills Hyogoro's wife and their 16 children. Oden decide's he will stop Orochi and Kaido with his servants.

From Sandman

- Oden was laughing but crying at the same time when he knew Roger's execution through newspaper.

- Gotti gets defeated by Marine in the cover story.

No break next week
Son düzenleme:
chapter name: bakaden/ oden the fool? probably orochi and other made a fool of oden while oden was away

oden tried to cut orochi and the kurozumi clan barrier user semi maru used the barrier ability to repel the attack

orochi has been holding the shogun position in trust,how ever sukiyaki was fooled by mane mane user kurozumi higurashi

people were holding to hope that oden would come back and kick out orochi and kaido and save them from their poisionus ways/arrows?

orochi used a imposter and made "oden" dance infront of people semi naked,so people lost faith and hope in oden in time

however oden and his retainers hold hope until last moment that oden would come back and set everything right

after a year has passed since oden arrived,oden read on a news paper he got from orochi? that roger has been executed and the great pirate era has started oden was laughing and cry when he heard the news

another year after the start of great pirate era a war between geko pirates and beast pirates was fought on wano also it was the time sword saint ryumas grave pillaging incident ocuured how ever oden was still dancing? making a fool out of him despite the tragedy that befell wano yet his retainers and people was giving him benefit of the doubt? (this one I could not find a proper way to translate it in to english sorry frowning ))

five years has passed since oden returned? an incident occured which slaughtered hyogoro his wife and 16 of his retainers/subordinates also hyogoro was captured/imprisoned?

oden finally ran out of paitience and move to take revenge on kaido with his retainers the nine red scabbards? ( this one is hella confusing)
Bu da Den Den Mushiden
From Den_Den_Mushi

The user of the Bari Bari no Mi is Kurozumi Semimaru and the Mane Mane user is Kurozumi Higurashi

Oden demands that Orochi hand back the title of Shogun because he's merely a stand-in for Oden himself. However, Higurashi transforms into Sukiyaki and tells Oden that it's no use, the Daimyo already believe that Orochi is the shogun.

Oden finally reached the limits of his patience when, 5 years after he returned, Kaido/Orochi broke two promises to him. The first was to give him a ship, the second was to return Hyougoro. Instead, Kaido murdered his family, leading Oden to gather the Scabbards to try and take out Kaido.
Ben böyle değişken spo görmedim. Ne atsam farklı bir şey çıkıyor sanki.

Oden's Naked Dance: Reason for 5 Years
It was promised that if they danced every day for five years, they would release the ministry's family and the people working at the butterflies factory.

He was also promised to return to the generals.

So I was dancing for five years.
Breaking promises threatened to kill people, blinding everyone
- source worstgen
From Redon.
Very little summary.

- It seems Orochi jails Oden (thanks to the help of old Bari Bari no Mi user) and the old woman takes the place of Oden.
- 1 year after Oden's attack he discovered in a newspaper Orochi give to him, Roger's death.
- 1 year after that, Gecko Pirates and Beast Pirates fight. Moria steal Ryuma's body and Shusui.
- 3 years after that, Orochi kills Hyogoro's wife and their 16 children. Oden decide's he will stop Orochi and Kaido with his servants.

From Sandman

- Oden was laughing but crying at the same time when he knew Roger's execution through newspaper.

- Gotti gets defeated by Marine in the cover story.

No break next week
Elimden geldiğince çevireyim:

Görünüşe göre Orochi, Oden'i hapse atmış(Bariyer meyvesinin kullanıcısının yardımlarıyla) ve Mane Mane No Mi meyvesinin kullanıcısı olan yaşlı kadın da Oden'in yerine geçmiş.

-Saldırı olayından 1 yıl sonra Oden, Orochi'nin ona verdiği gazete sayesinde Roger'ın öldüğünü öğrenmiş.

-Saldırı olayından 2 yıl sonra Gecko Korsanları(Moriah) ile Canavar Korsanları savaşmış. Moriah, Ryuma'nın bedenini ve Ryuma'ya ait Hazan Suyu kılıcını çalmış.

-Saldırı olayından 5 yıl sonra Orochi, Hyogoro(Yakuza patronu)'nun karısını ve 16 çocuğunu öldürmüş. Oden, yardımcıları ile beraber Kaido ve Orochi'yi durdurmaya karar vermiş.

Oden gazeteden Roger'ın idamını öğrendiğinde hem ağlayıp hem de gülmüş.

Haftaya ara yokmuş.
chapter name: bakaden/ oden the fool? probably orochi and other made a fool of oden while oden was away

oden tried to cut orochi and the kurozumi clan barrier user semi maru used the barrier ability to repel the attack

orochi has been holding the shogun position in trust,how ever sukiyaki was fooled by mane mane user kurozumi higurashi

people were holding to hope that oden would come back and kick out orochi and kaido and save them from their poisionus ways/arrows?

orochi used a imposter and made "oden" dance infront of people semi naked,so people lost faith and hope in oden in time

however oden and his retainers hold hope until last moment that oden would come back and set everything right

after a year has passed since oden arrived,oden read on a news paper he got from orochi? that roger has been executed and the great pirate era has started oden was laughing and cry when he heard the news

another year after the start of great pirate era a war between geko pirates and beast pirates was fought on wano also it was the time sword saint ryumas grave pillaging incident ocuured how ever oden was still dancing? making a fool out of him despite the tragedy that befell wano yet his retainers and people was giving him benefit of the doubt? (this one I could not find a proper way to translate it in to english sorry frowning ))

five years has passed since oden returned? an incident occured which slaughtered hyogoro his wife and 16 of his retainers/subordinates also hyogoro was captured/imprisoned?

oden finally ran out of paitience and move to take revenge on kaido with his retainers the nine red scabbards? ( this one is hella confusing)

Oden, Orochi'yi kesmeye çalışmış ama bariyer meyvesinin kullanıcısı Kurozumi Semimaru bu atağı geri püskürtmüş.

(Oden uzaklardayken) Orochi shogun pozisyonunu güven içinde tutmuş. Kozuki Sukiyaki(Oden'in babası) de Mane Mane No Mi kullanıcısı Kurozumi Higurashi tarafından kandırılmış.

Wano halkı, Oden'in geri gelip Kaido ve Orochi'yi indirip halkı onların zulmünden kurtaracağına dair umutlarını sürdürüyormuş.

Orochi taklitçi kadını kullanarak sahte bir Oden oluşturmuş ve onu insanların önünde yarı çıplak olarak dans ettirmiş. Bu şekilde insanlar zamanla Oden'e dair inanç ve umutlarını yitirmişler.

Buna rağmen Oden'in hizmetkarları son ana kadar Oden'in geri gelip her şeyi düzelteceğine dair inançlarını devam ettirmişler.

Oden'in Wano'ya dönüşünden(ve de Orochi'ye saldırmasından) 1 yıl sonra Oden, Orochi'nin verdiği gazete sayesinde Roger'ın öldüğünü ve Büyük Korsan Çağı'nın başladığını öğrenmiş. Bunu öğrendiğinde aynı anda hem gülüp hem ağlıyormuş.

Oden'in Wano'ya dönüşünden 2 yıl ve de Büyük Korsan Çağı'nın başlamasından 1 yıl sonra Gecko Korsanları ile Canavar Korsanları Wano'da savaşmış, bu savaş zamanında Ryuma'nın kılıcı ve bedeni çalınmış, ama Oden hala çıplak olarak dans etmeye devam ediyormuş. Wano'da yaşanan bu kadar trajediye rağmen Oden'in bu şekilde eğlenmesi halkın ona olan inancına şüphe düşürmüş.

Oden'in Wano'ya dönüşünden 5 yıl sonra yakuza patronu Hyogoro'nun karısı ve 16 çocuğu/hizmetkarı katledilmiş.

Nihayet Oden'in sabrı tükenmiş ve 9 kın ile beraber Kaido'dan intikam almaya karar vermiş.
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